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1-3NL Villain's Range?? 1-3NL Villain's Range??

06-27-2015 , 03:16 AM
1-3 NL - I have only been at the table for about an hour. Nothing interesting or out of the ordinary has happened. No specific gameplay reads on any players.

Effective stacks 350

MP opens to 10. CO calls. Button calls. Hero calls with QJcc in SB.

Q95 (40)

Checks around.

Turn 6 (40)

CO bets 15. Button calls. Hero raises to 40. MP raises to 120. CO folds. Button folds. Hero calls.

River 4 (310)

Hero checks. MP bets 160 with ~60 behind


What is the range MP shows up with in this hand?
Thoughts on how I played the hand?
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 03:40 AM
Without reads I would fold pf. Your hand is likely dominated and you will have the worst possible position after the flop.

I mostly donk the flop. At this level it is unlikely the pf raiser raises without a better hand. bet/fold is our ''bread and butter''. If you think the pf raiser is auto c betting, then a check/call is not bad. As played, when the flop gets checked through definitely bet the turn.

I don't like your turn check raise and I definitely definitely don't like your call of the $120. Normally I would guess MP has a 87, a flopped set, KK or AA.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 03:51 AM
He is repping the hell out of 78 and nothing else.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 04:04 AM
An hour into the session you need to have some kind of read on every player at the table, even if it's very basic. The fact that you haven't seemed to pick up on *ANY* reads after an hour is a huge red flag and a big leak.

I wouldn't mind a preflop call if you were on the button because it plays well multiway and is a cheap 3 BB's, but it's not going to be easy to play OOP. You probably fold (or should) QJo UTG so calling out of the blinds (even though it's suited) is kind of the same deal. Less than ideal. I prefer a 3! pre. You've got some decent blockers and hand equity if called. I'd bump it up to $55 pre.

Checking flop is fine if you are certain the OR will c-bet his entire range, but if not, the flop is too wet to risk checking through. All kinds of straight draws and flush draws out there that you need to start building the pot and forcing people to make bad calls without direct odds.

Turn check raise is FPS pure and simple. You are risking having this check through a second time which is disastrous. Bet/fold, it's a pretty simple concept and incredibly effective. Learn to love it.

Regarding ranging MP, well you haven't provided any info so what are you expecting? Look into our crystal ball and tell you his exact hand? Ok I'll bite. [QQ, 99, 66, 87s] take your pick
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 08:54 AM
Why wouldn't you lead the turn? Check-raising the turn is a huge overplay. Why would you call villain's turn 3-bet?
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Fcat
1-3 NL - I have only been at the table for about an hour. Nothing interesting or out of the ordinary has happened. No specific gameplay reads on any players.

Pay more attention.

Fold turn.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 09:06 AM
Pre is obviously fine.

Bet turn yourself.

As played, just check/call small turn bet, don't raise.

Calling the turn cold 3-bet from MP is pretty bad. Just fold.

Now check/fold river.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 10:50 AM
I would like to hear OP's reasoning behind why he checked the flop.

Now the only reason I can come up with for the c/r on the turn: Hero is thinking, "Ok, I'm BB, so I'm going to try & rep 78. I'll check, hope someone bets, when they do: I'll raise small. That way they'll think I must have the nutz 'cause my raise is so small it must be beggin' for a call & they'll all fold."

Why OP called MP's raise on the turn is beyond my comprehension.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
Now the only reason I can come up with for the c/r on the turn: Hero is thinking, "Ok, I'm BB, so I'm going to try & rep 78. I'll check, hope someone bets, when they do: I'll raise small. That way they'll think I must have the nutz 'cause my raise is so small it must be beggin' for a call & they'll all fold."
Hero has top pair good kicker though. In this spot, what better hands does hero expect to fold out with a turn check raise? I can't think of one. What worse hands does he expect to call a turn check raise? Not many.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 11:38 AM
I'm thinkin' he's thinkin' with all the checkin' goin' on, CO must be FOS & Button callin' with a draw.
Flush draws would call? Then if they miss, he'll have to FU with a bet otr.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 03:59 PM
to be honest in this hand I am actually MP Villian. Nobody in the thread so far cared to really think about what range "MP villian" could have. /shrug I was curious what others would think of this line, oh well.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Fcat
to be honest in this hand I am actually MP Villian. Nobody in the thread so far cared to really think about what range "MP villian" could have. /shrug I was curious what others would think of this line, oh well.
Probably because you didn't provide the slightest bit of info on "MP villain" and thus his range is ATC, although I did provide this:

Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
Regarding ranging MP, well you haven't provided any info so what are you expecting? Look into our crystal ball and tell you his exact hand? Ok I'll bite. [QQ, 99, 66, 87s] take your pick
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 04:15 PM
so you snap fold...ok
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 04:39 PM
FWIW, MP also played this hand poorly, regardless of his holdings.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by NeverLosesAtPoker
FWIW, MP also played this hand poorly, regardless of his holdings.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fcat
to be honest in this hand I am actually MP Villian. Nobody in the thread so far cared to really think about what range "MP villian" could have. /shrug I was curious what others would think of this line, oh well.
It looks like a monster hand obviously. The problem with this as a bluff line is that you're raising someone who seems to have a strong hand. V raising QJ is pretty inexplicable here. Did he end up calling?
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 05:17 PM
Sorry OP, but if you took a weird line with a drawing hand and raised pre, checked flop, check/3-bet the flop 4-way following a bet, a call, and a raise, and then bet big on the river as a bluff and then villain snapped you off with QJ, I'm not really sure what to say.

