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<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? <img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line?

11-10-2012 , 04:51 PM
Hero: ($300) Upper 20's. This actually our first hand, so 1 of my opponents has not played with me before, the other knows I'm capable of being pretty aggressive.

Villain 1: ($300) Mid 40's. He has played with me before, and I know he likes to limp/call a lot with suited connectors.

Villain 2: ($300) Early 30's. I haven't played with him, but I know he is a good player from talking to others.

Preflop: Villain 1 (EP) and Villain 2 (LP) limp, Hero has KK in the SB and makes it $18.

Both Villain 1 and 2 call.

Flop: ($57) T97

Hero bets $35. Villain 1 calls, Villain 2 calls

I'm assuming I'm going to get a few responses that I should size my c-bet bigger here ($45-$50). Part of me didn't want to just play my hand face-up by telegraphing I have an overpair that villain can take me off, but maybe it's still the better play.

Turn: ($162) 9

Hero ???

Eff stacks left $250

Is this a bet/fold or check/evaluate?

Is it pretty reasonable to think after just both the calls on the flop, hands that villains can have here are pretty much QJ, JT, J9, T9, T8, 88, 98?
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-10-2012 , 06:38 PM
I wouldnt bet the pot i think $35-$42 is fine. We need more info on the info on the preflop and postflop tendencies of both players. Are either one of them passive enough to slowplay a flopped straight and/or set/2p here? Are they tricky floaters? Either way I'm much more inclined to bet/fold turn, both denying a free card and getting value from 8/x 10/x 66 or random air hands. Here we prevent ourselves from getting bluffed off the best hand if we face a big river bet with 2 opponents. If heads up on the river (1 villain c/calls) I'm checking back most of the time or mostly folding to a donk bet.
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-10-2012 , 07:02 PM
Meh, I think I just check.

I expect villains to check it back and for us to still be good most of the time.

If they were aggressive/spewy we could bet 100 and snap off a shove for 150 more.

But I'm not expecting these guys to bluff a tonne in this spot if we check.
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-10-2012 , 07:56 PM
You have two options:

Check and possibly c/r all-in depending on the players/action. If they check back, then just do a standard vbet/blocker on the river for about $50-75 depending on what peels off.


continue the bet/fold line. I'd go with ~$65 here because I think at this point it's way ahead/way behind. You don't have to bet huge to find out. QJ and Tx hands are still calling and drawing super thin. 9x/straight/FH will usually let you know here or on the flop that you are beat. If you get 1 caller you can just shove the river on a ton of cards and still get called by worse.

Flop sizing is fine imo.
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-10-2012 , 10:04 PM
Grunching ...

I think the turn card is good for you most of the time. Gives TX 2-pr, unlikely to fold. At least one opponent can be drawing. As played, I'd B/F $75.

There may be some overs/GS in their flop calling ranges as well.
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-11-2012 , 05:54 AM
Thanks for the responses. I decided to do the check/evaluate line (hoping to get checked through in which case I could then make a small value bet on river)

Continuing w/ the hand

Pot: $162

Hero checks...villain 1 bets $105, villain 2 folds.


I think his bet is pretty strong into two opponents here. As played, is this now a fold?
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
11-11-2012 , 04:26 PM
v1's $105 bet is interesting for a few reasons.

#1 he has bet 3x the flop bet, and 3 players are in the hand. To me, this indicates he has a solid hand, but not a nutted type hand. It's almost as if he wants his opponents to fold. Something like a strong A-10, JJ, QQ type hand that wants to take it down now.

he's betting 65% of the pot here. With a fullhouse or 9x type hand he shouldn't be betting that large since he wants to keep players in. I'd expect a fullhouse to bet no more than $80.

#2 this is a 40yr old guy playing vs 2 younger guys. I find these types to be more agro than average when you check to them. Something about teaching the young guys a lesson, etc. You have checked to him so I would expect a bet from any made hand.

#3 v2 folded. You can assume v2 might have had an 8x or JQ/KJ type hand. So what does that leave that beats you? 98, J9, some 68/J8. TT/99/77 are unlikely imo due to his betsizing.

Hands you beat: AT, KT, QT, JT, T8, 78, (JJ, QQ unlikely but possible)

Board: Tc 9d 7h 9s

	          equity 	win 	tie 	      pots won 	pots tied	
Hand 0: 	44.923%  	44.92% 	00.00% 	          9132 	        0.00   { TT-99, 77, ATs, KTs, QTs, J8s+, T8s+, 97s+, 86s, ATo, KTo, QTo, J9o+, T9o }
Hand 1: 	55.077%  	55.08% 	00.00% 	         11196 	        0.00   { KK }
I'd shove. I think it's a marginal spot you will lose close to half the time. However, with the money in the pot I don't think folding is correct.
<img /3 NL - KK in SB on scary board. Best turn line? Quote
