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2/2 QQ vs tilting whale 2/2 QQ vs tilting whale

12-01-2014 , 02:26 AM
last few hands of the session.

Hero's image is good but was running bad last few hours. i have 270.

Villain is super tilting and was loosing a lot, he lost 1900 the other day and now down 1000. he x/shove (400eff) on a 26$ pot with OESD vs 14$ bet of the tightest player who flopped nut straight and the another similar incident with AxTd on K23ddd vs 45dd.

call, Villain make it 25, fold, fold, I call 25 with QQ in BB, fold.
(i can raise here but i want to trap him and let him fire and spew, lets not focus on here.. probably best to 3bet in the long run)

flop (55) T66cc I check, bet 25, call.
perfect flop for me, he can represent a lot and i will just let him hang himself since I have the Qc as a blocker.

turn (105) 3s I check, bet 50, call.
nice turn card and i have 170 behind and will snap his shove on most river.

river (205) Kh I check, shove
? (**** the king!) we still have value vs Tx, mis draws (FD, STR), Ace high and bluffs
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 02:37 AM
Its hard for me to forget about preflop, because that sets the tone for how the whole hand is played out.

Certainly agree with your thought about letting tilting whale spew in this hand-we want to use his weaknesses against him. But i mean, that can almost for sure be combined with a 3 bet preflop for value and THEN you can allow whale to spew, but in a much bigger pot with a lower SPR and you get huge value from your queens.

Tilting spewing whale who is down alot of money facing the last hands of a session isnt folding to a 3 bet from you preflop in a million years, and you have great chances of stacking him if he catches some piece of the flop. If you 3 bet this preflop and give him a chance to gamble i bet he is getting it in on the flop with you in this spot with almost any pair or draw=print money. From your description i am almost 100 percent sure you can 4X his raise to a 100$ total and he will pretty much instacall you.

This is the golden opportunites we wait for and the more i think about it i think its criminal that you just flatcalled this preflop from OOP.

Edit: Now, because of the flatting OOP you have put yourself in a pretty messed up spot and have to pretty much play the guessing game witch i personally hate. Sorry for the rant by the way, i dont mean it personal OP.

Last edited by Gilmour; 12-01-2014 at 02:44 AM.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 02:53 AM
no worries, i expected that..

its my image, i mostly always have it when i raise pre&post plus he knows me well that if i 3bet him on that big open he will fold a lot and I will miss value. Also, like i mentioned I was running bad (showing a lot of missed draws) and mostly passive due to card drought.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by bombonanza
no worries, i expected that..

its my image, i mostly always have it when i raise pre&post plus he knows me well that if i 3bet him on that big open he will fold a lot and I will miss value. Also, like i mentioned I was running bad (showing a lot of missed draws) and mostly passive due to card drought.
I have kind of the same image in the homegames i play the most, so i know the feeling and how to approach that kind of nitty tight image. And i also agree that sometimes its good to mix it up, but i dont think this spot is one of them at all.

Even if you have a tight image and people know that you usually have it, i bet my ass off that you dont will get folds from spewing tilting whale who is down loads of money towards the end of the session. People just dont fold at this point from my experience even if "they know you have it". They want to gamble, they have a good hand themself, they put you on AQ/AK or whatever reasons they can find to justify making the call preflop.

You can get so fat value here preflop its almost ridicilous. In this spot, from this position, against this particular villain and at this point in the session i think i 3 bet this preflop 100 percent of the time. Picking up ultrapremiums like QQ at the end of a session like this is a freaking dream (you can tell its a looong time since i managed to do that myself lol )
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 09:22 AM
Preflop, I understand why you want to flat but OOP against a tilting whale I'm not doing it with QQ. I would flat AA if I thought villain is likely to spew his stack with air because stacks are short enough that hero won't have much trouble getting all in. I might even flat KK if I had position on villain. But against a guy who isn't likely to fold preflop, I'm not flatting QQ OOP. I would raise at some point here. Either raise flop and shove turn or raise turn all in. This is partially because QQ is too fragile and because OOP I would be worried that villain might slow down at some point.

