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2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw 2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw

08-26-2023 , 12:12 PM
2/5 with button straddle to $10. Button straddle is ultimate last preflop no matter what. Rake structure is time with $2 promotional raffle.

V1 - Plays frequently enough to be a reg, but his play level is more of recreational. Too loose pre, but not a very punty player. ~$2k stack.

V2 - Similar to V1. Loose pre with limp calls. I rarely if ever have seen him show a bluff or lose at showdown. Seems primarily to bet with value. ~2k stack

Hero image is probably TAG. Hero bought to match the big stack of about $4k.

Folds to hero in HJ who opens $30 with 4d4c. Folds to V2 in BB who calls. V1 3bets to $60 of his button straddle. V2 calls. Hero calls.

Flop $182: Ad9h4d checks to v2 who cbets to $125 V1 calls, hero calls.

Turn $557: (Ah9d4h)Td checks to v2 who bets $425. V1 tanks and pulls out potential calling chips, potentially raising chips, but folds. Pot will be $1,407 if I call, effective stack will be $1,390. Hero?

Analysis: V1's minclick preflop seems weak. I feel like he has sizing tells. I am pretty sure I have seen him bet JJ larger ("that's how you gotta play jacks!"). I tend to think he goes bigger with AK, JJ+, maybe AQ. So maybe AJ, AT, KQ, type hands? The other possibility could be that maybe he play AA like this and smaller pairs raise larger, but I would not have found that very likely. I would think if he were to 3bet a hand like TT, 99, he would use larger sizing as well in fear of overcards.

Flop play is consistent with an ace, flush draw /combo draw, or set. But sets seem less likely given the minclick. V2 could be any pair or draw. I elect to call. With my image as TAG, I worry that raising here just screams 2pair or better.

Turn play seems still consistent with an A, 2p, set from V, but again set seems unlikely given preflop. Not sure if relevant. Unless v2 was just hollywooding, it seems like he could have had a weak ace, smaller pair, or some draw. The cutting out potential raising chips kind of looks like draw maybe, but it could well have just been hollywooding. Only potential relevance here is if he had a weaker board pair, it is less likely v1 had a hand like aces up. KhQh, KhJh, QhJh, 8h7h seem like they would be calls though, as would AdXd which now has top pair and the nut flush draw. ThXh might also peal now that it hit a pair.

V1's range seems very narrow though. He could have AT for 2 pair, which would be awesome. He could have AJ, maybe AQ? He could also have AdXd. But what AdXd hands can he have with the minclick pre? Maybe he can also have A9 for two pair. Flush draws/combo draws also seem reasonable, but unless it's open ended with a flush draw I don't think I get called. Half the deck is a scare card on the river, so either his draw will get there or he will check back very often. But I am not sure how much of his check back range on river calls a jam on turn. I think AdXd and aces up will call a jam, but check back on dicey rivers where flushes/straights get there.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-26-2023 , 01:48 PM
I dont place too much into sizing of 3bs unless. I have seen the opponent blatantly take a different sizing than he has used before. Some size up with 99- jJ and ak. Some with. KK and AA. But hard to put a guy off a hand because you think he 3bs 99 larger without past examples of him telegraphing. But not sure it matters here. If he has AA or 99 you are stacking off. One of the small pitfalls of playing 44, but you disguised it.

In game go with your image. Since you are tight like you said when you jam. I think A k can comfortably fold out. So i like calling quickly and seeing what the river brings. Not sure how many flush draws he should have here so either you are way ahead or way behind after the turn. and i like half pot $700-$800 bet on the river if he checks should get called a good % if the draws miss. And A k probably calls a jam about half as oten so EVs on sizing above $700 i would expect all run pretty close in real world. And if front door comes in and he checks I probably throw out the $425 bet again. And if he folds you pick up a lot of valuable info for the future on not needing to bluff large amounts when draws hit.

I think flop was the place to raise if you were going to. But i like call, call
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-26-2023 , 03:33 PM
I guess question is if we jam our combo draws or pair + fd on the turn as semi bluffs. If we don’t then probably just call, if we do then i like jamming.

Kind of a weird spot this deep and oop, 1.5k deep this would be a easy rip, at 2k both options are open.

I personally would call and see a river.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-26-2023 , 03:50 PM
I like calling turn and block bet rivers where the FD or straights complete and go big on bricks
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-26-2023 , 04:15 PM
Seems like a somewhat standard jam. Don't really think it makes sense to continue to slowplay such a strong but vulnerable hand on this texture.

Also i like flatting flop.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-26-2023 , 07:50 PM
the way people play i think raise turn punishes strategy more overall but i can see assumptions where we do better by calling with our exact hand. i think id raise though and look to call with stronger hands with an ace in them (if we're trying to find calls with strong hands). him betting multiway twice makes me more inclined to raise to be honest, also like half the deck is going to make him potentially check back 2 pair

Last edited by submersible; 08-26-2023 at 07:56 PM.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-28-2023 , 07:52 PM

Hero shoves. Villain tanks for quite a while and folds black AJo face up.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-28-2023 , 07:57 PM
re the strategy comment earlier. he's supposed to be really tight about barreling here even headsup, let alone three handed, but i think most people just go bbx pure with most tpgk / tptk and draws instead of bxb or xbb because they dont face enough aggression and are uncomfortable playing w/o initiative

i think your hand is wp though
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-29-2023 , 03:37 AM
As played, I think this is one of those times you just have to call turn. Check river and hope empties clip with TP, 2p, or a bluff.

Obviously we lose sometimes, but we don't want to blow him off AQ, AJ, and possibly even AK.

I'd even prefer a call on turn and block bet on river that he likely has to call with any top pair.......much more than c/r turn.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
08-29-2023 , 03:39 AM
I think I c/r this flop a lot. Bottom set doesn't block anything that will/should call.
2/5/10 Bottom Set, double flush draw Quote
