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1/3 Pocket Q's 1/3 Pocket Q's

11-26-2013 , 07:48 PM
Hero UTG $225 60ish white guy been playing TAG

V1 UTG+1 $27 50ish Asian lady (short stack been on a losing streak)

V2 MP $200 40 something white guy seems to be a thinking player, likes to take a stab at pots when nobody bets, otherwise seems decent.

Others not relevant to the hand.

I raise to $12 pre-flop

V1 goes all-in for her last $24

V2 raises to $60.00

Hero? What do you think is the best play and why?
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 07:50 PM
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 07:55 PM
Doesn't shoving make the hands I beat fold and the hands that beat me call?
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 08:10 PM
I don't think he's folding any of his range after putting 1/3 of his stack, stove JJ +and AK vs ur hand

Sent from my SCH-I545 using 2+2 Forums
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 08:32 PM
Looks like a fairly obvious isolation bet, and considering your read on V2, it's a shove moment IMO.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 09:20 PM
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by playertee
I don't think he's folding any of his range after putting 1/3 of his stack, stove JJ +and AK vs ur hand

Sent from my SCH-I545 using 2+2 Forums
That range is too tight. A competent player should be 4 betting much wider to fold us out.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-26-2013 , 11:44 PM
Jam !

We don't ever mind a fold from him as we are for sure winning the side pot. He is never folding AK or JJ and maybe even 1010. If he folds what ever you break even if you lose the main pot.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
That range is too tight. A competent player should be 4 betting much wider to fold us out.
Agreed that range seems too tight. I assume he would feel pretty comfortable playing heads up against the short stack and letting the cards falls with a mixture of pairs and big suited cards.

I'm 100% NOT folding here. Would have to agree that it seems like an iso bet here, I would put him on as low as KQos. I figure his range consists of 88/99+, KQos+, A8s/A9s+, A10os+. What's everyone else think here?
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 12:25 PM
First, open to $20 if a lot of other effective stacks are $200. This allows us to easily stack off postflop on non A/K flops. A raise to $12 does not enable us to do this as easily (HU SPR of 7+ vs 4.5).

Even though a cold 4bet is a little scary, the fact is we're only 66bbs deep, there's some dead money in the pot, and we have the 3rd best starting hand. So obviously we can never fold.

With us being OOP, I think I just shove now. If we flat, we might hate life on all A/K flops, and on non A/K flops we won't know whether to ship it in vs check and hope guy bluffs at side pot and takes his chances in main pot, or whether he might check behind giving him another free shot at outdrawing us. If we were in position (thus guarantee a safe flop won't check thru while still allowing guy to bluff at pot) I wouldn't hate a flat as much. Villain has also stuck in 1/3 of his stack, he's very rarely folding anything, could easily be doing this with JJ/TT (where we don't want him to see a A/K/Q flop so he can fold his hand), etc.

1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 01:29 PM
Being OOP is what made me unsure of the right play here. I did end up shoving and V2 folded pocket JJ's face up after trying to get me to talk about my hand.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 06:04 PM
Happily shoving here. I think his range could be as wide as QJs+, 66+,A8s+,ATo+ just trying to get heads up against shorty.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by TNTravis
Happily shoving here. I think his range could be as wide as QJs+, 66+,A8s+,ATo+ just trying to get heads up against shorty.
this is sooo villain dependent. In a 1/2 game I think this kind of player is rare.

But even if his range is tighter, I agree that shoving is the play.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by bob_124
this is sooo villain dependent. In a 1/2 game I think this kind of player is rare.

But even if his range is tighter, I agree that shoving is the play.
Agreed, I guess I was just putting myself in villains shoes... I would make this play with approx that range. Happy to ISO with the lower portion and happy to gii with the upper portion.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
11-27-2013 , 09:11 PM
Technically the thread was over after gobbledygeeks post but I have to say one thing. Your "read" on V2 was completely inadequate. Age and ethnicity are unreliable indicators, albeit sometimes all we have to go on. However, in this case, there could potentially be other useful tidbits:

1. What percentage of the time does he see a flop? 5%? 80%?
2. Does he usually limp or raise?
3. Has he ever 3-bet? Did he show?
4. Has he ever 4bet?
5. What's his cbet frequency?

Granted, stack size is by far the most important factor in this hand. But dang. How do you play poker if you don't know who you're playing against?

I'm fat, friendly and 50.* Does that make me a nit? If you think so, I would invite you to take a seat to my right for a couple hours some time.

Also, what difference does it make, what he actually had? That information is only helpful for the next hand, not this one. Which is my point, actually.

No offense. A Zen master would have hit you over the head with a stick. Either way, as long as you wake up, it's all good.

*i know. No way to go through life.
1/3 Pocket Q's Quote
