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1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position 1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position

02-27-2022 , 07:29 AM
1/3: Weekend, 8-handed

Hand 1:

VillainA (25yo Asian male, 35/15, $200) limps in UTG.
VillainB (25yo Asian male, 35/20, aggressive postflop, $450) overlimps in UTG+1.
VillainC (50yo white male, 30/10, $300) overlimps in MP.
Hero ($350) raises to $15 with A-s T-d on the button.

VillainA and VillainB call, VillainC folds.

Flop ($54): QJ6sss

VillainA checks, VillainB checks, Hero bets $20, VillainA folds, VillainB calls

Turn ($94): Ks

VillainB checks, Hero bets $60, VillainB calls

River ($214): Jh

VillainB checks, Hero bets $100 for intended value, VillainB moves all-in

What do you do? Should Hero have checked behind?

Hand 2, one orbit later:

VillainA ($150) and VillainB ($500) limp as above UTG and UTG+1 again.
Folded to Hero ($300) who raises to $12 with T-d 9-c on the button
VillainA folds and VillainB calls.

Flop ($33): Qs Qh Jd

VillainB checks, Hero bets $10, VillainB raises to $25, Hero calls

Turn ($83): Ks

Villain bets $50, Hero calls

River ($183): Js

Villain bets $145. What do you do? Would you have played the hand differently earlier?
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-27-2022 , 07:37 AM
You’re iso raises are too light over 3 limps.
Hand 1 is okay, but Hand 2 is way OOL. Flatting T9o on BTN can be okay if the blinds are passive. Your preflop sizing is also too small in each hand — add $3.

Both hands are played fine postflop. Very easy folds on the river.
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-27-2022 , 11:13 AM
Agree that pre-flop raises are too small with three limpers.

Hand 1 is fine, but I probably check behind on river. Could be weak, but what can he possibly call with that we beat? However, he is aggressive. I'd need more info before I could call here. How aggressive? Is he capable of bluffing here?

Hand 2 I probably just limp the button. As played, I might make this call, but again I need more info. He is aggressive, but does he bluff? What is he limping in with? How does he see you?
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-27-2022 , 12:47 PM
Hand 1 is OK. I probably check behind on the river. With 4 to a flush on the board there isn't much villain can have that will call a bet. Most villain will be able to get away from a straight or set on this board. Once he moves in it's a hard decision, can he be bluffing such a scary board? Can he be over playing a lower flush? Depending on villain you may need to call this sometimes but I favor a fold.

Hand 2 limp preflop. You don't have a lot of FE and T9o isn't raising for value. When villain raises flop it really matters what you know about villain. Your bet here may have induced a bluff raise or villain could have you crushed. How often are you betting small on the flop? Do you normally bet dangerous flops small? How often has villain been raising flop? Depending on villain I may call or just fold then.

As played fold river. His river bet seems pure value and if he is willing to bluff 3 streets in a row then good for him. It matters that your hand is further from being the nuts here also since there is a higher straight and a flush possible on the river.
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-27-2022 , 05:41 PM
H1 Call pre wtf are you doing. Ck river. AP fold of course.
H2 Call pre wtf are you doing. Ck flop. You're supposed to lose about $18 in this hand, instead you lose at least $90 most of the time. AP pre and flop, I probably just fold turn, but most will call.
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-28-2022 , 01:07 PM

I just overlimp 3 limpers now unless I feel a raise has a legit chance of taking it down preflop / getting it HU (but that just ain't happening, is it?). ATo is just such a meh hand, but I'm cool with seeing a cheap flop with it in position in a high SPR pot and playing some postflop poker.

I'm cool with our cbet.

I'm cool with the turn bet. Two pairs are going to continue to try to boat up, so lets get value from them.

Against an aggressive villain who is capable of putting us in stoopid spots, I might consider checking behind here. If we are betting, then I'd be betting super small in an attempt to get paid off by two pair / Ts; I doubt those hands are paying off to any significant bets $$$-wise. But even a super small bet is dicey thanks to possibly inducing. As played, I probably manage a fold.

1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
02-28-2022 , 01:13 PM

I just overlimp. We're just $150 effective (quite short) against one limper, so raising is very meh against this stack. We somehow managed to get this HU in position with a nice SPR of ~9, so if that was expected then fine.

Against an aggro villain, I might just check this back (noting that I'd check back pretty much all my showdownable one pear hands here a lot too) and perhaps go for a delayed cbet (which could look tarpy). I also hate facing a check/raise, especially on a paired board where our "outs" could easily have us drawing dead. I sigh call the flop but I'm hating life.

I'm also just calling the turn.

I fold the river. If he bluffed us, nice hand sir (and make a mental note of stop building big pots against opponents who are capable of stealing them from us).

1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
03-02-2022 , 06:11 PM
The preflop raise in hand 1 literally can't be bad. It just can't be barring some weird blind dynamics. ATo isn't the most playable hand but it's still a top 15% value hand and we have position on 3 guys playing 30 to 35% of their hands. T9o on the other hand is neither a value hand nor super playable postflop. Barring very aggressive blind play it's still plenty good to overlimp given that we have position against bad players.
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
03-06-2022 , 03:32 AM
Raise more pre in H1. Limp behind is ok if you don’t have a strong feel for your opponents or if you think they might limp strong ranges.

I always bet river, when in doubt I just always value bet vs recs.

H2 Fold pre. I guess you can limp behind if it’s super soft.

X or bet flop are both fine.

Fold river.
1/3: Two lovely river runouts in position Quote
