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2/5 AA gets check raised OTF 2/5 AA gets check raised OTF

08-05-2018 , 07:43 PM
UTG+1 Villain $1000 - 5/T reg but plays pretty aggressive, and runs massive bluffs at times. He can play pretty tricky but sometimes it is borderline spewy. He just sits down at the table

BTN - Hero - $850 - Ran it up to $1800 and have been card dead for about 10 dealers so have lost $950 over 5 hours as I haven't won a hand in about 5 hours. Sick game at times. I literally ran into the nuts almost every flop. It was getting to the point where some of the villains were starting to feel bad so they showed me there hand. I ran into flopped flushes, sets, and 2 pairs almost every time.

Game is really good obviously. Players are deep - friendly and are showing me there hands when I fold. (sometimes) Maybe like 20% of the time but they have told me that they are smashing the flop against me, and it's kinda funny.

Finally we get AA

Straddle is on and 1 limp.

Villain makes it $50
folds to me and I go $150
Villain says ok how much am I doubling you up - $850??? Ok I call.


I go $150
Villain goes $400

Feels like I lost but should I just fold and save the $550
It is his first hand but this guy isn't just gonna spaz out.

I would say his range is very set heavy. QQ+ he probably gets in pre
I have the Ac so flush draws are unlikely.
Looks like 77 or TT but not sure I can ever fold here.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 07:51 PM
I really like checking back this flop.

In a 3 bet pot this board definitely hits the callers range more than it does our 3 betting range.

We don’t really like spots like this. Especially since we have the Ac so he may have more value combos than semi bluffs.

I think the majority of the time I check it back and let him bet the turn as the majority of the time it’ll be an easy call on the turn
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 07:53 PM
AA in my opinion is better to check back than JJ-KK as there is less to worry about on the turn. Plus it makes or checking range a lot stronger which can be important in 2/5 at times
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 07:59 PM
All-in, not close. Don't check the flop.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
All-in, not close. Don't check the flop.

If he has a set, so be it, I'm going broke here. Against a spewy V this is never a fold though, even holding Ac.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:04 PM
Check flop.

Ap sick spot but spr 2.5 just gii. Dont fold
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
All-in, not close. Don't check the flop.
So by betting the flop we are in a tough spot like this because V knows that this board definitely doesn’t connect with hero.

Villain is somewhat spewy you don’t think we can check the flop and get him to Bet the turn at least at some frequency?
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Minatorr
Check flop.

Ap sick spot but spr 2.5 just gii. Dont fold
Ya I agree I’m never folding here. I think we have an easier decision checking the flop because we can’t credibly rep much on this texture
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:16 PM
(1) We have a trivially easy decision now.
(2) We can rep QQ-AA, which make up a huge part of our preflop range for three betting an early position raise.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:18 PM
Those Polk type check backs with AcAx occur with much deeper stacks than this. We have SPR ~2 otf.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 08:21 PM
Ya I mean I agree that basically we are never folding at this stack depth anyways.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 10:27 PM
Weird spot. Could he be doing this with KQcc or QJcc? He didn't get great odds to call and set mine...does he really shove QQ pre? You say he is tricky.

I ran some simulations and it looks like you have 44% equity even if he does this with JJ.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by dimeetrees
Weird spot. Could he be doing this with KQcc or QJcc? He didn't get great odds to call and set mine...does he really shove QQ pre? You say he is tricky.

I ran some simulations and it looks like you have 44% equity even if he does this with JJ.
Why do you not include 9c8c in opponent's range?
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-05-2018 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by zippyroo
Why do you not include 9c8c in opponent's range?
I assume he doesnt call a 3bet with 98cc, maybe I'm wrong.

Here's the sim with 98cc

ProPokerTools Hold'em Simulation
15,840 trials (Exhaustive)
board: T76
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AcAd41.65% 6,526144
TT,77,66,JJ,9c8c58.35% 9,170144
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 12:40 AM
And how about the other three combos of 98s?
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 12:41 AM
Just one of those spots where vs a good player you're going broke with AA, never folding vs a competent villain, just get it in now on the flop.

Checking flop is not a bad play, makes your hand look like AK. V is not likely to fold much of anything on this board, you gonna just blast in a c bet with AK when you miss the flop in this spot? Sure it's low spr, just get it in fine, that's bad for your range though, if you ever 3 bet and check flops you're basically just flipping your hand over.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by dimeetrees
Weird spot. Could he be doing this with KQcc or QJcc? He didn't get great odds to call and set mine...does he really shove QQ pre? You say he is tricky.

I ran some simulations and it looks like you have 44% equity even if he does this with JJ.
Doing this with JJ would be straight up suicidal. I'd assume it's 88/99 more likely than JJ, at least that's what I'd prefer. The problem with ranging V in this way is that he might do it with JJ some of the time, but your %'s assume that he's doing it with JJ all of the time.

I assume some 109s and 98s are in this range as well, maybe even 87s.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 01:36 AM
Putting zero QQ-KK in his range is a mistake. He could also have nothing btw (e.g. JdQd). I've been raise/folded in this spot.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Calldown88
Just one of those spots where vs a good player you're going broke with AA, never folding vs a competent villain, just get it in now on the flop.

Checking flop is not a bad play, makes your hand look like AK. V is not likely to fold much of anything on this board, you gonna just blast in a c bet with AK when you miss the flop in this spot? Sure it's low spr, just get it in fine, that's bad for your range though, if you ever 3 bet and check flops you're basically just flipping your hand over.
Not really because you can check back JJ, QQ, which are better checks than this imo. You end up playing pretty +EV poker ott, because if the Ace or King falls, he probably won't be inclined to bluff into your hand which looks like AK.

Also if you happen to have made a pair with a 3b bluff, you're probably checking it back.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 04:22 AM
You can't fold, all in

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2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 01:54 PM
You have $550 left and the pot is $877, $250 to call? I just don't think u are deep enough to fold versus a random player. Board is way to draw heavy.

Don't let your last 5 hours of getting coolered affect this decision. All in for sure.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 02:13 PM
The original post is just a massive contradiction.

V can run massive bluffs and it appears spewy at times. Yet you don’t think he Is just gonna spaz here.

Which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 03:20 PM
Calling with the worst hand is a small mistake, but folding the best hand is a huge one.

2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by PoBoy321
Calling with the worst hand is a small mistake, but folding the best hand is a huge one.

Always preaching this around here, no one ever listens.
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
08-06-2018 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Calldown88
Always preaching this around here, no one ever listens.
Is it a "small" mistake in a spot like this because generally speaking vs his range we're not getting crushed? But we could be way ahead of range espec if he has a bunch of spew combos?
2/5 AA gets check raised OTF Quote
