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2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me 2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me

02-13-2012 , 01:24 AM
Sitting on quite a passive table for 3 hours. Villain is a reg/use to be. Has been playing quite tight. He seems like a decent player.

Hero is dealt As10c in MP2. ($300 stack)
Utg folds, Utg+2 calls, MP 1 folds, 2 other calls and BB (villain) checks it.

Flop: Ah Ac 2c ($15)
Checked to me, Hero raises $10, folded back to villain, villain calls calls.

Turn: 5c ($35)
Villain checks, Hero raises $10, villain calls

River (Js) ($55)
Villain bets $57, I tank for a while and fold. I think A2/A5 can be in his range and also any flush beats me as well as 34 but if villain has the flush wouldn't he raise me for value or hand protection assuming he thinks I have an Ace? So a book is rather plausible.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:38 AM
A Book is def plausible. (You mean a boat, right?)

I think you should bet more on the turn.

As played I dont know what we should do on the river. You don't give enough information. He is "Good" but is tight. How tight he is doesn't matter in this hand. Is he aggressive or passive? Is he trappy? Does he overvalue big hands that have low relative strength? What is our image? Do we look like a super nit that folds under pressure?

We have to be good here 33% of the time. I think given my hunch on the missing information its probably a call.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:44 AM
Ahh. As played, I agree that it's close. I think I fold though... we beat A9 or less and lose to all better Aces (unlikely given PF action was limped), flush draws and 34. Also, this is a really popular line with a flush or boat for a lot of llsnl villains.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:46 AM
feels like a raggedy ace to me. I'm calling there and expect to be ahead enough to make the call profitable.

The mindset of the typical low stakes villain is that any ace is worth seeing a flop with and he now has trips.

You'd think a decent reg is re raising AK and AQ pre flop so take that from his range. Yes, he could have filled out his boat but he has A9,A8 etc enough for this to be a call
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:51 AM
raise pre, bigger flop, bigger turn, river is kinda tough...he's definatly got a lot of better hands in his range but u only have to be good 33% so i call.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
feels like a raggedy ace to me. I'm calling there and expect to be ahead enough to make the call profitable.

The mindset of the typical low stakes villain is that any ace is worth seeing a flop with and he now has trips.

You'd think a decent reg is re raising AK and AQ pre flop so take that from his range. Yes, he could have filled out his boat but he has A9,A8 etc enough for this to be a call
This is so close it is bugging me and given Venice's earlier post regarding ranges let's figure this out.

Can someone run it on pokerstove w/ V's range at Ax, 22, 55, JJ, all club hands, 34 and 10% bluff?

Aside: I just bought a mac. Is there a pokerstove version (or like software) for it?
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:55 AM
Could also run it taking out JJ, AK, AQ (given the PF action) and decreasing the bluff percentage...
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
A Book is def plausible. (You mean a boat, right?)

As played I dont know what we should do on the river. You don't give enough information. He is "Good" but is tight. How tight he is doesn't matter in this hand. Is he aggressive or passive? Is he trappy? Does he overvalue big hands that have low relative strength? What is our image? Do we look like a super nit that folds under pressure?
I play at the same room as Hero (but don't know him, as far as I know). To me, a good reg will raise the turn with a made flush or straight. Also, in these 2/3 games, a good reg will generally raise pre-flop with AQ, AK & JJ from the blinds in a limp pot. So, IMO you're beaten by 22, 55, A2, A5 and maybe AJ only, which, means it's a call, as you're getting 2:1. By the way, what's Villain's stack-size? This could help, along with any more information about the Villain that comes to mind.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 07:33 AM
Hey I'm a 2/3 reg at the crown and I'm not a huge fan of how you played the hand. Firstly I would never limp A,10 offsuit I'm either raising this or folding pre-flop. In early position I would probably even fold as it's a trouble hand, but seeing as in your in semi mid position I would of made this $18pre.

However you play this hand so weak, not a huge fan of the $10 turn bet at all. I thinks it's likely that your behind, a flush is definately in his range most like a full though. Fold is fine on the river I don't think a decent reg is going to risk that bet to win a small pot, he obviously put you on an weak ace and is trying to make it look like he's buying the pot.

In hindsight I would of checked the turn, to minimise the risk. Then either bet the river for value if it was checked to you/ if called his river bet which would of been a lot less than the $57.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by HamerHead69Baby
This is so close it is bugging me and given Venice's earlier post regarding ranges let's figure this out.

Can someone run it on pokerstove w/ V's range at Ax, 22, 55, JJ, all club hands, 34 and 10% bluff?

Aside: I just bought a mac. Is there a pokerstove version (or like software) for it?

Google search brought up this

Originally Posted by DrTJO
I play at the same room as Hero (but don't know him, as far as I know). To me, a good reg will raise the turn with a made flush or straight. Also, in these 2/3 games, a good reg will generally raise pre-flop with AQ, AK & JJ from the blinds in a limp pot. So, IMO you're beaten by 22, 55, A2, A5 and maybe AJ only, which, means it's a call, as you're getting 2:1. By the way, what's Villain's stack-size? This could help, along with any more information about the Villain that comes to mind.
I forgot to edit to add his stack size. His stack is around $160~$200.
Hands I've seen villain go to showdown:

Hand 1:
K108 flop (3 runners)
I think the pot was around 30~40. This Fish bets $25 into it, Villain reraises to $70, Fish all ins $170 and villain calls within 5 seconds. Fish shoes QcJs Open ender.

I can't remember too correctly but villain raised pre with 99s, flop was 3 way.
Q 8 x r board and calls a bet from the fish (Fish always tries to steal the pot from LP/Chases draws etc (from hand 1) and they check it down.

I'm not too sure what image I project to Villain.

I limped $3 with QJs UTG and called Mp3's shove ($29) into 2-3 limpers.

Called 65 in BB after UTG raised $15 with 2 callers and hit trips on flop (First to act) and got it in on turn against over pairs.

I had one other pot with villain where I was short stacked where I shoved $40 into a $50~60 with mid pair (3 runners) and lucked the river in mid position after he raised $12.

If I was villain I would probably call myself a luckbox + nit. I didn't steal much pots over 150 hands or so and limped/folded most of the time.

Originally Posted by Tas_Devil
In hindsight I would of checked the turn, to minimise the risk. Then either bet the river for value if it was checked to you/ if called his river bet which would of been a lot less than the $57.
Yeah, I asked my 2/5 reg friend about the hand and he agreed that I should of raised pre ($15?), bet bigger on turn. I think the check line would of been optimal.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:10 PM
OK... not sure if my range is completely correct, but here it goes:

~25% equity for hero when range = AdXx, all possible club hands, JJ, 55, 22

~29% equity for hero when V range = same as above less AKs, AQs, AJs, AKo, AQo, AJo, JJ

So essentially it comes down to how often you think the V is bluffing here. At best, it is break even to call.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:12 PM
OK... not sure if my range is completely correct, but here it goes:

~25% equity for hero when range = AdXx, all possible club hands, JJ, 55, 22

~29% equity for hero when V range = same as above less AKs, AQs, AJs, AKo, AQo, AJo, JJ

So essentially it comes down to how often you think the V is bluffing here. At best, it is break even to call.
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:15 PM
obv the more club hands you take out of the V's range, the more Hero's equity increases
2/3 Crown Casino. Tough spot for me Quote
