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2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock 2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock

04-15-2015 , 01:57 AM
Oceans 11 Casino, Calif
2/3 NLHE
Effective Stack Size $400

Fairly loose, profitable game. I'm like the fourth Persian at the table, and most Persians seem to be mediocre loosey goosey poker players..

Hero is on Button with 55

Four limps, including Villian UTG. SB Completes, BB Checks

Pot has about $15

FLOP: Q 5 3, rainbow

Checks to late position donk, who bets $15
Hero elects to just call with middle set

Surprisingly, the tightest player at the table, an old persian rock in EP, check raises to 100.. has about 3 white chips or $300 more behind..

Hero just calls the $100.. Turn is x (I think it was 7c), Villian immediately declares $300 AI, and he is shaking like a leaf..

Question: Do you ever consider folding here? Given the dynamics, this guy is the biggest rock at the table.. I do not think he would bet $300 on the turn with one pair.. So what does he have? And what % of time are you calling and % would you consider passing...?
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 02:29 AM
His range is QQ+, 33, occasionally an AQ spaz because fish gonna fish

I am calling 100%, 100% of the time

Obviously he had QQ so that sucks
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 02:38 AM
OTB I have a tendency to raise these hands against a bunch of limpers PF, because I think it helps us to disguise our set when we do hit and induce Vs to overplay some hands against us, plus a lot of people in my player pool will happily 3! with hands that I am ahead of, so I can get more value PF. Not sure if this is a good idea in other games though.

Is this guy capable of just limping QQ preflop? Maybe he is trying to get tricky with a big overpair and planned a limp/raise pre, or he got bored and decided to limp with some trash to maybe hit a dream flop.

I give V the following range OTF: QQ+, AQ, Q5, Q3, 53 maybe 64 or 42 and trying to realize fold equity on a really good flop for those last two hands, plus a bit of air he's making a move with out of boredom or attempting to exploit his image, if he's aware of it.

The turn card is IMO very important because if it is a 7 (or a 2) then there is a chance he's made his OESD, but I discount this because you don't remember it in the HH so it must not have completed V's draw, otherwise you'd remember because you called and lost against a straight

It is a sick spot because the guy's a rock and is representing a monster, but I can't rule out an overplayed AA/KK, maybe AQ, so I think there are enough combinations we're beating to call. BTW, what happened to the 'late-position donk'? I take it he folded? And the remaining Vs?

Also, would anyone consider re-raising OTF?

Regardless, I don't think I can lay this hand down. I call every time and expect to win most of the time.

Last edited by the_tubapol; 04-15-2015 at 03:02 AM. Reason: V could have 33 as well, forgot 'bout that. Still a call.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 02:51 AM
No raises pre flop and an oversized reraise on the flop makes me think he's more likely to have a set of 3's then a set of Q's. Keeping in mind you are ahead of every other hand he might have, I think it's an easy call.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:40 AM
I also just overlimp preflop.

I probably raise the donk bet unless donker is fairly shortstacked. We want to play for stacks and it might be difficult to do this without getting more money in on the flop. So even thought the board is dry, I just hope he can't fold Qx / is coolered.

I also just call the check/raiser. The board is bone dry and there really shouldn't be many (if any) scare cards to slow the action. We've underrepped our hand and don't want to enable Villain to be able to hero fold AA/KK or a big Qx.

I snap call the turn. Yes, it's a little sucky that the rock is getting in big chips. But the board is bone dry, does he really get that scared with top set here? If he's loose, this could be a weirdo two pair trying to protect his hand, or maybe an overplayed AA/KK. We're coolered once and a while, but never enough to consider folding, imo. ETA: I'm assuming a rock never plays 64 this way (check/raising the flop, shoving the turn with the nuts).

2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 07:43 PM
We can conclude, if our Villian was previously calm and now he is shaking like an alcoholic with advanced Parkinsons, the shaking is not an act and he has what he considers a monster.

The question is, although we can assume he thinks a set of threes is a monster, what else can he have that he thinks is a monster?

Would he limp UTG with "only" Q5s, and now think his top two constitutes a monster?

Would he limp QQ UTG (hoping for a raise, as well all have done at least once!) and when no raise comes, he despairs, only to bink top set?

More likely, only because there are two higher pair, would he limp AA or KK UTG with the same hope and now he thinks THAT is a monster?

AA, KK, QQ, 33.

And only QQ beats us.

Gotta confess I am calling here on that basis alone, we are good more often that not, if this is one of the "not" then that's poker.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:07 PM
Easy call.

It sucks that you ran into set-over-set.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by reliveinthepast
Question: Do you ever consider folding here?
Of course. You can always consider folding. Occasionally I meet someone tight enough that I can make big laydowns. Very very rarely though.

You didn't give one bit of history about what you've seen him do. So how is anyone over the internet supposed to discern what his betting means?

All we know is that he's the tightest person at some table we've never seen.

One thing for sure though is that if you're going to fold just fold to his check-raise. No use donating money and then folding.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:57 PM
Lol why is this a thread? His range isn't skewed to one hand(QQ). Nits do this all the time with AA or KK and go ape **** post flop.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 09:03 PM
Right, yeah. Range is basically 33, AA, KK, and QQ. Call all day long.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 10:17 PM
Call, ainec
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by wewa925
Lol why is this a thread? His range isn't skewed to one hand(QQ). Nits do this all the time with AA or KK and go ape **** post flop.
Originally Posted by sierradave
Right, yeah. Range is basically 33, AA, KK, and QQ. Call all day long.
This is the problem with threads like these. Nobody here has the foggiest idea what his range is and everyone is absolutely sure what his range is.

You were at the table, if you want to fold, then fold.

If you're beat, it doesn't matter how strong your hand is, you can still fold. The other day I correctly folded aces full of kings on the flop.

Nobody EVER recommends folding strong here.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by au4all
This is the problem with threads like these. Nobody here has the foggiest idea what his range is and everyone is absolutely sure what his range is.

You were at the table, if you want to fold, then fold.

If you're beat, it doesn't matter how strong your hand is, you can still fold. The other day I correctly folded aces full of kings on the flop.

Nobody EVER recommends folding strong here.
Please tell us the action on your hero fold.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:49 AM
If you regularly play with the same players all the time you're supposed to flop set over set approximately once a year against the same villain. This is a call all day,
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by au4all
The other day I correctly folded aces full of kings on the flop.
Did you have KK and it was AAA flop?
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 02:14 AM
Could just be shaking from being old.
Only QQ beats us
would snap call and would not be surprised to see AA KK then them complaining about they always lose with it
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 04:48 AM
Against a range of QQ and 33 we have exactly 50% equity, which makes it an easy call given that there is a non-zero amount of money in the pot.

Also, as winadil has alluded to, if V has QQ in his range, he almost certainly also has AA and KK in his range since he limped from EP. Rocks over-play over-pairs so often in limped pots that we pretty much always need to add a few combos of AA/KK to their ranges in this sort of spot.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 02:20 PM
You should probably GII OTF vs the nit. You lose some action on Q turns. He's not raise folding.
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
04-16-2015 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by au4all

If you're beat, it doesn't matter how strong your hand is, you can still fold. The other day I correctly folded aces full of kings on the flop.

Nobody EVER recommends folding strong here.
Really? No jackpot?
2/3 NLHE -- Flop Set Against Rock Quote
