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2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 2-3 KTs Flop Top 2

03-01-2023 , 05:08 PM
2-3, 100-500. Villain is unknown MA Arab Guy.

Hero on btn with KTss
Pre: co limps, hero iso 15, V in bb calls and limper calls

Flop (47) : KT2r
2 checks hero 30 just V calls

Turn (107) : 2c bdfd
Villain donks 85 hero calls

River (277) : Qc
V bets 200
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-01-2023 , 05:24 PM
V is saying he has a 2 (not super likely) or picked up combo draw on turn (AJcc, J9cc, JTcc?, any KXcc). Which card is a club on flop? Doubtful he ever bets this big with just 1 pair. Probably not turning QJ into a bluff. I would fold without any history and ask him to show a bluff. Not beating much.
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-01-2023 , 05:26 PM
The deuce was the club.
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-01-2023 , 05:32 PM
I thought the 2c created a BDFD on the turn? So what card on the flop was a club?
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-01-2023 , 05:54 PM
Sorry I was making one up since I don’t know. The ten.
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-01-2023 , 06:19 PM
Raise turn.

Since you called turn, call now.
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-02-2023 , 01:07 PM
Next time post stacks so we know if we're facing commitment decisions, imo.

Assuming large non-committed stacks behind, I'm cool with the whole hand to the river.

Ug, what a stoopid river. Dude is betting 2 full red stacks which is a decent bet in my 1/3 NL game. KQ just got there. AJcc just got there. 2x isn't impossible. QJ (an OESD who got frisky on the turn) typically just attempts to take their showdown value. Turn flush draws that bluff often are one-and-done bluffs by a huge percentage of the population (wait, did the flush draw just get there too?). Most people don't massively overplay AK and put in a huge river bet to risk getting re-raised for more. Even monsters like AA/KK/QQ/TT are never out of the question. My original reaction was going to be crying call on the river, but the more I think about it, against most this is probably a nitty fold until he proves he can bet this much on a big street with worse.

Now realizing the backdoor flush draw got there, I think I'm fairly happy with a fold. Without the backdoor flush draw getting there, I still think it may be a fold (unless we have reads that suggest otherwise).

2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
03-02-2023 , 01:10 PM
Starting stacks around 500. Yes the bdfd came in. Not my finest hand history.

This hand confused me as nothing makes sense but a backdoor flush. I don’t think KQ is taking this sizing and a gutter wouldn’t just randomly start bombing turn. Sure a deuce is possible but wouldn’t that often check raise?

I folded so no results. Agree with GG that at these stakes a river bomb is pretty nutted.
2-3 KTs Flop Top 2 Quote
