Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 999
1/3 Wynn LV
Most stacks in this game are 200bb+ which makes for a great game. However, in this hand we end up only playing about $50 effective.
H (LJ) opens $15 (my standard open) 78dd
BTN with only about $50 thinks and finally just calls.
BB also calls who has been giving me action and winning so far.
BB profile is significant. He seems straightforward and will just bomb it when he likes his hand but I have not been playing long enough with him to know if he ever bluffs or overvalues hands.
Flop 566r
BB leads 10
H calls
BTN shoves last 35 ish
Call call
Turn 7 BB checks
H thinks about betting and ends up checking back.
River Q (no flush possible)
BB snap bets 50
1) Should I be opening a hand like 78dd with the short stack behind me? I thought if I got past him, I was fine to take this hand, but it would maybe be better if I opened smaller or over limped to keep SPR small? I know I'm definitely not raising this if there are several short stacks to my left as either one of them will jam pre or flop.
2) What does BB's tiny donk mean here? And further what does it mean when he calls the 35 more with me behind? Does he have 5x? 6x? middling pair? The same hand?
3) Finally, how does this guy show up with a Q here? I know I should have probably bet the turn, but I still have to beat the btn. BB should not be bluffing into a dry side pot, but he may not know that.