2/3 top 2 facing turn raise - HERO??
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 24
7 players
Hero raise AJo UTG $14
-UTG + 1, Button and S.B call.
4 to the flop
Flop aj8 rainbow.
Hero bet $32
UTG +1 : Fold
Button call
S.B fold
Only been at table 1 hour, but up to this point Button has been TAG and straightforward in multiway pots. Hero has ~$420 behind, Button has hero covered.
Turn is 7, bringing a flush draw.
Hero bets $70, Button quickly raises to $350,
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 114
folding is least -EV long term. can't see him doing this with anything less than your hand really.
Join Date: Dec 2007
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That's a really weird raise sizing. Like he desperately doesn't want a call, or like he thinks he can level you into paying him off because it's so weird.
He could have a set, but it seems unlikely. Maybe 78 or a chop, but would feel like 9T if the raise weren't so huge.
Gross. I think I puke/fold here. I weight the big bet a bit more than the "it doesn't make sense."
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Gross spot; WAWB. 2:1.
There's times he's bluffing and there's times you suck out. QT is now a double gutter.
The thing is, does he really do this with T9? I think his range is wide enough for a call; it's not a snap fold.
Last edited by BadlyBeaten; 10-04-2015 at 11:40 AM.
Join Date: Dec 2009
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This is very image dependent. Is the button capable of semibluffing deep? Does he think you can fold TPTK?
Most LLSNL players would not turn a big draw into a bluff in this spot. You are giving him pretty good odds on the turn, and the board texture smacks your range right in the face, making him scared you wont fold.
If he is bluffing then he must expect you to be able to lay down AK or AQ.
If he thinks you can lay that down then you have to check the turn since you're playing the hand OOP to a good player that is deep stacked.
In a vacuum he either has a set of 8's or a straight here. Most solid tags wouldn't overplay a worse two pair here and would probably just keep calling down. He may think you are capable of folding AK or AQ but does he have the balls to go all in with that read? I think most of the time you are beat here so I would fold.
Last edited by bodybuilder32; 10-04-2015 at 04:41 PM.
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2,300
QT flopped a double gutter. KT turned one. My bad.
Agree with bodybuilder that the PF raise and the ace high flop are the most important aspects of the hand. But I don't think we can give credit for a set every time we're raised on the turn.
Does he really do this if he has a str8 is my question. If he wants to be called down, it's easier for him to do over two streets. A true TAG wouldn't go aggy with the nuts, or at least the nuts isn't the big part of his range. He may be sitting there with A8 suited and realizing that he's better off bluffing here.
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I.e. is this guy really a TAG or just a nit?
Join Date: Jul 2006
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I would typically fold AJo/KQo in EP. However, here we're at a 7 handed table, so I could get behind opening them more even though being OOP still sucks. The one thing I don't like is that the Button is deep and seemingly competent, so I'd probably be more likely to continue with my default plan of folding in this case. Going 4way to the flop OOP to most of the opponents just sucks.
I'm ok with the flop, although if the opponents are really bad I probably bet bigger.
The turn brought the only draw in (T9). ETA: I missed the double gutter, but still. The opponent we are up against doesn't seem ******ed. Is he really going to call down 2 more big postflop streets possibly for stacks with a worse hand? Did he call our UTG raise preflop with A8 or J8, cuz those are the only two worse hands that are possibly going to do this. With this in mind, I would check the turn against this opponent.
As played, I would fold. Is he really just getting outta line picking up a backdoor flush draw having called the flop with a gutshot? Unlikely. And there really shouldn't be any worse two pairs in his range, and even then he might play those passively against us who is continuing to barrel a 3rd street.
ETA: And sure, the big bet is a little weird. However, it looks like we are seriously considering calling it; if we are seriously considering calling it, then him raising huge with the nuts is obviously the correct play.
Last edited by gobbledygeek; 10-05-2015 at 12:24 PM.