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2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush 2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush

05-22-2022 , 03:15 PM
c'mon bra, the first rule of winning an argument on the internet is to assert dominance
2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush Quote
05-22-2022 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual

So you managed to both underepresent your hand and overplay it so you have to decide whether you leveled villain into overplaying his hand or he really has the nuts.
2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush Quote
05-22-2022 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by SetOfNines
I don't think talking about defending check back range with 8-high is relevant here. Range betting this board small is actually probably fine. Blinds call with a lot more than pairs and suited Ax. We have nut advantage , higher percent AK AQ AJ etc. I’m not gonna range bet this but I’m 100% trying to take it down with 8high + flush draw. Going to be more likely to protect checking range with less vulnerable pairs like QQ,KK, bet small for value with middling pairs 55-JJ and Ax, and try checking down K-high type hands, and of course bluffing more combos than just the nice candidate here.

* 9 high 2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush
2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush Quote
05-23-2022 , 07:31 PM
update is that I tank folded river, albeit I knew within about 10 seconds I was going to do so...just wanted to make sure and also, hated to fold it

I think I ,probably have to call with the K high flush against an unknown (particularly if the Qd isn't in my hand) but it's a fold for all flushes below that.

Looking back I think not c betting is a mistake. Yes, there's deception with a check back but we can win the pot a lot against hands that are ahead/have very good equity vs us and that's a win.

As played, I still don't mind the raise on the turn as there's a lot of value to be made against trip aces and particularly AxXc, but if I'm playing my best, I think I fold to the turn 3 bet, which isn't much more than a click back and is super strong. I really think Villain only does that with 66 and A10.
2/5/10.  89dd makes a flush Quote
