This hand went down at a 5-handed 2/2 NL home game last night where I got into what I felt was a pretty marginal spot.
Hero ($200) is a regular at this game, image is TAG/borderline nit, but the table is starting to realize that sometimes I’m just exploiting my image and that I don’t always have it when I bet/raise after the flop. Have not played many hands so far this session, and the few that I have played have generally been taken down with a cbet on the flop or turn.
Villain ($300) is the only other good player at the table. Similar style to hero in that he usually plays pretty tight, but is certainly capable of aggression with semi-bluffs and sometimes complete air. Also capable of making big calls with marginal hands if someone’s line seems bluffy. Hero and villain generally make a habit of staying out of each other’s way in this game, although we have played some big pots recently (not this session, but within the past few weeks): one that was boat over boat on a double-paired board (Villain’s J8 vs. Hero’s AJ on a JJ866 board), one where Villain bet/3bet a naked flush draw when Hero had bottom set (Villain hit his draw on the turn and scooped the pot), and one where Villain turned quads and Hero rivered a boat.
On to the hand:
Hero is in the BB w T


. UTG folds, two weak players in the CO and BTN limp, Villain makes it $12 from the SB, Hero 3bets to $25, both limpers fold and villain calls.
Flop ($50): A



Villain donks out for $35, Hero calls.
Turn ($120): A




Villain checks. Hero ???
This hand obviously could just be a fold preflop, but I decided to 3bet for a few reasons: (1) I felt that Villain is raising with a wide range in this spot to get me out of the hand and play against one or two of the limpers, (2) I expect everyone will give me credit for a strong hand due to my image, and while villain is almost guaranteed to call the extra $13 and see a flop, I’m pretty sure that both limpers will fold, and that I can take the pot away from villain a lot of the time if his hand doesn’t improve, and (3) if I happen to flop 2 pair+ and villain happens to catch a piece as well, my hand will be disguised and I may be able to win a big pot.
I wasn’t sure what to make of villain’s donk on the flop. He definitely has a lot of mid pocket pairs in his range here, but I think this villain can also play Ax, 2 pair, or a set this way some of the time. I don’t think I’m getting the right price to call just to hit the OESD, but I thought my call would look a lot like Ax or a flush draw, so I decided there were enough scare cards that could come on the turn where I could get villain to release his hand to make this a profitable call.
I really wasn’t sure what to make of villain’s check on the turn. I think this line is consistent with a mid pair that was trying to represent the A on the flop and has now shut down, but villain is definitely capable of having a lot of value hands here as well. I’ve only got slightly more than a pot sized bet left at this point, so I think the only two options are either to check and take a free card, or just go ahead and shove to capitalize on any fold equity.
Would be really interested to hear people’s thoughts on my line so far, and how we should proceed after villain checks the turn.