Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 25
I’m back into poker after a little break. Used to play a lot about 4-5 years ago and was a consistent 5-6BB/100 winner at 1/2-1/3 and after reading a lot of recent threads I realize I was folding TPTK too often in this game and was definitely not value betting nearly enough on the turn and river with TP type hands and leaving value on the table. B/f was never really in my arsenal, I was always more comfortable in a x/c or c/c pot on turn and river.
I’ve took a deep dive into ranges and the equity side recently and hopped in a game to work on some stuff and see a few lives hands.
So basically I’ve got plenty of leaks, probably play too many hands preflop, definitely never value bet enough but am not new to the game.
2/3 game
Fairly standard, lots of limp calling raises to $12-$15, lot of heads up pots with $18-$20 pfr.
Hero $300 - been at the table an hour or so, snug, raised 2 hands with TT and AQ and either took down the blinds or c bet and got a few folds
Villain $2000 - reg white women. Splashing in about 60% of pots, raising most of them, c betting a high percentage and been playing a 16 hour session. Seen her hit a few big hands early to add to her massive stack. She cold 4 bet a short stack all in pre with AK. First hand I saw she limp called Q8ss pre, flopped gunshot straight flush check called flop, led turn, led rivered flush and lost to K high flush.
UTG limps
Villain limps
Hero raises AJo in HJ to $21
Folds to villain flats $21
Hero bets $30
Villain calls
Turn 7d two diamonds
Hero bets $60
Villain raises to $125
I’m wondering if this is ever a shove against this kind of opponent? Is this a spot where I’m losing value folding TPTK or if there enough out there that smashes her c/r range? Is this always a b/f?
Next hand
Villain -$400
Hero - $300
Villain is typical middle aged player that short buys, splashed in pots with any broadway, generally just gambles it up, when he had a $100-$150 stack seemed to over value top pair with hands like KQ, KJ, QJ, 3bet shoves TT+ pre and seems scared to play post flop. He did run his 3rd $100 buy in up to $400 the last 15hands with JJ>KK pre flop and limp called KJ>AK on a K high flop
Villain limps UTG+1
Hero raises AQhh in HJ to $18
Folds to villain - calls
Villain checks
Hero bets $25 (ive Cbet every pot I’ve raised in 2 hours, probably 5 or so boards)
Villain raises $60
Hero flat calls
Against this type of player I figured KQ, QJ, QT and maybe Q9/A8 are all in his check raise range trying to get me off my cbet along with 88 and 55, I opted to flat to keep worse Queens in the hand.
Turn 10 rainbow
Villain leads $75
Hero shoves
Is this ever a flat call and shove/call the river for value? Is this ever a fold?
Last edited by Admiral1010; 07-01-2018 at 05:59 PM.