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2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player 2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player

10-22-2015 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Balerion1
This hand has been on my mind since last week. The villain in question is MAWG who is a NIT, but somehow was sitting on $600 when i joined the game
Originally Posted by Balerion1
The more responses I'm getting, the more it seems like I should've treated my JJ like 77 and folded on the flop. It's possible that having an over pair to the board made me make the flop/turn call, but I should realize that the relative strenght of my hand vs this villain and his range is like 77 at this point.

Thanks for the response guys, AP, I called turn, SB folds, river was a black, NIT bets $40, hero folds, he shows AA before racking up.
It's like there's a "virus of the mind" on this forum, that people don't give nits enough respect.

Everyone acts like they don't know how nits win, but then these threads feature a lot of donations to them (in this case the flop and turn calls).

Nice screen name though.
2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player Quote
10-22-2015 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by CallMeVernon
It's like there's a "virus of the mind" on this forum, that people don't give nits enough respect.

Everyone acts like they don't know how nits win, but then these threads feature a lot of donations to them (in this case the flop and turn calls).

Nice screen name though.
Cheap lesson going forward

And you're the first to comment on the SN, appreciate it.
2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player Quote
10-22-2015 , 05:47 PM
do these people really exist, raising only QQ+
iīve labeled many guys nits only to be surprised how whacky they sometimes play, without reason.
does this guy really have the self discipline phil hellmuth wants to reach? is he immune to tilting, boredom, having a favourite hand, not wanting to go to the cardroom to just fold for 3 hours, etc?
you probably played with the guy about 100 hands, you flopped an overpair, he bet really small, you didnt go crazy and just called, nh. even made a very tight, good fold on the river.

canīt really call those plays donations, give him a somewhat normal and not ubernitty range, include the live wtf factor which is all reasonable imo, and you have easy flop and turn calls.
2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player Quote
10-22-2015 , 05:58 PM
I'm with sauhund. This guy isn't a nit. Someone who is "limp folding preflop often" which to me means probably an average of ~twice an orbit isn't a nit. They're just weak tight. A dude who would have online stats of 37/2 is just not a nit.

I think more often than not these kind of players often raise larger than the standard open of the rest of the table. They haven't raised for 3 hours, the standard open for the table is $10 without any limpers behind, but they have QQ+ so it's $15. I'm curious if $13 was a large raise pf or not at that table that night. The problem is you only bet a bluff and can just get a much, much better spot.
2/2/3: Applying Pressure vs Nitty Player Quote
10-22-2015 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by sauhund
do these people really exist, raising only QQ+
iīve labeled many guys nits only to be surprised how whacky they sometimes play, without reason.
does this guy really have the self discipline phil hellmuth wants to reach? is he immune to tilting, boredom, having a favourite hand, not wanting to go to the cardroom to just fold for 3 hours, etc?

I cannot answer this with certainty. The fact that he was able to fold often could mean many things: he's disciplined enough to pick better spots, he knows his villain's well, or he needs near the nuts to go to the river... I don't know since, like you said, I only played with him for 3 hours.

The reason why I assigned him a range QQ+ during the hand was strictly based on intuition. I've seen many players like him l/c TT-JJ/AKo and even AKs. Even the nittiest of players know that they're going to C-bet very often as PFR so maybe I was thinking about that as well while just calling because i don't think this villain c-bets with Ace high especially after raising pre from EP.

you probably played with the guy about 100 hands, you flopped an overpair, he bet really small, you didnt go crazy and just called, nh. even made a very tight, good fold on the river.

canīt really call those plays donations, give him a somewhat normal and not ubernitty range, include the live wtf factor which is all reasonable imo, and you have easy flop and turn calls.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I'm with sauhund. This guy isn't a nit. Someone who is "limp folding preflop often" which to me means probably an average of ~twice an orbit isn't a nit. They're just weak tight. A dude who would have online stats of 37/2 is just not a nit.

I think more often than not these kind of players often raise larger than the standard open of the rest of the table. They haven't raised for 3 hours, the standard open for the table is $10 without any limpers behind, but they have QQ+ so it's $15. I'm curious if $13 was a large raise pf or not at that table that night. The problem is you only bet a bluff and can just get a much, much better spot.
His VPIP was no where close to 37, but you're right on his PFR 2. He's likley 10/2. The standard raise at the table is 12-15, and you're right about there being a better spot which is why i think the turn is not a great call by me.
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