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1-3 Pot 1-3 Pot

07-31-2012 , 03:45 AM
Hero (SB, $250) 95
Villain (MP, $800)

Limped family pot (9-handed)

Pot - $25
I lead for $20, Villain calls and CO calls.
Pot - $85
I lead again for $75, Villain calls, CO folds.
Pot - $235
I shove for $155.
Bad shove? Really didn't wanna c/f (felt that would be awful) and just feel like I'm really only being called by better (66, 96, J9) Really thought he would at some point raised 87. Also, is c/f really bad? Bet sizing on Flop and Turn?
1-3 Pot Quote
07-31-2012 , 04:45 AM
Fold pre. Seriously, even 9-ways, this hand is donkey dong.

AP, flop bet into the world is good, and sizing is good. C/R overplays our hand, and c/c or checking through is not a good idea with a vulnerable hand OOP.

Turn bet is too much on a blank, though. No reason to go over 1/2 pot here. I B/F for $40-50 here, and expect straights and sets to raise for us almost always. AP, v's can get tricky if they want, since you are doing the big betting for them and are never folding after putting that much in.

AP, why shove river? For value? From what? I much prefer c/c here, but if we'd bet smaller OTT we could b/f.
1-3 Pot Quote
