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1/3 QQ facing turn shove 1/3 QQ facing turn shove

02-03-2020 , 03:14 AM
350 effective

Villain- for the time I’ve been playing at the table he’s been solid

I’m dealt QQ and in the LJ

Folds to me and I make it 15,

SB calls, BB 3bets to 45, I call, SB calls

Pot: 130
Flop: 4 8 J rainbow

SB checks, BB bets 65, I call, SB folds

Pot: 260
Turn: J (no flush draw possible)

Villain shoves all in for 240

Hero: ?

Thought process: I don’t think he’s 3betting many, if any, Jx. AA/KK certainly possible. I feel like worrying just about AA/KK is MUBSy but I also don’t see people blasting off 200+ With air when they aren’t a complete maniac.

As for preflop, I’d probably never 4bet in this specific spot because 1) position and 2) SB is a fish
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:41 AM
4b pre regardless of SB - we need to pump it up while we have an equity edge and start committing stacks.

As played I call turn
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:32 AM
I agree with your assessment and also your reason for not 4betting pre. Could this villain be widening his squeeze range with more Jx to iso the fish? Even still, why rip it here with a J? It's hard to see AA or KK shoving this card too. I can't see myself folding.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:10 PM
I don't mind the flat pre. Yes, usually 3-betting but given we're IP with a fish in the SB, blatting sometimes is fine.

I'm calling turn.

What can beat us? AA/KK can take this line, of course, but I feel they'll get MUBSY when TP pairs and potentially check. Let's say 3 combos of each. JJ is also possible, but that's just 1 combo *and* most LLSNL villains will get trappy. AJ is also possible, but it's not frequently 3-bet at 1/3 and could also trap turns. Let's still say 2 combos of AJs. So 9 combos of value total.

What do we beat? Ironically I think AK might try this given blockers to AJ/KJ. Let's say 2 combos of AK. Then I think TT/99 are also possibilities, wanting to deny equity to overcards. Let's say 2 combos of each. So 6 total combos we beat.

6/15 is 40% and we only need 32% (260+240+240) to call, so I think we can call.

That being said, it's a marginal spot and we can probably also have plenty of Jx here ourselves so folding is also reasonable/fine.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 04:12 PM
If he is "solid" the worst hand I see villain showing up with here is KK. I guess it depends on what you mean when you say solid. With no other info at my 1/2 game this is a fold. At the table this is read dependent. If I think Villain can do this with 10/10 I call.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 05:55 PM
If V has been in line and is repping AA hard, I probably believe him. I could even nit fold the flop some % of the time. The J OTT actually increases the chances of me calling but I still almost certainly lay this down against your V. Calling with many other V’s but no reason to blast off here.

V has had 3 opportunities to act and upped the action every time. Nice hand, muck, next hand.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by twitcherroo
The J OTT actually increases the chances of me calling but I still almost certainly lay this down against your V.
Don't you think this makes a *considerable* difference? I'd be strongly in favor of folding the turn if it wasn't the J, but I really think the J tends to slow down AA/KK.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by krilleater
Don't you think this makes a *considerable* difference? I'd be strongly in favor of folding the turn if it wasn't the J, but I really think the J tends to slow down AA/KK.
I don't know.... I'm a little confused by your question, or maybe by my own post. I do think the J OTT should slow down AA/KK, so when V shoves I'm weighting him more toward AK, TT type hands, rather than towards a J. I guess i just don't think he has a ton of J in his smallish 3b pre range.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:02 PM
He's gotta be doing this with air sometimes for us to want to make this call, and it probably isn't 33% of the time. And the times he does have air he probably has outs so I would fold.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-04-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by mdelore
He's gotta be doing this with air sometimes for us to want to make this call, and it probably isn't 33% of the time. And the times he does have air he probably has outs so I would fold.
The thing is, I think he'd be capable of doing this with *non-air* that we beat. In particular, because we flatted preflop I think a hand like TT could be shoving for value+protection once the J pairs.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-04-2020 , 02:29 PM
Yeah it's a close spot I don't hate a call at all, ime they just have it too often. But if I pick up on some spaz vibes I am snap calling.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
02-04-2020 , 03:05 PM
I don't hate a call, but I don't see many players doing with w/o a hand that can beat QQ. I mean, what does he put you on? How does he see you?

In game vs. a solid player, I really want to fold w/o some specific read. AK and TT are about all we beat. I guess he could do it w/ AK with blockers knowing you flatted pre so probably don't have AA/KK. That's solid thinking

Get a read, make a decision.
1/3 QQ facing turn shove Quote
