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1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR 1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR

08-24-2014 , 08:33 PM
You didn't say much about his sizing tendencies. Unless I had some idea that he was the type to bomb when he wants folds if just give him the benefit of the doubt. Especially if there's another player in the hand. He seems inexperienced and those types usually aren't betting a lot with nothing, they're usually betting with something good to protect their hand. Since he's really hanged some of his cues, I'd be inclined to think his hand is different from what he normally sees which means JJ-AA. This is really a read dependent spot which is impossible to advise on the boards. If he doesn't seem to be actin and he seems confident ten believe him.
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 07:36 AM
On the flop, given my initial range of TT-AA for him, I only beat exactly JJ (and chop with 1 combo of QQ), as such I folded.

Further results:

V1 check-raises to $165, V2 shoves, V1 calls off his remaining stack and mucks on a low non-club runout against V2's KK
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
And 3betting also blows out the terrible V1 (not only for his $20 preflop, but also potentially his $200).
Why do you want to play QQ 3 handed when you can get HU with someone that's in love with their hand?

3betting is easily the best play here; again there are only 2 hands in V2's range that beat us, and he seems more than happy to call our 3b, and then play oop.

This is going to be one of those scenarios where, the guy that you let sneak into the pot because you were reluctant to raise gets ya, and the other guy you were supposed to extract $$$ from.
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by jesse123
Yuck! We get what's typically a good flop for QQ and we're rightfully MUBSY. Can't table talk because of a 3rd player in the hand. Since we played the hand to set mine and didn't hit a set, I guess we fold. Could call to see if he fires again on the turn, but I would rather have invested that $65 in a pf 3-bet.
yup. given our preflop play we have decided to play 'no set, no bet'. not a good board for us 3way. fold looks good
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Corto Montez
Fair enough, onto post-flop:

Hero calls $20, folded to V1 who calls.

Flop: T 8 3 (We don't have the Qc)

V1 checks, V2 says 'raise' again and says $65, hero?

A relevant read at this point was that when he had whiffed with AK as the pfr, he bet $15 into 3 players after his PFR size was $15 as well.
I'd just follow thru with our preflop plan. All his bet sizing indicators (both preflop and postflop) indicate a big overpair (lose to AA/KK/TT, chop with QQ, beat JJ). I'm pretty cool with just folding now and moving on.

ETA: I know there is the danger of results oriented thinking, but personally I think you played the hand fine.

1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by L1V1NG1NF3AR
Why do you want to play QQ 3 handed when you can get HU with someone that's in love with their hand?

3betting is easily the best play here; again there are only 2 hands in V2's range that beat us, and he seems more than happy to call our 3b, and then play oop.

This is going to be one of those scenarios where, the guy that you let sneak into the pot because you were reluctant to raise gets ya, and the other guy you were supposed to extract $$$ from.
I'm not totally in love with allowing the other guy come along, but it's better than the alternatives (imo) and not horrendous (especially if we feel we might be almost-setmining to begin with).

1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Corto Montez
On the flop, given my initial range of TT-AA for him, I only beat exactly JJ (and chop with 1 combo of QQ), as such I folded.
You played it very well. You had a good plan, and you followed it.

Please never raise hoping that Villains will tell you where you are. That's horrible poker. One more thing to learn from this thread is that if you're playing donks that raise to find out where they're at that you don't need to 4-bet their misguided 3-bets even if you have aces or maybe kings.
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Given the bet sizing and verbalization tells, I do not raise here. I call to set mine getting great odds and a likelyhood of him overplaying the hand, and very occasionally see cheap show-downs or take it away on scary boards when checked to post-flop.

Plus this

Originally Posted by NoExcuses
call to set mine 3
call and call down 2
3bet fold 1
3bet call 4

3 bet calling leaves us drawing to 2 outs.
Calling to hit a set 11% of the time would be treating qq like 22
Call and call down leaves us open to being bluffed or owned if our read is already 1010-aa and does not allow us to take control of the pot
3bet/fold- this is optimal to me for 2 reasons
1. take the betting lead
2. narrow his range
The first three options also leaves the door open for v1 to outdraw us on a discount
3bet folding most likely leads us heads up.

3bet fold 55$
Equals this

Originally Posted by macktyson
I'm calling here, have position on both, be nice to flop a set but also let's play some post flop poker in position with a great starting hand, sounds good to me.
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by L1V1NG1NF3AR
3betting is easily the best play here; again there are only 2 hands in V2's range that beat us
Citation needed. What hands are in V's range that don't beat us? At what frequency? Please construct a reasonable range given reads and then show us the math that indicates that "3betting is easily the best play here." Unless you envision a much wider range than I do, you'll be surprised.
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 09:09 PM
I'm inclined to side with the flatting croud.

When 3 betting, are we doing it here for value or as a bluff? If it's a bluff, what hands beat us? If for value, what hands that we beat will call us? .

There seems to be two possible ranges, noting the OP's view that the raise amount and vebal betting amount to a lot of strength.
Possibility (a) is QQ+, AKs.
Possibility (b) is JJ+, ATs+, AKo.

I don't see a 3B folding out any of range (a) or anything we beat in range (b).

Again, if you feel the V will open $20 (in this manner) with a range much wider than (b), then the 3B/Fold line makes some sense. I don't.

Flat for set value. On any non-ace, non-queen flop, bet if checked to. fold if facing a c-bet (unless you hit your set).
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-25-2014 , 09:26 PM
I'm not sure I understand the concern about UTG coming along if we flat. I'd prefer it because:
  1. We're way ahead of UTG's calling range (which I put at BW, 55+, 67s+)
  2. We have position on both players
  3. Set mining against two other players isn't bad

What am I missing here?
1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Notam
I'm not sure I understand the concern about UTG coming along if we flat. I'd prefer it because:
  1. We're way ahead of UTG's calling range (which I put at BW, 55+, 67s+)
  2. We have position on both players
  3. Set mining against two other players isn't bad

What am I missing here?
My guess is that those who don't like flatting here don't think we're ~setmining (cuz, admittedly, it's rarely the case where we go into a hand planning to setmine with a hand as strong as QQ) and therefore would rather not invite yet another person into the pot to crack us. For instance, if we had AA here, it might be better to 3bet in order to get it HU against the raiser, or at least charge the loose fish far too much money to crack us.

1/3NL: QQ Facing Scary PFR Quote
