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2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? 2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here?

01-07-2012 , 05:18 AM
2-4 NL
Hero ($440)
UTG +1 ($35)
button ($155)
i have AK hearts UTG, i raise to 15
shortstack UTG+1 raises allin for 35
regular on the button calls the 35
i call the remaning 20
{i know i could have reraised to go headsup but regular is a passive good winning player and wouldn't have called the $35 unless he had a pocket pair 7s to 10s or any AJ AQ AK combo)

flop comes J-10-3 with 2 diamonds

regular goes allin for remaning $120

[this reg would have 3 bet pf if he had any pair 10's or higher]

1.) if I am certain that reg has AK diamonds or AQ diamonds or QK diamonds or even AJ is it positive EV to call the remaining 120? what if i think reg knows I have AK and missed and he is trying to get me to lay down here?
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 06:29 AM
ship it pre IMO
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 06:35 AM
Look, you need to always be thinking in terms of equity and dead money and chips stacks.

You make it 15, then there is an all in and a call

$15 + $35 + $35 means that the pot is $85 when it gets back to you.

Villain has $120 remaining and the pot is $85. Why would you want him to see this flop when you are ahead of his range?

It is incorrect for you to call in this spot. You need to isolate the $85 worth of dead money and ship it for V's remaining $155.

#1 you win if he calls as you are ahead
#2 you win if he folds as you've now isolated the dead money.

calling is absolutely incorrect given everyone's stacks AINEC.

Now, if you had QQ-AA then perhaps you can min-ish raise as we'd want to build a bigger pot and get as much as V's money into the pot as possible. But since we only have AK and equity wise we aren't monster like we would be with QQ-AA, we want to isolate...

So ship it pre, AINEC.

Or to put it another way, flatting in spots like this is passive bad play. Not trying to be snarky, just telling it like it is.
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 07:34 AM
i'd fold the flop if he flipped up Ad Kd.
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by captZEEbo
ship it pre IMO
^ T H l S ^
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 10:16 AM
Obvious 4-bet allin preflop AINEC.

As played, fold to the shove on the flop.

We're being given pot odds of 34.7%. Our equity against button's hand is probably something like 27% if he has e.g. AJ or AT so we're not getting the right price to call.

gainst something like 99 we have 38% equity but there's a good chance UTG+1 has a weak ace which would take away one of our outs making our equity more like 27%. Sometimes UTG+1 will also have something good like QQ which would obviously suck.
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 03:05 PM
I just wanted to comment on V's 3bet range.

Based on Hero's description, I would put V's 3bet range from the CO as:
JT-AK, 77-AA.

Which is why I have zero problem jamming it back with AQ as AQ is ahead of his raising range.

Its just been my experience that V's like Hero describe 3-bet fairly wide, and why not. A lot of times players fold to 3-bets at this level and when they don't fold, they fold flop to relatively small c-bets when they whiff. So their wide 3-betting range actually isn't all that bad if they are at the right passive tables.

Of course, if you think his 3-betting range is different, then that impacts how you see this hand.

But given that Hero was the original raiser from EP and he 4bet shoves, that's going to have a lot of fold equity and if V calls, I still don't think our hand is all that bad vs this type of V's range.
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by vegez
2-4 NL
Hero ($440)
UTG +1 ($35)
button ($155)
i have AK hearts UTG, i raise to 15
shortstack UTG+1 raises allin for 35
regular on the button calls the 35
i call the remaning 20
{i know i could have reraised to go headsup but regular is a passive good winning player and wouldn't have called the $35 unless he had a pocket pair 7s to 10s or any AJ AQ AK combo)

flop comes J-10-3 with 2 diamonds

regular goes allin for remaning $120

[this reg would have 3 bet pf if he had any pair 10's or higher]

1.) if I am certain that reg has AK diamonds or AQ diamonds or QK diamonds or even AJ is it positive EV to call the remaining 120? what if i think reg knows I have AK and missed and he is trying to get me to lay down here?
As others have said, shove pre.

As for your specific question - have you ever heard of PokerStove (serious question)? You can use it to answer your own question. It gives you 45% equity against a range of {AdKd, AdQd, KdQd, AdJd}. The pot is such that you need >35% equity to call, so yes, calling is profitable under the assumptions you've given. (Not saying those assumptions are correct, though).
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
I just wanted to comment on V's 3bet range.

Based on Hero's description, I would put V's 3bet range from the CO as:
JT-AK, 77-AA.

Which is why I have zero problem jamming it back with AQ as AQ is ahead of his raising range.

Its just been my experience that V's like Hero describe 3-bet fairly wide, and why not. A lot of times players fold to 3-bets at this level and when they don't fold, they fold flop to relatively small c-bets when they whiff. So their wide 3-betting range actually isn't all that bad if they are at the right passive tables.

Of course, if you think his 3-betting range is different, then that impacts how you see this hand.

But given that Hero was the original raiser from EP and he 4bet shoves, that's going to have a lot of fold equity and if V calls, I still don't think our hand is all that bad vs this type of V's range.
opps disregard, wrong thread
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 04:31 PM
Shove pre is low variance, for sure, but I might just 4b min and try to get button committed as well. AKs is a monster, should we be afraid of being committed against 2 villains with this hand?

Kinda hungover today, so if I'm thinking fuzzy, someone slap me back into place.
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
01-07-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by slipstream
As others have said, shove pre.

As for your specific question - have you ever heard of PokerStove (serious question)? You can use it to answer your own question. It gives you 45% equity against a range of {AdKd, AdQd, KdQd, AdJd}. The pot is such that you need >35% equity to call, so yes, calling is profitable under the assumptions you've given. (Not saying those assumptions are correct, though).
nope, never heard of pokerstove, will look into it
2-4, AK, hero misses flop but has 3 overs, is the price right to call villains allin bet here? Quote
