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1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC 1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC

05-14-2018 , 02:36 AM
1/3.. Sunday morning table.. nobody has a lot of money and play is mostly passive in general..

V ($250-300) is a 70 year old guy.. I’ve seen him play 3 hands so far in the 40 mins I’ve been here.

Hand 1: While I was sitting down at the table, he bet/called a $100 shove with AQcc on 72Q4 with 2 clubs and won.

Hand 2: Called an EP raise in MP with 88, check/check on AQT flop, turn 8x EP bet $25 he just called, river Q EP checked he bet $25 and EP sigh-called with AJcc.

Hand 3: Called my $12 EP raise with AQo in MP, BB called with A7o. Everyone checked down on a board of JT854 and Hero won with AKo.

Hero ($1000) moved tables 40 mins ago and has been playing pretty snug as well as he’s tired and ready to lock a profit and leave. He showed a big laydown to the table when EP limped, Hero overlimped A7hh in EP1, flop came A74cc, EP overbet $15 into $10 Hero called, turn 9c EP bet $30 Hero folded face up. I also bet/folded AQo UTG to UTG1 fish’s minraise on A23r in a 4-way single raised pot, and he showed AKo and said it was unbelievable that I folded. Hero also showed down the nuts in a 3-way pot before that got a call OTR in a $250 pot. So Hero has a nice tight image and feels like a boss.


Hero raises $14 in EP with QsQh, 4 calls including V in MP.

Flop ($70): 632ccs
Hero bets $37, only V calls

Turn ($144): 7s
Hero checks, V bets $50, Hero folds face-up and leaves

With my image, shallowish stacks and the tight nature of the table, I didn’t feel like betting too big on this flop since most hands can’t continue. Once V calls my flop bet, alarm bells are going off in my head, I expect him to check behind most of his hands that I beat to passively check behind turn.

Is the turn fold too weak? Based on V’s tight/passive play on previous hands with monsters, I put V on a very strong range to call my flop lead into 4 players:

a) flush draws, that will check back turn
b) flopped sets, that will slow play
c) overpairs 88-JJ, that are the only hands I beat
d) and sometimes 76s

My standard would be to check/call turn and check/fold river OR bet/fold turn and check/fold river BUT I just had a weird feeling here that I was beat.

I just don’t know how to play overpairs when I don’t flop sets!1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC

Last edited by momo_uk; 05-14-2018 at 02:58 AM.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 02:48 AM
Stop folding face up. I'm upping my bluffing frequencies by 5x vs anyone who i see folding hands like this.

As for the hand, it seems like an easy b/f spot vs described villain. A x/call isn't terrible either if you think he is folding overpairs.

Folding is way too tight, obviously, specially vs this sizing.
I think you are overestimating the # of combos of sets/2pair vs the combo's of 88-JJ.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 10:59 AM
But a turn bet bloats the pot up heavily and I’m not even sure if he’s going to call a double barrel with worse than QQ. If he calls, I’m hating it tbh.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 11:08 AM
b/f @ T is what I do here. By betting you charge his FD and JJ-88 and have an easy decison when he bets the R. This is good hand for a 2 streets of value. Much more like b/f than ch/c.

And Vs could easly bet here with JJ-88 as he don't want to see any overcars/flush cards on R to his pair and have tought decision (especialy with his small sizing).

Originally Posted by momo_uk
BUT I just had a weird feeling here that I was beat.
Seems like a mindset leak to work on. The feeling produced by your fear of losing money that you have already won and was ready to leave with them. If that's true then you should leave earlier. Not that the feeling (in overall) is bad, but you should be more concentrated on his range and 88-JJ are definietly there.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 11:30 AM
Keep betting turn. OMC is not going to have two pairs or straights on this board. He can have 88-JJ. He could have some sets, but those would have likely raised the flop or if he raises your turn bet. Check folding turn is pretty bad here.

And stop folding face up. All you're doing is posssibly killing your own action in the future. Not that it would necessarily happen at these stakes, but it just invites people to mess with you knowing you're so nitty post flop as well.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 11:40 AM
This hand is once again a prime example of why its so damn important to actually get up and cashout when you get into the mindset OP is telling us about. Like the i am happy with this money that ive won, i am tired and i want to leave before i make any stupid mistakes or whatever.

