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2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. 2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways.

07-20-2023 , 09:02 PM
So this is a 2-5 game, but is playing like a 1-1. Most of the table randomly limping/calling wide, and occasionally raising to 9bb etc. Some buying in for 300 (min)

V2: Old white guy. Recently moved (just before H) from a 1-2 table H was at. Was very passive pre. and kind of a station post. Limped QQ UTG and then x/c flop HU and check turn and river on KJ878 (was good).

V3: 35ish white lady, is one of the few open raising but also calling limps. Has a laptop on a chair behind her, and is doing work.

V4: Old white guy calling station.

V5: Old white/asian calling station pre. ... but also did a bizarre bluff raise HU, where he shoved 2x pot with Td8d on KsJTs9s

H: Most recent person to sit down, here maybe two orbits and had a couple of hands already. Just thinking maybe he should be opening bigger vs. these fish...

On to the hand, I'll post most of it but feel free to comment on anything:

H (UTG 600ish): Opens AQ to 15
V1 (UTG+1 500+): Calls
V2 (UTG+2 400ish): Calls
V3 (UTG+3 1k+): Calls
V4 (UTG+5/HJ 300): Calls
V5 (BTN 350ish): Calls
V6 (BB whocares): Calls

V3 (white lady) says "HU it is then"

Pot: 7*15 = 105
Flop: AKJ
H: Mentally shrugs and checks
V1: check
V2: bets 35
V3: calls
V4: calls
V5: calls
H: Has no idea what to do. Like almost no 1-2 table he's played recently has been anything like this bad.
H: Can't find a check/fold and raising seems insane ... so calls.
V1: Folds

Pot: 7*15 + 5*35 = 280
Turn: AKJ 7
H: checks
V2: checks
V3: Bets 60
V4: folds
V5: folds
H: Didn't hit a BDFD but is lost enough he still can't find the fold. Only 3 good outs but maybe V3 has A*?
H: Calls
V2: Calls

V3 bet fairly quickly and V2 checked and called pretty quickly. After V2 overcalls H is pretty sure he's not got the best hand assuming probably KJ from V2.

Luckily the poker gods love the completely lost calling station...

Pot: 7*15 + 5*35 + 3*60 = 460
River: AKJ7 T

H is surprised the poker gods don't hate him but doesn't want to think for too long, so checks.
Pretty sure this was bad as at least V2 is probably more likely to call worse than bet worse ... maybe V3 bluffs at it with A9 or something so it wasn't terrible.
Also no idea how to balance checks/bets well here (although that's pointless with V2).
And if bet I guess we go big as robots? But going 80-120 it seems like V2 would just tilt call almost anything that got here.

Last edited by illiterat; 07-20-2023 at 09:08 PM.
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
07-20-2023 , 09:45 PM
I think you played it well through turn; it's also not inconceivable that you're ahead of her A6o that she thinks she's value betting.

At river, I'm torn between a jam that looks like fos, and bet small say 150, and hope she makes a crying call with 2p. I think I go small.
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
07-21-2023 , 12:25 AM
Donk river small imo
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
07-21-2023 , 12:35 AM
Sorry. Missed that we have nuts in my original reply.

Bet 1/3 pot.

When you bet large, you're likely only chopping when called.
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
07-21-2023 , 02:19 AM
PF/Flop/Turn seems well-played, given the opponent flop and turn sizings we can't be going anywhere. River I would lead for smaller sizing here - shouldn't be called if we use larger sizing unless we're chopping, it is live poker though
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
07-21-2023 , 11:41 AM
150 river, no one’s gonna bet that river for you
2-5 AcQc on AsKcJd ... 7 ways. Quote
