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10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk 10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk

04-29-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerabs
A stuck villain is definitely calling with a pair plus gutter. Your range could definitely include a Queen. I'm folding unless I have some better reads.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
04-30-2011 , 07:35 PM
I mean, what do you think hes bluffing with here? With the info you gave us it seems like he has a Q here like >90% of the time. Sucks he hit a gutshot and you still paid him.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
05-04-2011 , 12:29 AM
I might ponder for the hell of it, but I would never ever find a call here unless I had solid reads that villain is type to suicidally risk big bluffs even though the card smashes our range.

Could he be awesome and make two small pair on river (JT type) and decide to turn it into a bluff? Only you can determine that. But without solid reads on it I would fold no question. We bet smallish on turn and I say he peels AQ KQ QJ very often even without the FD added. Kick in a few of those and he calls a lot. But the Q hits us and he would have to worry about that so I think that discounts his bluffing freq.

I fold until I know more on him. That is a risky bluff that I see rarely except from the real super fast crazies. Unless he seems to be one of those, I fold.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
05-04-2011 , 12:33 AM

In any case, he showed up with AJ (without the A) for the chop.
I guess he was going for thin value, but really, I have no idea because he seemed a little despondent when I called and happy to see that we had chopped.[/QUOTE]

Curious, since the hand was won, what would you say the best solution to the river really is? (Even after seeing results)
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit

In any case, he showed up with AJ (without the A) for the chop.
I guess he was going for thin value, but really, I have no idea because he seemed a little despondent when I called and happy to see that we had chopped.

Curious, since the hand was won, what would you say the best solution to the river really is? (Even after seeing results)[/QUOTE]

Given the facts I described, I think that close fold is probably the best decision. I don't believe that the fold is nearly as obvious as some in the thread suggested.

I don't know why I called except that I was just certain for whatever reason that he didn't have a Q. Maybe it was the timing of the river bet, which I didn't mention in my OP. It just felt like his thought process was, "Scary river card, I don't know what to do so I'll bet." And because I felt that way, I talked myself into believing that Ax was enough of his range to warrant a call.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
05-04-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Curious, since the hand was won, what would you say the best solution to the river really is? (Even after seeing results)
Given the facts I described, I think that close fold is probably the best decision. I don't believe that the fold is nearly as obvious as some in the thread suggested.

I don't know why I called except that I was just certain for whatever reason that he didn't have a Q. Maybe it was the timing of the river bet, which I didn't mention in my OP. It just felt like his thought process was, "Scary river card, I don't know what to do so I'll bet." And because I felt that way, I talked myself into believing that Ax was enough of his range to warrant a call.[/QUOTE]

Funny how at live experienced players "can" get those blink gut feelings due to factors that most likely are subconscious and we cannot even explain. That though could only be experienced by you at the table in real time. I do understand that though for sure. One of the nicer things about live poker.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:19 PM
Looks like AQs unless you have special read you are not revealing in your post looks like easy fold to me.
10-25 -- Call or fold to river donk Quote
