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1/3 Turn Spot 1/3 Turn Spot

05-13-2014 , 02:33 AM
Hero is in MP playing about 190, Villian directly to my left has me covered. Button straddle($6) and 2 limpers in front of me, Hero raises to 25 with AhKh, Villian, Button and BB all call.

4 to the flop($110): 8c2h3h

BB checks, Hero c-bets $70, Villian calls, button and BB fold.

Turn($250) comes a blank (7c), Hero????????

With only 95 or so left, I dont feel like Villian is ever folding to a shove. And he is almost always shoving if I check(been fairly aggressive up to this point). I have 3 options and I dont really like any of them.

I ship my remaining 95, V calls, river comes a blank, V turns over A8 and I head for the ATM
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 05:17 AM
Unfortunately, the pf action left you with an awkward spr of 1.5 which gives you with really 2 options on the flop, shove or check/fold. You don't want to c-bet here because, it could leave you in the uncomfortable spot in which you now find yourself. On this relatively dry flop, I think this is an easy shove situation. You're a big favorite over standard calling ranges.

As played, I think you now have to bite the bullet and shove your remaining $95. If you can make any assumption at all that he would have shoved over your flop bet with sets or big pairs like AA/KK, then your likely up against something like MPs and TP type hands. You're a 2-1 dog against this range but you're getting like 3.5 to 1 if he calls.

Fyi, in this forum people are encouraged not to post spoiler hand results. Most people can't resist reading them and it may bias the responses. For the record, I didn't read your spoiler although I will now that I've sent this response.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 08:32 AM
Ez shove as you may have 15 live outs.

If possible, top-off to at least 100 bbs.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 08:40 AM
This is a fairly marginal spot on the turn and all of your options are ok (ie you don't lose much value by shipping, calling, or folding). My preference is shipping > calling > folding. I like shipping because I do think villain could fold some hands that have you beat, but you will get value from all the hands that you beat (drawing hands on the flop will not fold this turn bet). I prefer calling over folding because of the price we are getting to call.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 08:47 AM
There are other ways you could go here but lots of them end up in the same situation. Your SPR is too low and your hand too good on flop here. You can't just check/fold this flop, you need to c-bet. You can either go $70 or just shove, either is OK. On the turn, you can either check/fold or shove, which is better depends on villain. If he is never folding turn and always has you beat then check/fold is slightly better but if you have any FE then you might as well shove. If by some chance he bets turn small you will be priced in to call anyway.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 11:33 AM
Any reason we are playing fairly short?

We typically don't want to go more than 3way with a raise, so if we thought this was going to happen I would have raised a little more, but it's not the end of the world as even 4way we can happily commit postflop with TP thanks to being this short.

If I thought someone behind me would definitely take a stab at things if checked to them, then I would check/shove with my huge equity (hoping to get more dead money in the pot before bringing down the hammer). However, we only have one guy behind us to act so I'm not going to risk that. We have an awkward 1.5 PSB left, so I don't really like the idea of putting in a half our stack, whiffing the turn, and then just having a lol amount behind. Even though it is a bit of an overbet, I would simply shove the flop. We have huge equity and have no problem getting a call, and yet at the same time we maximize our FE (and we do want pair hands to fold since they are getting the correct odds to call even though they probably won't realize that).

As played, I would shove the turn (if all our outs are clean, we actually have the correct odds to chase) plus we have some FE.

1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Any reason we are playing fairly short?

We typically don't want to go more than 3way with a raise, so if we thought this was going to happen I would have raised a little more, but it's not the end of the world as even 4way we can happily commit postflop with TP thanks to being this short.

If I thought someone behind me would definitely take a stab at things if checked to them, then I would check/shove with my huge equity (hoping to get more dead money in the pot before bringing down the hammer). However, we only have one guy behind us to act so I'm not going to risk that. We have an awkward 1.5 PSB left, so I don't really like the idea of putting in a half our stack, whiffing the turn, and then just having a lol amount behind. Even though it is a bit of an overbet, I would simply shove the flop. We have huge equity and have no problem getting a call, and yet at the same time we maximize our FE (and we do want pair hands to fold since they are getting the correct odds to call even though they probably won't realize that).

As played, I would shove the turn (if all our outs are clean, we actually have the correct odds to chase) plus we have some FE.

I had been playing fairly deep stacked and had just lost a couple of big pots. Playing short was probably my biggest mistake of the hand, had I been deeper I would have had a lot more fold equity or been able to get away from it if I felt villain was strong.

The way it played out, I probably made a small mistake by not shoving flop, even though villain probably calls a shove anyways (TPTK is the nuts to him) I do gain more fold equity by shoving although not a ton. But I think the bigger mistake came Pre-Flop, by me allowing 4 players to get in the hand. In my experience a $25 raise is NORMALLY enough to get it down to 2-3 players in an unraised straddled pot, but I should have adjusted to the table (3 LAGS), if I had made it $35 or even $40 I still would have gotten 1-2 callers.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 01:56 PM
I don't see a strong reason for you to dwell on this hand because you actually didn't make any major mistakes. You just bricked off. The equity was close and the pot could have gone either way. That's poker.
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 02:11 PM
yeah, given the size of the pot, SPR, monies behind you have no choice but to ship that turn.

We should feel good about the turn ship for several reasons:

1) We do have the equity to shove. Two overs + nut flush draw getting over 3:1 if called fine
2) V does have flush draws in his range and we crush him if that is the case
3) There is ALWAYS some amount of fold equity, even in this spot with the SPR

so overall, yeah, its a shove and hope we bink. I just hate these spots, V turns over his weak sauce BS Ace rag and says, "Yeah, I put you on AK"

this is one of the reasons why I love JJ. A lot of players "hate" pocket jacks, but if we had pocket Jacks in this spot we would have owned him. Just food for thought, every hand has its place.

But back to this hand, you played it fine, just sucks we bricked
1/3 Turn Spot Quote
05-13-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by rtd353
I had been playing fairly deep stacked and had just lost a couple of big pots. Playing short was probably my biggest mistake of the hand, had I been deeper I would have had a lot more fold equity or been able to get away from it if I felt villain was strong.

The way it played out, I probably made a small mistake by not shoving flop, even though villain probably calls a shove anyways (TPTK is the nuts to him) I do gain more fold equity by shoving although not a ton. But I think the bigger mistake came Pre-Flop, by me allowing 4 players to get in the hand. In my experience a $25 raise is NORMALLY enough to get it down to 2-3 players in an unraised straddled pot, but I should have adjusted to the table (3 LAGS), if I had made it $35 or even $40 I still would have gotten 1-2 callers.
In spite of being short, we should still have fairly decent FE on the flop with a shove.

And while I'm a big proponent of making sure we narrow the field preflop when we raise (and by all means raise more if you are still going to get 1/2 callers), I don't think this particular case left us in too much difficulty. After all, it all comes down to the implied odds we ended up offering, and in this case each opponent got less than 10x implied odds (with the exception of the straddler due to already having money in, but even his implied odds weren't great), so I think the preflop result was acceptable enough (thanks, ironically, to us playing short; if we had of topped off to 100bbs before the hand, the result would have been bad).

1/3 Turn Spot Quote
