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2/5 Does Being Multiway Trump Board Texture With Respect to Bet Sizing? 2/5 Does Being Multiway Trump Board Texture With Respect to Bet Sizing?
View Poll Results: What would you have done on the flop?
Bet ~$60
35 76.09%
Bet ~$30
9 19.57%
2 4.35%

09-22-2019 , 08:52 PM
So wait, how much are we betting on the flop w AK again? Or was it check?
2/5 Does Being Multiway Trump Board Texture With Respect to Bet Sizing? Quote
09-23-2019 , 09:58 AM
oh good, someone else finally said check
2/5 Does Being Multiway Trump Board Texture With Respect to Bet Sizing? Quote
09-23-2019 , 10:42 AM
+1 for the checking, here.

The discussion ITT was very interesting, but we got to this big worm hole talking about things that can’t be proven on hypotetical scenarios.
What I really appreciate, once that is thanks to this kinda of worm holes that Poker is still unsolved and there is so much margin to making mistakes and learning.

But I check.
2/5 Does Being Multiway Trump Board Texture With Respect to Bet Sizing? Quote
