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2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? 2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here?

09-19-2016 , 11:58 PM
Decided to get back into the game and try it out more seriously, been playing poker for about 10 years now as a hobby, never posted here so please bear with me if I get the format wrong I'll just try and copy from another thread.

Reads: Villains are a brand new player with around $120, only seen him in one pot where he bet and collected on the flop, the other I've been playing with for a couple hours, in the first 10 minutes I doubled up from him with AsKs. He raised to 15 UTG+1, UTG+2 called 15, folds to me on the button I raise to 45, he calls, UTG+2 shoves for about 90, I call, he calls. I flop a K and take the pot down, he showed AJ, UTG+2 shows JJ. From then he's been playing pretty tight ABC poker and has recovered his stack and sits on around $450.

Hero is playing somewhat tight aggressive, maybe not too tight as the table isn't raising preflop much so I get to see flops for cheap. Recently hit kinda hard with a bad beat which took half my stack.

Hero is CO with KQ, action is limped to me and I raise to 15, folded to BB who calls and MP who calls

Flop: KKK - pot is around 50, checked around

Turn: J - BB checks, MP checks, I bet 20, BB raises to 40, MP calls

Hero? I have about 120 left, BB has about 70, MP has about 400
I know for certain MP has a J or better, not sure about BB...
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 12:07 AM
Welcome to the forum, OP.

Both players have shown a lot of strength, and anything that you do will also. You have a hard luck image with the bad beat history, and probably not enough money behid to make either player fold a J. I just go ahead and shove here.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 01:31 AM
No-one should be drawing, you close the action and if you call, pot is $170, you have $120 behind. I flat here and jam river. With any luck BB leads out OTR and makes it easy for us.

If we're deeper or OOP, I 3bet the turn. If we're a lot deeper, I bet flop.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 01:50 AM
just call.

river, everyone will check to you again. bet 50 and hopefully you can get paid off in two spots.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 03:45 AM
Flat turn.

SPR will be less than 1 on the river and you will have position.

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2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 08:06 AM
Depending your opponents you have a couple of options. Shove now, flat now and bet $70 on river if nobody bets, flat now and shove river. The difference between the options is probably pretty small. Unless he is spazzing somehow BB is committed no matter what you do. Flatting now and letting BB act first probably gives you the best chance of getting both BB and MP.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 09:04 AM

Shove the river.

lolololol at anyone else folding for $20 more
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 09:33 AM
Flat and jam river if checked to you or the bet is smaller than ai to call. Top back up to a full stack too asap, you miss out on too much value only playing 55bb effective.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 11:55 AM
You have unbreakable and super-unlikely nuts--- this is what you do in this spot:

Pre-Flop: You don't really have a great stack size to be doing this; it's at least sub-optimal. To be clear I like a raise with KQs in described spot more than not but it's not nearly as good as if you would have 80BB+ instead of 55BB. Raise over calling to be sure, and with all the limps not folding is correct.

Flop: It is extremely extremely arguable to c-bet or slow-play here, and here's why:
  • If C-betting it looks like you are betting with air unless you have OP, you will get action from PPs, high-cards and can induce bluffs; the counter to this is you rep OPs and will fold out people who believe such a rep; as well by C-betting you will get action from PPs when if Q or J hits maybe not so much on Turn.
  • By slow-playing you are risking action by scare-card on turn, yes, but the chief counter and reason you slowplay is because it allows other people to make hands. On top of that not betting is not repping OP but level-repping King. As well you will induce turn Bluffs. For record, typically betting against good players is probably correct in general, slow-playing against bad plays is probably correct in general.
  • Deep, in general good to bet; Short, in general good to slowplay.

On flop one of most important factors is Stack Sizes. Since effective is only 40BB left you are that much more inclined to slow-play with such a hand as this.

In all the lands that are holy and cursed, you absolutely without shred of uncertainty call once you've already bet the turn and checked the flop. Any deviation from that line is FLAT OUT NOT MAXIMIZING VALUE. The biggest reason is follows:
In LLSNL and dealing with sub-solid players initiating a 3rd bet, 2nd raise of aggression screams strength, especially on this board. You bet, 3bet turn? Really, you have at minimum a J, much more likely QQ+ or Kx; 100%. To boot you checked flop. You're strength is (psychologically) compacted, no fire and then all of a sudden BOOM, screams king or panic mode, since most other players are inclined to panic mode in the first place, as with average individual in life, they themselves will be inclined to think strength over panic mode of opponent ---> King. Which btw is why to the aggressor goes the spoils.
Other reasons:
  • Stack Sizes left, you have no need to build pot. You can get it in river if they don't.
  • You're IP, with a street left, you can get them to bet or you can bet.
  • If you need further clarity, you have the nuts, which are unbreakable and fairly hard to put you on as a matter of statistics, based on your description you will prob get MP money by raising turn, you will almost definitely by just calling turn; for BB you might get his money by raising Turn, you have better chance by just calling and betting/shoving river regardless.

There is almost no downside to calling the 2bet on Turn once you have bet, and only maximizing value upside.

I'm frankly shocked given this specific situation if anyone decent would advise otherwise. That or they just didn't really think about it.
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch

Shove the river.

lolololol at anyone else folding for $20 more

Yes, but you've spooked them on calling River Shove. /Bad play
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-20-2016 , 10:58 PM
Thanks for the input guys, I ended up just shoving turn mostly because I really didn't think MP would fold after seeing him put in $100 preflop with AJ and because I think I was a bit too excited and wasn't thinking straight. In hindsight yeah, I should've just called. After my shove BB folds and MP folds showing his J, BB claimed he had a J too...
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-21-2016 , 09:31 AM
yeah, I like min raising to $60 in a spot like this, leaves you $60 back for a tiny river bet. That is proboblly the way that will make the most money most of the time
2/3 - Flopped quads how to get the most value here? Quote
09-21-2016 , 04:26 PM
Depending on how many limpers and loose the table is, I'm probably opening a lot bigger to have a better chance at narrowing the field.

I think I'm either/or on the flop. Against the shortstack, this is a trivial check behind as we can easily play for his stack on later streets plus would love for him to hit something to do so. However, against the bigger stack, we'd really like to attempt to play for stacks and that will be hard to do by checking back the flop. With this in mind, I'd actually lean towards a 1/2 PSB.

By the turn, I'd probably be betting a lot more attempting to play for stacks, maybe even a PSB looking like a steal (while praying someone has a J). As played, my initial reaction was "easy flat" but that does risk a A/Q coming that will kill the action against a Jx. But a raise will obviously get the shortstack in, but at this point MP will probably reason that one of us has a K and perhaps manage a hero fold. I think I'd opt for a flat here and then shove the river when action is on me.

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