Looking for advice on a situation I was in the other night playing 1/3nl:
Villain 1(215): Late 20's asian, much more conservative than a traditional LAG asian, pretty solid, doesn't get out of line much other than occasionally raising light preflop in position
Villain 2(440): 20's black guy, very similar style to V1
Hero(315): 20's white guy, new to this particular game, so fairly unknown to villains, has just doubled a short stack within the orbit showing down 2 pair QJ vs 2 pair AQ, but has also shown down hands where loose calls were made preflop with what seems like ATC to the table
(7-handed at this point) Hero, 2nd utg, raises to 15 with Q


, folds to V1 in cutoff who calls, V2 on button 3-bets to 55 and it folds back to hero. I had a great read on this player considering the short period of time I had played with him, and was 99% sure he had AKos here. I had noted he 3-bet to 40 or 45 from 15 earlier with a big pair(and believe he values AKs the same), and I took his extra on top in this spot as his idea of increased fold equity from a non-made, unsuited hand. I thought the best line would be to take a flop, concealing my hand strength, and being sure he'd c-bet, I'd CRAI on an all unders flop which he might call feeling priced in, depending on how large his c-bet was. I did not think he would call a 4-bet pre. I flatted, and the other player sort of surprisingly called behind which I guess indicated he was becoming restless because the call makes no sense with his stack size and was out of character for him.
Pot ~ 165
Flop: Q


Looking for ideas on the best line moving forward, and also welcoming opinions on different lines preflop.
Thanks in advance.