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10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river 10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river

12-14-2015 , 10:19 AM
Hero is new to table around noon. Game has been running 7 handed all night and 5 players have between 10-20k stacks. All players in hand cover hero.
Game is now 8 handed

V1 (utg) is a fish who limp calls wide and chases draws by feeling
V2 (hj) a tag reg but not a pro
V3(Btn) is a drunk whale with biggest stack
Hero utg 1

V1 limps utg
Hero 100 with AhKs
V2 mp calls
V3 calls

QJT dcd
V1 checks
Hero 250
V2 calls
V 3 and V1 fold

Turn Qs
Hero 475
V2 calls

River 2d completes flush

Hero should:

10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 11:58 AM
your stack size is important
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by PeopleMover
your stack size is important

In title 200bb so 5k
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 12:39 PM
More preflop, like 150 is probably about right.

Flop bet could even be a bit bigger. Betting into 3 opponents on this board already screams strength, so might as well charge them if they are going to continue.

Turn seems fine as played, though again I think you can bet a bit chunkier.

River seems like bet/fold. He's probably just calling you with a made flush, and really can't bluff if you are triple barrelling this runout, so I think he calls you with any queen, any flush, any other straight, and raises with his boats (And maybe RARELY with a bluff but not enough to warrant ever calling his raise on the river).
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 12:50 PM
I think most will say this is a b/f and I think that is probably best.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 01:56 PM
I agree with your stack you could've gone more on Flop multi-way. This really depends on how the table action was going in previous hands. What were the sizes of 'typical' c-bets previously?

AP I want more on Turn as well. Charging 'exactly' 3 to 1 to flush draws makes them pretty happy. Need 2.5 to 1 or less IMO as this will bring your stack closer into play if a better blank hits the River.

River AP ... Now that the flush has hit (and I didn't really attack the 'trips' that hit the Turn) I do like to lead out here for 1175, leaving 3000 behind. If V shoves we would be calling 3000 into 7200 if we want.

I think the River is really a 'in the moment' decision. It could be a scare card for V and I think we should set the price ourselves rather than risk an over-bet by V if he reads the weakness. GL
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 04:23 PM
I almost always bet/fold in these spots.

Just wonder if it's wrong. I think check/fold should be considered. He's got 12-14 combos of qx that we beat and may miss value from or bluff us off best hand if we x/f. But he's got 19 combos of boats/quads we don't beat, (though reduced tt-qq since he didn't 3 bet pre so maybe 15) + a bunch of flush combos. I just think we get value owned too often when we bet/fold, and I don't think someone who looks like a tag reg is going to bet qx, jk, tk, and make us fold the best hand often enough here to x/c. Only leaves one other realistic option.

Edit: I suppose he has some worse straights too...

Still bet/folding, but still def think x/f should be considered.

Last edited by SunChips; 12-14-2015 at 04:29 PM.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 04:39 PM
This really just boils down to reads/history. He has plenty of AQ/KQ, and 4 combos each of Q9s and 89s but I can see a good player folding these to a river bet depending on what he thinks of you. The more stationy he is/ridiculous your image is the better b/f is.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 06:29 PM
I think check evaluate is the best line at this point. villain is described as tag reg, cant really imagine him getting super creative on the river plus he probably believes you have a strong hand especially considering your betting line into multiple players four way. obviously if there is a different dynamic that wasnt described, bet is better on the river but with the limited information provided i would check. would also size larger on every street.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 06:34 PM
I'm mostly readless , we haven't played a lot together , but he is taggy not out of line as far as I know.

My image should be clean as I just sat down and we don't have much history.

He shouldn't have QQ really ever and JJ is unlikely. Unsure about AK, prob more likely to flat his unsuited combos and 3b his suited ones. If he has AK he likely holds one diamond blocker and knows I can't have many flushes in my range other than A3/4/5 and 67/78/89.

I do think he may flat a somewhat wider range than normal due to whale on the button and fish utg.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 07:29 PM
Unless hes really bad, I c/f. I probably c/c the turn as well.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-14-2015 , 07:45 PM
Bigger pre 150+ atleast. Bigger OTF and I'm also on board with going for a c/r on this texture depending on exact reads on players. OTT I kinda like c/c but bet is just as good. really this whole hand comes down to small reads on the specific players. AP OTR i think betting small to b/f is best. like the 1/3 pot range.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-15-2015 , 01:42 PM
His calling range on the turn contains all of Ax flush draws (except AK), plus all full houses. You also block a lot of his trips hands.

River is a check/fold. I like check/call the least.

I'm also fine with checking otr and not be exploited because that's how I will play my own FHs sometimes
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:42 PM
I would check the flop.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by DGAF
I would check the flop.
+1 couldn't agree more. So many dream scenarios can develop when we check and it doesn't come worst card, worst card.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-17-2015 , 10:02 AM
depends a bit on ur image but standard is bet/fold
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-18-2015 , 07:59 PM
Didn't really consider checking the flop but really like that

I considered bet folding for 1100 but I ended up checking with the intention of folding until I saw sizing : $675.

I'm called and he showed AKdd which was really surprising

I expected a bunch of other flushes and AdKx / AxKd blockers in his range but those should be blasting.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-19-2015 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by RosaParks
Unless hes really bad, I c/f. I probably c/c the turn as well.
Yeah this.

We still win a lot if it goes check check.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-21-2015 , 01:12 PM
checking the flop is bad. c/f river.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-21-2015 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
checking the flop is bad. c/f river.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
12-22-2015 , 01:02 AM
I would bet more otf. Probably more pre. It's funny as high stakes as this is and it still reads as a good 2/5 game, and the way to make money vs. gambol stations is to nit/bloat/repeat.

I might check flop heads up or possibly vs. one good player and 1 other villain, but I think here 4 ways vs 2 described whales and one whatever player...bomb bomb bomb is the way to go.

I would check/fold river most of the time but wouldn't fault a bet/fold.

I def wouldn't check/call, I prefer check/calling rivers when we are pfr with a decent value hand and everything misses vs. people that bluff in bad spots (everyone).

Check/calling when scare cards come is usually bad because 1) the part of villains value range you were ahead of prior to river is rarely betting for value when nut scare cards come in 2) people surprisingly DO NOT bluff scare cards as much as you think. It still amazes me that I'll bet/bet/check an A56hh turn Jx river Ax and villain will bomb their missed flush draw, but same line on T56hh turn 2 river Ah villain will check back their 78ss.

Miami, I realize you were checking to x/f and likely just leveled that he was thin valuing Qx...I just wrote that for anyone else that still check/calls river scare cards.
10/25 200bb flop nuts becomes 850th nuts on river Quote