As played, it's a pure soul read on river. Tilting villain could be shoving anything in this situation, but he would also shove any KX. You just have to make some guesswork assesment of how many better hands he has and how often he bluffs. Is his range preflop ATC or does his raise after a call preflop mean he has some sort of hand? Is he always tilt bluffing all in or does he shut down on turn/river some of the time? My feeling is that you probably should call. With a tilting villain and a less then pot sized stack, you beat too many hands to give up here but he will have enough garbage KX that EV will be marginal.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by QuadJ
My feeling is that you probably should call. With a tilting villain and a less then pot sized stack, you beat too many hands to give up here but he will have enough garbage KX that EV will be marginal.
what hands do you put him?
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:14 AM
This guy is a horrible spew machine. Snap call.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:34 AM

Do you think that he will barrel with air on the flop/turn/river?
Does will he shove with nothing?
If he will, then just click ck/cl till the river and then ck/shove if we think he will call and ck/call otherwise.

Howeve, from what you've told us in the OP is that he just likes to bet big with his draws so he has to have at least something decent.

Normally I'm going to click it this back pre flop to $50, making is stupid easy to get stacks in post flop with $220 into a $100 pot where we can bet $60 - $70 on all most flops depending on texture, and shove most turn cards.
This flop and turn would 100% constitute a board that I'm trying to stack off on.

Post flop, I'd like to give him a chance to spaz out like he's done before, so I'm ck/minraising the flop to $50, and betting $100 on the turn if we don't gii on the flop. At that point, it's a trivial shove on the river even though an over card hits. We a only behind KXcc and KT. There are lots more TX hands in his range that we are still ahead of.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:38 AM
Also, when he has AcXc he has 11 outs when you have the Qc.
If you didn't have the Qc, he still has 11 outs (as the Qc now gives you a full house.)
So, your blocker does nothing to chage the nature of the hand.

If he board wasn't paired, he would have 1 less out. But even still, it's a fairly small change in his street to street equity. And only matters if he in fact does have two clubs. the entire rest of his range is not affected by us having the Qc.

Also, what do you expect him to rep here? Is he smart enough to 'rep' anything?
Or is he just a tilted whale that will get money in when he has a good draw or good piece? If we think that he's trying to 'rep' something that we need to be having a different conversation than how to play a the effective nuts against a spewy whale.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bombonanza
what hands do you put him?
This is just guesswork, but I expect missed flush draws, JJ, TX, middle pairs, plus the occasional totals spazz with AX/low pairs/total garbage. It's judging how many of those that he has that is hard. Depending on how much of a whale and how hard he is tilting he may not have that much total garbage in his range and he might give up the air bluffs at some point, or he could be pushing ATC the whole way. One of the fine arts of poker is ranging tilting villains, because it's always a situational judgement call.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch

Do you think that he will barrel with air on the flop/turn/river?
Does will he shove with nothing?
If he will, then just click ck/cl till the river and then ck/shove if we think he will call and ck/call otherwise.

Howeve, from what you've told us in the OP is that he just likes to bet big with his draws so he has to have at least something decent.

Normally I'm going to click it this back pre flop to $50, making is stupid easy to get stacks in post flop with $220 into a $100 pot where we can bet $60 - $70 on all most flops depending on texture, and shove most turn cards.
This flop and turn would 100% constitute a board that I'm trying to stack off on.

Post flop, I'd like to give him a chance to spaz out like he's done before, so I'm ck/minraising the flop to $50, and betting $100 on the turn if we don't gii on the flop. At that point, it's a trivial shove on the river even though an over card hits. We a only behind KXcc and KT. There are lots more TX hands in his range that we are still ahead of.
I think it's very debateable that even a whale or aggromonkey will triple barrel when he has significant showdown value and is closing the action, only gets called by better and never gets value. you can probably take out most tx hands when he ships the blankest of all rivers. I think tx, is exactly what he checks,

wheras, his bluffing range is complete air, busted draws straight/flush, and smaller pocket pairs, (trying to get us of of Tx) some tj,qj,aj,aq, axss emptying the clip.

his value range is probably 6x, random broadway k9,k10,kj,ka,kq, k2ss-k8ss, 6x hands, kk, and aa.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 11:57 AM
As an aside, this villains state of mind and hh both show that he will stack off and push the money in with any flush/draw straight draw and two cards to come. He has also shown an extremely low stack off range when boards are draw heavy and he is on a weak marginal holding.