There is nothing wrong with those thoughts, we all get them from time to time. But its important to not keep playing, you will be scared money, risk averse, not playing your A game and alot more.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 12:51 PM
I know it's hard to do, but try to stop stroking your ego by showing your big folds; they serve no good purpose. (FWIW, I sometimes fight versions of this problem too)

I hate our preflop result. If you're fine with it, deep doing it.

Even though the SPR is small, I'm not really feeling committed so many ways, which is why I'm cool with our smallish 1/2 PSB cbet.

This is one of the reasons I hate the preflop result. On the turn it's still drawy and yet we only have a little over a PSB left. We're facing a commitment decision and really have zero clue where we stand. This guy doesn't seem to be getting out-of-line, so I'd probably bet a small amount and make a hero fold to raise. If I'm checking, it's to call a small bet because he could easily think JJ-88/etc. is good at this point, and I'll then make a hero check/fold on the river if he bets again (as most people insta check back most of these hands).

And stop showing your hands.

1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 04:00 PM
Nice move to rack up.

Some input:

1) U have showed AX a couple of times and now check turn with QQ on a 7-high board.
2) There are 24 combos of 88-JJ.
3) There are 12 combos of sets.
4) If V flopped sets with 33/22, it is more likely than not he would raise given the hand is multi-way and texture of the board.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 06:11 PM
Stop showing folds FFS, I’m the least frisky player at most tables and I’d bluff the crap out of anyone showing these kind of folds.

Re this hand, these kind of players are who bet/fold was invented for. Just size small and carry on betting.

Walking away was good, you are tired, not playing your best and have a fat profit to lock up. That decision is more important than this hand. Plenty of otherwise decent players make the wrong choice and spunk it all off because they just can’t walk away.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 06:30 PM

Kind of a big raise, but if people will call it then go for it.


I personally think I'd go more for a bet of about $55. I figure that when it's so multiway, opponents aren't going to call with garbage, only overpairs and strong overcards, and that they'll call $55 with that stuff. The logic, I assume, of betting smaller is to get calls from garbage, but I feel like garbage wouldn't call when it's so multiway. I'm not sure though.

Turn when first to act

I would bet this, looking to get value from 88-JJ + flush draws. It'll be hard to get value from 88-JJ on the river if a scare card comes, and impossible to get value from flush draws that miss. Given that the opponent is passive, and without hindsight, I wouldn't expect him to bet his 88-JJ or flush draws too often, so I think you're missing a lot of value by not betting. Also, you don't have to worry about being bluff raised from a passive opponent. You can bet-fold pretty confidently, I think.

Turn facing bet

I feel like flush draws could definitely be betting this turn, as a float semi-bluff type of thing. BUT, I wouldn't expect a float semi-bluff for 1/3 pot, so I'm having some alarm bells go off too because of the sizing.

But I also would expect bigger bets with Villains nut hands, because the board is pretty wet with two available flush draws and it's kinda connected. And just because Villain should expect to get value from overpairs.

And I'd expect hands like 88-JJ to want to bet bigger too so as to not give draws a good price.

So ultimately, I think there's reason to discount everything in Villain's turn range a similar amount. But if we're discounting everything a similar amount, then it doesn't change his range in a relative sense.

With that said, I think Villain has got enough flush draws and 88-JJ stuff to justify calling such a small bet. If you feel like you know Villain really well and have a really good read on him, then I could see folding. But I don't see enough reason to think you have such a good read on him. That could just be my lack of ability talking though.

Last edited by adamzerner; 05-14-2018 at 06:37 PM.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
This hand is once again a prime example of why its so damn important to actually get up and cashout when you get into the mindset OP is telling us about. Like the i am happy with this money that ive won, i am tired and i want to leave before i make any stupid mistakes or whatever.

