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Is 2+2 Your Edge When You Sit Down At LLSNL Is 2+2 Your Edge When You Sit Down At LLSNL

01-05-2011 , 12:35 AM
iv been playing for over 3 years...
01-05-2011 , 12:44 AM
thanx mattyspin.

For the record iv been playing for over 3 years... Not that it matters at all, a player can play his whole life and be a loser and still not learn the same amount a single great player learns in a week. The regs i come across have been pros for years but have failed to grow/adapt and it is not about being a winner its about being a learner.
Im glad you said NOBODY because not cliche or anything but once again you are wrong. Stu Ungar won the first tournament he played, no one who saw it attributed it to a hot run of cards like some darvin moon/jamie gold-like character, to this day people who played with him like doyle think he was the greatest player of all time.
01-05-2011 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by MarLoL Stanfield
Im glad you said NOBODY because not cliche or anything but once again you are wrong.

In 1980 Ungar entered the World Series of Poker (WSOP) looking for more high-stakes action. In an interview for the 1997 Main Event Final Table, Stu told ESPN TV commentator Gabe Kaplan that the 1980 WSOP was the first time he had ever played a Texas Hold'em tournament. (Stu's first tournament, however, was the 1980 SBOP where Kaplan won the title. Stu finished in 34th out of 41 players.

Amazingly ML it is you who are wrong. And it doesn't matter that it was his first tournament - the guy was around card games all his life, was an expert at calculating odds on the fly, and knew his way around a deck of cards well before that tournament.
01-05-2011 , 02:19 AM
enough with the history, noone gives a **** about stu ungar, hes DEAD, LOLOLOL

now go back to insulting each other
01-05-2011 , 10:45 AM
ok, you win, NOBODY CAN become a GOOD PLAYER in less than 6 months of playing poker

Thanks for the info about stu ungar but i knew that he was the best gin rummy player in the world before even starting to play poker, i saw an edge, i tried to take it.

Really, your post proves no point except to make a personal attack on me, like REALLY doesnt serve any purpose to the community except to try and discredit me, which i think the forum would like to see? Unfortunately there are only a handful of solid players around to give advice and i happen to know what im doing and try to help them (albeit in a condescending manner often) but im willing to praise that which deserves it and agree with sound logic.

You really have a problem with me dont you? I still challenge you to find a post where a make a poor strategic mistake, if you can explain to me why im wrong, with sound logic, im more than willing to learn!! I WANT TO LEARN!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

papagavin, come on man, i would back you up in a fight. *cough*youwouldneedit*cough*
01-05-2011 , 10:52 AM
what the f don't bring me into this you fish, i haven't told them about that time you spazzed out vs me with jack ten suited
01-05-2011 , 11:15 AM
LOL. Yes, ruin MY credibility with that hand where you stacked off deeper than 100bb with top pair in a single raised pot. LOL.

By the way guys heres a picture of papagavin:
01-05-2011 , 11:20 AM
what the f get that picture off here, i cant believe your mother showed you that!

what can i say? i read souls in my spare time and realised i absolutely crushed your range =D
01-05-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by MarLoL Stanfield
thanx mattyspin.

For the record iv been playing for over 3 years... Not that it matters at all, a player can play his whole life and be a loser and still not learn the same amount a single great player learns in a week. The regs i come across have been pros for years but have failed to grow/adapt and it is not about being a winner its about being a learner.
Im glad you said NOBODY because not cliche or anything but once again you are wrong. Stu Ungar won the first tournament he played, no one who saw it attributed it to a hot run of cards like some darvin moon/jamie gold-like character, to this day people who played with him like doyle think he was the greatest player of all time.
are you really comparing yourself to Stu Ungar?
i like you, Marlol, but really?
you may need a little ego intervention?
i think if you toned down the ego a little, it would not only make you more tolerable, it may improve your poker results?
01-05-2011 , 02:16 PM
Thats the affect the live playerpool has on competent players. Everyone is so bad that you start to believe ur a genius.
01-05-2011 , 02:27 PM
Dude, i guess i can see how you can infer that from my post, but it is not my intention not at all! As i said, iv been playing poker for over 3 years, im not the best player in the world, and im sure i still have leaks, but im trying really hard to give it my best shot and i put a lot of effort into it, iv been spending more and more time here posting and its definately good for my game and my mindset. As i told Venice, i come here to get my critical juices flowing before/during i play, teaching is the best way to learn they say, so its for my own benefit as well as hopefully people who listen.

Im just trying to say never say never. This JustinJude guy comes in with a vendetta and im just trying to defend myself from personal attacks that are not only unjustified but have little to no benefit to the community at all. I've repeatedly challenged not only him but everyone who takes issue with me to find faults with my posts regarding strategy, so far it has only ended in war with idiots who are just so obviously wrong but refuse to accept it that it pains me so much, like this thread below.

^if you would like to contribute either way i really would like to hear your opinion, obviously limp calling is a fine strategy but raise/calling is just so awful... see it for yourself.^

Honestly im sick of coming across as a villain and im actually taking an extended break from poker and these forums starting from tomorrow, (yeah, im going on holiday with my girlfriend around europe for 3 weeks [paid for by poker, also btw], sick barg!) hopefully people will be a bit smarter when i get back, but human stupidity can only be underestimated, and these guys prove it.

Something i have thought about it just letting them get away with it, the awful posters i mean, letting them be wrong and just not contributing even, letting you all wallow in your own crapulence, unfortunately im an optimist, i want to make this place the best it can be, if you come here seeking help you deserve help, if you come here to boost your ego and fool yourself think your a winning/good poker player JUST because you know about 2p2 (which this whole thread is about to begin with) then just get out of here, this isnt the place for you. Im not here to stroke my ego, im here to learn and teach (although the people who need it MOST arent listening!!).

/rant/logic/*tap tap*
01-05-2011 , 06:01 PM
MarLoL Stanfield: This JustinJude guy comes in with a vendetta and im just trying to defend myself from personal attacks that are not only unjustified but have little to no benefit to the community at all
I don't have a personal vendetta against you at all. I just think your attitude sucks and you talk a better game than you play.

There's no evidence that you're a winning player but have little problem treating people people who are here to learn as if they are total morons.

Maybe it is you who are the fish.

Me on the other hand? Well I know I'm a fish (Tag-fish would probably be a good description) but I have a small bit of experience and I have developed a little and when I feel like I can contribute to a HH I do so and with manners.
01-05-2011 , 06:47 PM
MarLol is a great poster I don't really see how there is an argument any other way. Read his hand evaluations. It would be a better forum if everyone was as thorough with this posts as he is.

Sure, he's got some swag, but players should be confident in their game. At least he has the logic to back up his confidence - which is much better than some other players who post here that have infinite confidence in their terrible lines.
01-05-2011 , 07:52 PM
Every player alive thinks theyre better than they actually are.

esp live players
01-05-2011 , 09:15 PM
You dudes are crazy, I love it be passionate about the game. But limp calling is pure spew.and raise calling clearly has more logic in any strategy, way better then limp calling. Only beginners do that crap.
01-05-2011 , 09:26 PM
I'm stopping the fight.

2+2 isn't an advantage. It is a resource. It is what you do with it that makes the difference.

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