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1/3 nlhe QQ multi way 1/3 nlhe QQ multi way

01-02-2014 , 07:16 PM
hero is in utg+2 with QQ with a stack of around $700 largely a loose table hero is a tag player......utg and utg+1 limp hero makes it $20 ...HJ,CO,Button,SB,BB,UTG call the flop hero has everyone covered but SB who is pretty lag and has about $1000 Flop Comes down


Hero has hit top set ....checks around to hero who makes it $65 to go HJ, CO,Button and BB fold. BB,UTG call

turn is 5

Gin card for hero unless someone has 55 which is highly unlikely SB checks, UTG checks

To extract value should hero bet his full house or just check and see if SB or UTG will lead out otr? SB and UTg are LAG
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:20 PM
If my math is correct, pot is $335 on the turn. There's a pretty good chance somebody has a flush, and I would be looking to get stacks in by the river.

I would bet $200, leaving just over $400 to bet into a pot of $735 (assuming 1 caller) on the river.
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:26 PM
Pot is c. $140 on the flop, right? Why you betting so little? With * six * opponents someone will almost always have a piece here. We want stacks in on most runouts, bet at least $100

Obviously you hit one of the best cards in the deck, hope they have hearts, random 5, or the Ah, Kh etc and bet 1/2 pot to offer a good-looking price and allow river shove for less than pot
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:47 PM
@amh1121 I bet $65 or a little less than half the pot since i always c-bet a little less than half the pot with a monster or air....
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:52 PM
$80-$100 OTF.$175-$200 OTT
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:56 PM
@99 won't that ring alarm bells for others? I mean i always c-bet about 1/2 the pot OTF regardless........won't a c-bet of $100 kill my action?
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 08:06 PM
Stop auto-cbetting half pot. There's a flush draw. I would go $95 on the flop, $210 on this amazing turn card, and jam any river.
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by amh1121
Pot is c. $140 on the flop, right? Why you betting so little? With * six * opponents someone will almost always have a piece here. We want stacks in on most runouts, bet at least $100
This. 65 is barely charging the draws that are going to come along and catch up (sans that pretty turn)
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-02-2014 , 08:31 PM
Bet ~200. Shove river.
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-03-2014 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by osucowboy0510
@amh1121 I bet $65 or a little less than half the pot since i always c-bet a little less than half the pot with a monster or air....
your intentions here (not providing sizing tells according to strength of hand) are good, but missing out on value. at 1/3, our opponents generally aren't very attentive, and the game is so slow that they'll probably struggle to assemble any actionable conclusions within a session. This is true even if they are watching every hand all the way to showdown and comparing your cbet amount with your hand on the flop (lol at the idea)

In this case, 6 opponents otf mean that you're probably gonna get a customer on the flop and we want his/her stack
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-03-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by osucowboy0510
@amh1121 I bet $65 or a little less than half the pot since i always c-bet a little less than half the pot with a monster or air....
This is definitely costing you assloads of value at these stakes (and is exploitable at higher stakes). Plus, you're making it harder for yourself to get stacks in by the river if playing deeper. If turn was a non-heart 5, I might check to let opponents catch up. But with it being the 5, I'm betting this turn almost 100% of the time to try to induce a check raise from a turned flush, and get more value out of a naked A or K draw.
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-03-2014 , 12:40 PM
Preflop can be pretty tricky at these loose tables, especially if there are a lot of deepstacks. We absolutely do not want to be going to the flop eleventeen ways in a bloated pot (this is a nightmare, imo); we'd be much happier going eleventeen ways in a limped pot (where we can't make any big mistakes postflop). Limp/reraising is definitely an option, although with QQ we're not exactly as pumped as with AA/KK if someone decides to 4bet our limp/reraise and they are also deepish like us. I'd either (a) raise a lot more in order to have a chance at thinning the field or (b) limp with intentions of evaluating, most likely reraising smaller stacks and perhaps playing a bit more careful against a bigstack / tight raise.

Pot is $140 on the flop. Board is drawy (flush draw, baby straight draws), so there are a lot of cards that could kill action / hand on turn. If there are any other big stacks involved we want to quickly start playing for stacks. Therefore, I'd bet big. I'm going at least $100, but wouldn't have any problems going up to a PSB. There's eleventeen players in the hand, let's hope that one of them has something worth continuing with. I don't like the 1/2 PSB on this drawy board against this many opponents.

Pot on the turn is $335 and we have $615 left (and are covered). We absolutely must bet if we want to play for stacks (which of course we do). I'd go $150 - $200 which will setup an easy river shove.

1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
01-03-2014 , 12:58 PM
Alarm bells may go off, but you have so many players involved in the pot, that there is a very good chance that someone is going to have a piece of it. Considering how big the pot is already, if villains have a FD/SD, they would pretty much want to gamble in this spot...which is great for you cuz u flopped gin.

I would personally bet $80 though to set up for a bigger turn bet. $65 is kinda on the low side.
1/3 nlhe QQ multi way Quote
