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2/5 - 4bet sizing question 2/5 - 4bet sizing question

12-31-2015 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by flyingtriangle
Thanks for the responses, everyone. Here's the rest of the preflop action:

Hero 4bets to $250, Villain tanks and calls.

Flop ($530): J85
Villain ($440 behind) checks. What's our bet sizing now? Does it even matter?
bet sizing doesn`t really matter that much. Tanking and calling seems somewhat weird on his part.

What would you do with AK here? I like a check to represent AK. If I am betting it could be rather small like 120$ to induce spazz. If he has QQ or KK he won`t fold anyway, but a shove will kill any possibility of getting action from weaker holdings.
2/5 - 4bet sizing question Quote
