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2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot 2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot

07-10-2021 , 02:00 AM
Hero $700 2/5 live 9 handed

A4cc on btn

Utg folds, Utg+1 raise to $15, everybody calls

8 handed to the flop

Flop ($120) 443dd

Utg+1 bets $35, MP calls, HJ calls, hero raise to $235, HJ calls

Turn ($670) 8d
HJ checks, hero?

We have $450 behind
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 02:04 AM
I prob overcall flop. AP Ck tn.
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
I prob overcall flop. AP Ck tn.
Someone else told me the same thing about overcalling the flop but they haven't got back to me yet. Why do you think that?

I feel like flatting flop would be horrible. Don't we want to charge draws/deny equity or get money in from worse 4x at this point? If we flat the flop then when are we raising? Where are we going for value? Only on most non diamond runouts and if checked to us? At that point we lost value from flush draws that bricked or other draws.

Seems like a really good spot to hammer value when basically the entire table saw the flop. Flatting seems to give flush draws, straight draws, even gut shots okay odds with implied odds.
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 03:14 AM
I think Amanaplan is thinking about keeping your range open. However, I agree with the flop bet. However, not the size. You made an almost pot-sized raise, which polarizes your range to trips, or better. A smaller raise to about $135 keeps your range open to overpairs, flush draws, as well as trips, full houses.

As to the turn, I agree with checking behind, mostly for pot control and to prevent getting check/raised and forcing you to fold. Unfortunately, that also mostly eliminates flushes from your range. So, I would be open to arguments that you should make some kind of turn bet.
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by JayKon
I think Amanaplan is thinking about keeping your range open. However, I agree with the flop bet. However, not the size. You made an almost pot-sized raise, which polarizes your range to trips, or better. A smaller raise to about $135 keeps your range open to overpairs, flush draws, as well as trips, full houses.

As to the turn, I agree with checking behind, mostly for pot control and to prevent getting check/raised and forcing you to fold. Unfortunately, that also mostly eliminates flushes from your range. So, I would be open to arguments that you should make some kind of turn bet.
With only $450 behind and the pot being $670 can we really bet something like $200 then fold to a shove? We would have to call $250 when the pot is $1320?

If I check back then the river is a non diamond do I just fold to a shove?
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 03:30 AM
Well, that's another reason to raise smaller on the flop, or as Amanaplan said, check.

Also, you didn't provide any Villain reads, or how the game had been playing. Sometimes you react to the exact same play, but from different player types completely differently.
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
07-10-2021 , 07:51 AM
X turn as played. Opponent flat OTF cbet weighs his range more towards 33/65s/A2s rather than 4X, imho.

I'd raise the flop, but smaller.
2/5 Flop trips ace kicker in an 8 handed pot Quote