There is nothing wrong with those thoughts, we all get them from time to time. But its important to not keep playing, you will be scared money, risk averse, not playing your A game and alot more.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-14-2018 , 06:58 PM
the turn bet is just so small I feel like we have to AT LEAST check call and reevaluate on the river as played.

I like bet folding here as well some of the time.

Check calling sounds good as well.

If we check here it is almost imperative that we call especially with the small sizing
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-15-2018 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by adamzerner

Kind of a big raise, but if people will call it then go for it.


I personally think I'd go more for a bet of about $55. I figure that when it's so multiway, opponents aren't going to call with garbage, only overpairs and strong overcards, and that they'll call $55 with that stuff. The logic, I assume, of betting smaller is to get calls from garbage, but I feel like garbage wouldn't call when it's so multiway. I'm not sure though.

Turn when first to act

I would bet this, looking to get value from 88-JJ + flush draws. It'll be hard to get value from 88-JJ on the river if a scare card comes, and impossible to get value from flush draws that miss. Given that the opponent is passive, and without hindsight, I wouldn't expect him to bet his 88-JJ or flush draws too often, so I think you're missing a lot of value by not betting. Also, you don't have to worry about being bluff raised from a passive opponent. You can bet-fold pretty confidently, I think.

Turn facing bet

I feel like flush draws could definitely be betting this turn, as a float semi-bluff type of thing. BUT, I wouldn't expect a float semi-bluff for 1/3 pot, so I'm having some alarm bells go off too because of the sizing.

But I also would expect bigger bets with Villains nut hands, because the board is pretty wet with two available flush draws and it's kinda connected. And just because Villain should expect to get value from overpairs.

And I'd expect hands like 88-JJ to want to bet bigger too so as to not give draws a good price.

So ultimately, I think there's reason to discount everything in Villain's turn range a similar amount. But if we're discounting everything a similar amount, then it doesn't change his range in a relative sense.

With that said, I think Villain has got enough flush draws and 88-JJ stuff to justify calling such a small bet. If you feel like you know Villain really well and have a really good read on him, then I could see folding. But I don't see enough reason to think you have such a good read on him. That could just be my lack of ability talking though.

You do realize the pot will be HUGE if we bet $55 and get called right? A turn bet after that is committing us so there’s no room to bet fold.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-15-2018 , 04:23 AM
I think the cbet sizing is fine. No equity hands will fold anyways to any sizing and we dont wanna bloat the pot.

I dont think a tight 70 year old would bet 50 into 144 with a set. And i think he would have raised the flop.

IMO we cant fold on the turn to such a small bet. He could easily have a smaller pair like 88-JJ.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-15-2018 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
You do realize the pot will be HUGE if we bet $55 and get called right? A turn bet after that is committing us so there’s no room to bet fold.
This in not true. While you cbing, you still have 4 palyers behind and don't know which one of them will continiue, so it doesn't mean you will be commited @ T when betting again.

AP @T OMC have behind 250$ (if started the hand with 300$), pot is 140$ so I see a place there for a b/f.

Anyway I probably cb more than 37 and less than 55, but these are "details" in this hand. Most important is that with QQ @ 6327ccss played ch/f and it IMO v. weak.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-15-2018 , 10:15 AM
This villain is never bluffing so just bet bet bet until he raises and then fold. As played, I don't love seeing his bet but OMCs can overvalue their one pair hands and you are now underrepped so you have to call here. He should show up here a lot with a hand like JJ.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-16-2018 , 11:13 AM
I would size higher on the flop on this board, at least $50 and maybe $55. Losing value with your small sizing.

I see no reason to check this turn unless V has a bluffing frequency that is high so you want to give up the lead and let him bluff. Turn is a relatively straight forward b/f spot for me.

AP I think yon need to call turn and re-evaluate river.

And as others have said, stop folding face up and also leave the able as Petrucci said before you play a hand like this.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
05-16-2018 , 11:28 AM
Nice move

Some input:

1) U have showed AX a couple of times and now check turn with QQ on a 7-high board.
2) There are 24 combos of 88-JJ.
3) There are 12 combos of sets.
1/3: QQ facing turn bet on 2367 from OMC Quote
