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2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway 2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway

03-05-2012 , 02:42 PM
Typically I'm viewed as tight aggressive numerous people have commented on my being tight. Currently though my image is that of a spewtard.

I donked $200 into a 3way pot on the turn, repping trips or a flush draw and folded when raised all-in by a good TAG after the fish folded. I also three barreled into the same guy and folded to his raise on the river. A few other hands recently I raised pre with good hands in position, C-bet and gave up when called or raised. Unfortunately I have been going through a stretch where I'm getting good hands pre-flop but missing everything and not taking anything down with C bets.

I have $700 and cover in the small blind with AJ.

Straddle is on, one fold, Villain calls, 2 other callers.

I raise to $80, BB and Straddle fold, Villain makes it $210 straight with about $300 behind, folds to me.

Villain is a regular tight passive but not a complete fish. He appears to be stuck today and is moaning that he can't hit a hand. He has lost a number of pots today when people have drawn out on him but none of them have been large pots.

If my image was clean, I would quickly fold because a limp re-raise is often really strong, here I'm not sure because villain could read me as spewing. OK maybe it is spewing stealing from the SB with AJ suited but he might think I'm doing it with worse as well.

What kind of range should I be putting Villain on and how much of it will he fold if I shove?
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
03-05-2012 , 03:42 PM
UTG l/rr by a passive player is always a bi pair... Never seen some1 flip over less then jj even vs the laggy players (agressive players have done this with low pps but not passive players). Hes polarized but I doubt he folds more than 10%
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
03-05-2012 , 04:08 PM
I like your play; but i think its an easy fold.

What can you beat? I dont think he's putting in almost half his stack with air. and do you really want to race off 500 against a pair?
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
03-05-2012 , 04:12 PM
IME, players are significantly more likely to attempt l/r in a straddle pot since other's are so prone to attacking the straddle limps.

I suspect you're flipping at best and crushed at worst. The raise was a good idea, but now, you fold. Unless you want to do flips, in which case proceed.
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
03-05-2012 , 04:28 PM
I actually don't like your raise with AJ here simply because you have an image of a spewtard. If you had a tight image this would be a great spot to raise and take down the pot or get 1 caller and c-bet a flop repping AA/KK/QQ. However, with the image of a spewtard others aren't going to respect your raise and you are now playing a big pot out of position with marginal holdings or you have what happens here which is that it's very difficult to put your opponent on a hand.

This player is repping QQ+ but in this spot could have AK/AQ or a pocket pair (88+). Given that you are often crushed, you should fold here. When you are spewing, it's the best time to tighten up your game. Rather than raising, I would just call preflop because you are certainly priced in to play and hope for a nice flop.
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
03-05-2012 , 04:34 PM
I think you are letting your frustration with your session cause you to potentially level yourself. I like your raise as you will dominate their l/c range, you will have a low SPR pot and when your image is bad you should bluff a lot less and bet thinner for value. I think now it's an easy fold. The whole point is you have no way to know if he would ever do this as a bluff, and if he doesn't then you are folding out nothing and are crushed by his calling range if you shove. If you had solid showdown info on him where you had seen him sometimes do this with big hands and sometimes as a bluff, that would be different.
2-5 AJs in SB My image is FOS but anyway Quote