All I can say is don't try to bluff randoms off top pair. Value bet them - oh, for sure. Bluff - not so much.

The real villain check/raising the turn with QJ is very meh.

The real hero line is also very meh - once the real villain raise/calls turn, you shouldn't expect much fold equity at all. Maybe you can make this 3-bet with a very strong combo draw exactly, but maybe not; and even then, I would have c-bet the flop. Your line is pretty strange.

The entire hand is a mess. All I can say for sure is that after the real villain raises the turn and then calls your 3-bet, a river bluff is going to be spew close to 100% of the time. The real villain has made it incredibly clear on the turn he is never folding. Just check the river back and lose.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-27-2015 , 05:27 PM
By the way, it's irrelevant if a bunch of us would have folded the turn.

Your bluff was no good vs. most.

If I have QJ here, I definitely think your line is strange after not c-betting the flop - with the Q9xhh, there are a ton of draws out there, and you're really not going to be slow playing anything, and no draws came in on the turn. You rep an extremely thin value range. But I also expect you to bet the flop with draws. Another problem is I'm not raising the turn to 40... I'm just calling the 15. If you raise after I call, I might call given how weak the 15 call call looks, but I may still fold readless though your line makes almost no sense.

Yes, despite taking a bizarre line, the cold turn check/3-bet is very strong readless mostly because without reads, I'm going to assume villains are more passive than aggressive at 1/3. However you look at it, posting hands from other perspectives and totally readless is not recommended.

And obviously you were not readless. You were you.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-28-2015 , 12:26 AM
Thanks for the responses Willyoman.

I agree with everything you said. It was a hand where I didn't really play well and then found myself in a spot that I thought was very good. I had 108 So on the turn we had a weak steal from the CO and a hesitant call on the button and then a small raise from the SB. No one was repping much of anything and I felt like it was a great spot to apply a lot of pressure while having prob 15 outs to make a hand.

1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-28-2015 , 02:08 AM
A few reasons why this isn't a good bluff spot:

1) Our story doesn't make sense (ie checking flop and turn from CO with a monster)
2) No reads on villains (do we even know their calling range here?)
3) I don't expect SB to be bluffing here very often
4) SB's story actually makes sense to check raise the turn out of the SB with a monster. (ie 87 or 66)

BTW, why didn't you just bet the flop when everyone checked to you?
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:50 PM
I also call preflop. It's not a fistpump spot as we'll be OOP with a medium SPR and a possibility of only going 4way (would be great if the BB came along), but the price is pretty cheap and we have a nice multiway hand.

I might just donk the flop. Decent chance our hand is best on a draw board. The SPR is 8.5, so perhaps just enough room to bet/fold safe cards on the first two streets without getting ourselves committed by the river, so long as we bet small. I'd bet $20 and go from there.

Once the flop checks thru I'd definitely lean towards betting the turn on this safe card. I think check/raising is too much of an overplay; I would probably just call since we've really underrepped our hand, the price is good, and CO could be betting anything (and it's unlikely Button has much). Pretty easy fold to MP's action (even though admittedly he has played the hand strangely); he's seen a bet, a call, a check/raise, and with all this action has decided playing for stacks is a good idea, we think we're doing ok here?

FWIW, I think our postflop play was a little dicey (imho), in which case I think I'd lean to a fold OOP preflop.

Readless but at a typical table, MP's most likely range is 87/66 (nothing on the flop, slowplays the turn hoping for action). To be honest, his range doesn't matter much. What matters is that he check/raised a turn bet / call / check/raise, and this is like a bluff pretty much never.

ETA: Goddammit, this is why "DUNDUNDA, I was actually the MP guy" threads are typically locked. Don't do that.

1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-29-2015 , 01:12 PM
JFC can we get a moratorium on these "let's switch up roles so I can get feedback on how big a donk my opponent was"?

Also, having zero reads after an hour at the table is inexcusable. Either you're lazy or don't care what to look for.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-29-2015 , 01:13 PM
QQ 99 78suited AhKh heavily discounted. 66 also. Some random spazz I guess but I give that pretty much 0 weight.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
06-29-2015 , 01:43 PM
When the Villain checked the flop he thought he was being deceptive.

Once the Villain raised the turn, that was a clear sign that he thought his hand was very strong. It wasn't a sign that he was planning on folding later in the hand to a blank.

If you're going to be that aggressive post-flop then start opening a strong range of hands. When you open T8s you're going to have the worst hand post-flop a lot.

Best case for you, let's say that T8s is the bottom of your range. Post-flop the Villain crushes your range; over 70% equity against you on the turn. He'd be crazy to fold against your range or your exact hand.

Originally Posted by kookiemonster
I don't like your turn check raise and I definitely definitely don't like your call of the $120. Normally I would guess MP has a 87, a flopped set, KK or AA.
Since you almost never have the very narrow range of hands you're repping you're basically donating money to your calling station Villains.
1-3NL Villain's Range?? Quote
