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(1/3) Terrible or ok play? (1/3) Terrible or ok play?

07-29-2022 , 11:27 AM
Without looking at results or replies:

I have a guy like V at my tables that calls himself Ethereum like the crypto coin and bets off with hands like 7-5, J-9, A-X all the time, then plays more common sense post if he has no draws or equity but guns it when he does have a draw. I'm kind of in the habit of waiting for premiums with this guy because he just doesn't adjust and I think that's his major exploit, I've crushed him a few times with QQ and KK type hands and he still doesn't remember me. But it always gets my hands shaking entering a pot with him.

I wouldn't call the line terrible but I would choose a better starting hand pre for this and just call the 3! pre. Problem is even though his range is wide the players that do this often have AX KX type hands as opposed to hands like 66 or 33. Even against a loose 3! range I'd say you're like 60th percentile pre and after he calls the 4! you're more like 40-50th percentile in my mind. Clubs OTF are nice obviously. I'd probably just raise the flop donk bet, V can be betting range to set a price and doesn't want to take a check/call line OOP. I guess once you call you're just going with it OTT.

Last edited by Stupidbanana; 07-29-2022 at 11:33 AM.
(1/3) Terrible or ok play? Quote
07-29-2022 , 12:09 PM
4! pre is too light IMO, you have a solid hand to play IP for the price he gave you although its not an ideal situation.
your "light" 4! should be much better hands, AQs, AJs is pretty loose, JJ is fairly loose and plays good as a call IMO, I'd stick to 4! with QQ+ AK, and mix in suited Ax like AQ A5 AJ if V is really 3 betting light. having the A blocker is good for not running into Aces and will give you around 33% equity vs. any good pairs he may flat with. That's plenty of hands. If he's really out of line, add in JJ , the goal vs. this player is to play a big pot with great cards, not to try and start getting him to fold pre.

from your description, I got the impression V's RFI is pretty high and perhaps c-bets and double barrels more than most, although 3! in general or from the blinds is a little different, I'd make sure you've seen him do this light before flatting QJs or 4! with light holdings yourself. Have you seen him 3! much?

Post I like how you played it, his donk seems like he has a pair and he's putting you on AK AQ, and expects you not to play back at him without an over pair, raise or call seems good. Turn is a good card to rep AK. I probably try to bet geometrically over turn and river if I improve. which would be same % of pot on both streets. just make sure you are floating the flop with AK, because if you never flat with AA KK or AK on the flop your turn bet is all bluffs.
(1/3) Terrible or ok play? Quote
07-29-2022 , 06:15 PM
As played, flop feels like a must-raise. Turn is probably fine but no need to have reached this spot.

I don't mind 4! this hand against overaggro at some frequency.
(1/3) Terrible or ok play? Quote
