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2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board 2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board

02-01-2020 , 04:35 PM
2/5, 9 handed, $600 effective. SB is new to the table, but has done some limp-calling in the few hands that I have seen. BTN seems like the stereotypical LLSNL loose passive player.


Hero opens LJ A T $20, BTN calls, SB calls.

Flop ($65): T 9 8. SB checks, hero bets $40, BTN calls, and SB x-r to $180. Hero? Do we call or 3 bet? Vs good players 3 ways, I'm assuming this board is an easy x-c. However, are we making a mistake in c betting vs presumably two weak villains?
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-01-2020 , 06:55 PM
Check flop multi-way against two capped ranges I think. HU it’s probably a cbet.

If you call, the pot is 460 to the turn with 420 or so behind. So it’s hard to see a scenario where you can see the river without commitment if you don’t bink the turn.

The situation is further complicated by the BTN who gets 7-2 to call if Hero calls the x/r. Perhaps he’s drawing dead with a weaker FD. But it’s possible we need his FE to continue profitably.

My guess is that folding >jamming > calling. But it’s a fascinating spot so thanks for sharing it. It could be argued that the mistaken cbet has allowed him to blow us off our draw.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-01-2020 , 07:06 PM
I would like a check on the flop because it just smashes the other two players ranges so much harder than ours. Hands I would bet would be the oesfd and sets. We have a lot of equity and can get blasted off it easily so check.

We're getting 2.2 to 1 on a call against a range where our A and T outs are rarely good and we only get one card for the money. He has sets, T9s, JTs, maybe T8s, QJs and maybe QJo. If he has been playing wide and QJo is in his range I think this is an easier fold.

Bummer to get blown off so much equity, but that's why we check on boards that are wet af and favor our opponents' so much.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-01-2020 , 10:17 PM
Checking flop here with good showdown value and a hand that stands to benefit from seeing a turn and river.

As played getting it in cant be horrible, we might have some fold equity and worst case scenario we have 29% equity against a set. I say this because if we call flop, and villain jams turn we are basically forced to fold which would be a disaster imo.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 01:10 AM
+1 flop check

You’ve got plenty of flop bets. This is pretty much the nut check hand.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 03:24 AM
^i'm actually checking my whole range in this spot. X/raising straights/sets/NFD's and x/calling 2 pairs/JT+ and moderate draws.

AP, we should ask ourselves how often either opponent has a worse draw. If the answer is never, its a clear fold. If they show up with worse sometimes, we probably need to call at least once, since there are some implied odds. If we do end up HU, we probably need to be bluffing on some of his turn checks as well, on cards like a 7, J or Q.
Either way it's a pretty ugly spot.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 04:21 AM
There is absolutely no reason to check a straight on this board with only BTN to act behind.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 05:23 AM
Check flop multi-way against two capped ranges I think.

I don't understand this. Opponents ranges are capped in the sense that they are missing a good chunk of overpairs, but in all other ways, they hit everything in this board. Sets, two pairs, straights, all kinds of draws. If anything hero hits the board a little less than villains because he lacks hands like 7Ts and the like.

Why do we call their ranges capped?
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
I don't understand this. Opponents ranges are capped in the sense that they are missing a good chunk of overpairs, but in all other ways, they hit everything in this board. Sets, two pairs, straights, all kinds of draws. If anything hero hits the board a little less than villains because he lacks hands like 7Ts and the like.

Why do we call their ranges capped?
Yes I agree with you completely. Capped preflop ranges for me imply that Vs have all the stuff you fear they have and we are skewed to overpairs and overcards. I’m sorry my comment was ambiguous and thanks for clarifying.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 01:38 PM
Yeah, I totally get x'ing flop. I got too optimistic, and too into the thought of LLSNL being huge calling stations, but even with that in mind, I agree that we should be checking. Even HU this has gotta be a check.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Yeah, I totally get x'ing flop. I got too optimistic, and too into the thought of LLSNL being huge calling stations, but even with that in mind, I agree that we should be checking. Even HU this has gotta be a check.
I think a big leak I recently plugged was being too aggressive out of position on wet middling boards. A loose rec's range just loves those boards so much more than your TAG range and position is much more important on these dynamic boards. Cards on following streets can change the equities so much and we have to act first letting our opponent know how we feel about that card.

We can often apply aggression to get the better our of our opponents be it value betting or bluffing them. Being out of position on these boards is just the worst spot to do it.

This is a spot, however, where you exploit your opponents by letting their passivity give you more cards cheaply.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
02-02-2020 , 05:28 PM
Fold to the flop raise. AT is obviously dead, and we aren't getting the odds to draw to our flush.
2/5 ATs Top Pair + NFD Facing X-R on a Wet Board Quote
