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/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line /20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line

03-21-2010 , 05:45 AM
My first ever strategy post in HSNL, so go easy on me please

I've been at the table for about an hour. Played standard TAG game. Haven't 2 barrelled or 3 bet without a big hand at any time during the session, have shown down a few big hands which I bet strongly the entire way. I've been playing maybe one or two hands per orbit(not including my blinds). I bought in for $12,000 and I'm now sitting with ~$14,000. I'm in SB with 9Jos.

5 limpers for a total of 7 players to the flop. but only 3 of the opponents matter in the hand:

Villain #1: Has entire table covered, limped UTG, seems competent but not all that aggro, most likely he is a rich businessman who is decent but not great at poker, no major reads other than that

Villain #2: Has ~$4000, limps often preflop, plays a lot of hands, seems like typical live fish who tries to play well but just doesn't have the fundamentals necessary to beat the game. Seems willing to gamble for small amounts, but has yet to put a lot of chips in the pot without a big hand. He limped one spot to the right of Villain #1.

Villain #3: Just sat down with min. buy in of $800, which obviously makes me think hes a fish. He is in LP and limps.

Flop is 8TQ rainbow, giving me the nuts. I bet $100 into $140.

Villain #1 and Villain #2 call. Villain #3 raises to $300. Everyone else in the hand has folded, and its on me with Villain #1 and Villain #2 behind me still to act.

If I re-raise here, I'd be absolutely shocked if Villain #1 or #2 plays back at me. I think either of them would've raised with 2 pair or better instead of flat calling my $100 bet. Their ranges are very heavily comprised of one pair type hands. JK is obviously a possibility. I'm not really sure if they would've called my $100 bet with a gutshot(AJ/AK), and I think they'd raise AK preflop for sure.

So basically I feel as if my options here are to 3 bet and win a small pot against the shortstack or to just flat and try to extract max value from the deeper stacks. Villain #3's ultra small raise sizing has put me in a bit of a strange spot, and I'm not really sure what is the optimal line.

I'd be open to any and all thoughts. If you opt to flat call, then what is your plan for the turn? Are there any turn cards in the deck which would alter your plan?

Results for those who are interested:


I decided to flat with the intention of leading out on the turn. I flatted, and both villains called behind. Turn was a king. Villain #2 ended up having AJ and we got it all in to double him up, which is why I'm second guessing my play so much here.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-21-2010 , 09:44 AM
Haven't looked at results yet. It's important to know Villain #1's stack size. I agree that 3 betting here pretty much means you are winning a small pot by busting villain #3, as there are virtually no hands that Villain #1 and #2 can call a 3 bet with on this flop, not to mention that it basically turns your hand face up as you can not do this with worse than 2 pair.

I like flatting more. They are likely to both come on in behind, with one pair type hands. Even though you are OOP in this hand, it is not often to flop the nuts and it is important to maximize value.

I actually think the best turn card is for the board to pair. It is unlikely for villain #1 or #2 to show up with two pair or better on the flop (unless they play back on the $300 raise). I would look for a c/r in that case. An ace on the turn would be interesting as it give many of the one pair hands two pair, but it also gives KJ a better straight. I think I still lead out with that. A king completes the gutshot which is definitely in their calling range, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. All other cards seem innocuous and I would lead out for whatever it takes to put villain #3 all in (about $500) which will be about half pot. BTW, I'm assuming that Villain #1 and #2 are calling behind you, which doesn't always happen.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-21-2010 , 10:22 AM
I would raise. I don't want to play out of position against 3 players. For 200 more into ~940 I would imagine both villains (especially villain 1 since he has you covered) would call. Not only do I not wish to get drawn out on, but I also don't want to get pushed off the best hand if the board pairs or possibly any 9/A/K creates a lot of action behind me on the turn.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-22-2010 , 08:50 PM
I think Villian 1 and 2 ranges are often KJ and maybe JA, As well as one pair hands Qx. I discount AK because I do believe most will raise preflop. Villian 1 could maybe be holding a slow played over pair and both villians will likely give up to a raise or turn bet. I would like to maximize my winnings and I would like a flat on the flop and possibly lead the turn for half pot if a non J, 9, A comes but will reevaluate if a 10 or Q comes. I think Villian 3 range consists of mostly q 10, Q j , and maybe 88 hands, regardless will probably stack off on the turn.
So my play would probably try and maximize profit off villian 1 and 2. I dont see them holding many hands we should really worry about
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-24-2010 , 08:24 PM
must bomb flop here. there are too many bad turn cards, and oop..
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-25-2010 , 04:12 AM
I'd make it 1k here. Your raise doesn't mean you have the nuts at all, QT, or a set in your spot could just as easily be raising here. Plus this makes the hand easier to play, getting more money in with the nuts can never be a mistake... but checking and doing something strange on a bad card for your hand can.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-30-2010 , 10:33 AM
I just wanted to say that i totaly agree with the way you played that hand the only turn card that would have slowed me down was if the bord paired as i put him on 2 pair off the flop. I saw his raise as protecting from the str8 draws.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-30-2010 , 03:09 PM
half the deck sucks and you're oop. This is an easy raise. Plus, on a blank you're gonna have to donk out and most hands that call that donk would have called the raise otf anyways and the ones that fold would have folded.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-31-2010 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4
Haven't looked at results yet. It's important to know Villain #1's stack size. I agree that 3 betting here pretty much means you are winning a small pot by busting villain #3, as there are virtually no hands that Villain #1 and #2 can call a 3 bet with on this flop, not to mention that it basically turns your hand face up as you can not do this with worse than 2 pair.
why wouldnt you raise with one pair if there are no hands they can call you with
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-31-2010 , 05:25 PM
You could min-reraise to $500 here(I know this looks super strong) and hope V1 and/or V2 call. Then assume V3 goes allin with his remaining $500 which reopens betting again for you. Then reraise, amount varies on if 1 or both V1/V2 are still in hand.
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Yugless
why wouldnt you raise with one pair if there are no hands they can call you with
because villain 3 isn't going anywhere?

I like flatting I think. Then leading turn for an amount that lets me 3b over V3's shove. (assuming brick turn)
/20 NL, flopped nuts, bad relative position to a small raise, not sure about optimal line Quote