I really think we need to be inducing this behaviour and look to get money in on the flop. This is when you flat qq vs this player type like the perfect board. I think not chek/raising is bad when he has shawn he will stack off light. Before a draw comes in or an overcard hits, this is the best chance to get him to put it in with tx, and lower pocket pairs imho.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 01:12 PM
The passivity you showed throughout this hand is why this river decision is even a factor. Raise flop. Raise turn. There should be no reason not to have your stack in on the turn in this hand. As played I would call river and expect to be good a majority of the time.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 05:07 PM
If you're going to play the hand this passively, you have to call the river. The line you took was "stack off against his wide bluffing range." The K isn't that major of a scare card. Stick to the plan.

I don't mind the pf call, particularly if the original limper looks ready to fold. SPR is low enough that you can gii without a 3-bet preflop, and a pf raise is probably the one thing that will slow this guy down.

But if you're going to just call pre flop, I think you should min-raise the flop. He'll jam with any flush draw, most 10s, and jj. He'll also spazz-raise a lot of bluff hands, telling himself you're just trying to steal a paired board/don't believe he has a 6.

If you don't min-raise the flop, then you're probably stuck taking this passive line. A check raise on the turn is going to shut down his bluffs and probably his weaker 10s. It's a VERY strong line.

Nothing wrong with letting a whale do the betting for you. But if that's your plan, commit to it and accept the higher-variance results.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-01-2014 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by ozmosis313
I think it's very debateable that even a whale or aggromonkey will triple barrel when he has significant showdown value and is closing the action, only gets called by better and never gets value. you can probably take out most tx hands when he ships the blankest of all rivers. I think tx, is exactly what he checks,

wheras, his bluffing range is complete air, busted draws straight/flush, and smaller pocket pairs, (trying to get us of of Tx) some tj,qj,aj,aq, axss emptying the clip.

his value range is probably 6x, random broadway k9,k10,kj,ka,kq, k2ss-k8ss, 6x hands, kk, and aa.
yes its debatable; im sorry but why is the villain not betting his SDV IP and slowing down his love of betting?
partially opponent dependent for villain imo. and i think he keeps spewing
IP as default imo
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-02-2014 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch

Do you think that he will barrel with air on the flop/turn/river?
Does will he shove with nothing?
If he will, then just click ck/cl till the river and then ck/shove if we think he will call and ck/call otherwise.
Yes to all. I planning to shove river but because of the King i really think he can represent this (this is the card i really tried to analyze if he accidentally hits it with Kc combo or KQ,KJ, KT hands) so i have more value x/c then leading that will fold all his bluffs, i decided to induce..

Originally Posted by ozmosis313 View Post
I think it's very debateable that even a whale or aggromonkey will triple barrel when he has significant showdown value and is closing the action, only gets called by better and never gets value. you can probably take out most tx hands when he ships the blankest of all rivers. I think tx, is exactly what he checks,
He overvalues TPWK also aside from his draws. I expect him to be with Tx hands there.

This is just guesswork, but I expect missed flush draws, JJ, TX, middle pairs, plus the occasional totals spazz with AX/low pairs/total garbage. It's judging how many of those that he has that is hard. Depending on how much of a whale and how hard he is tilting he may not have that much total garbage in his range and he might give up the air bluffs at some point, or he could be pushing ATC the whole way. One of the fine arts of poker is ranging tilting villains, because it's always a situational judgement call.
i put him on the same range as well and went with orignal plan based on his image, state, read and instinct.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-02-2014 , 03:09 AM
Thank you for all the responses.

I'm with the consensus here to 3bet and get it in with QQ against this villain.

I convinced myself he doesn't have a King most of the times here and I beat a lot of hands (both value hands and bluff). I called and almost fell on the floor when he showed me A6o.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-02-2014 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by bombonanza
Thank you for all the responses.

I'm with the consensus here to 3bet and get it in with QQ against this villain.

I convinced myself he doesn't have a King most of the times here and I beat a lot of hands (both value hands and bluff). I called and almost fell on the floor when he showed me A6o.
Lol id be weak also.. what was villains stack size?
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
12-02-2014 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by universalpeace
Lol id be weak also.. what was villains stack size?
i had 270 and he covers me.
2/2 QQ vs tilting whale Quote
