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1/3 NL - I isolate pre and then become a station w/KJ 1/3 NL - I isolate pre and then become a station w/KJ

01-21-2014 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
I can't think of a single hand you don't beat, not one, so it's probably a shove

I probably ship it though.
1/3 NL - I isolate pre and then become a station w/KJ Quote
01-21-2014 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
correct me if I'm wrong, but when we're talking about ISOing, I always assume it's with a weaker hand than normal. If I have AK or QQ here, I'm not ISOing - I'm raising for value. ISOing with a wide range against a weak, tight or passive player works because our C-bets are going to get a fold the majority of the time, regardless of the board.
Ya that is exactly right. I can imagine iso also works with a spewy/stationy/predictable player though - so just whenever there is someone that you don't need a monster to enter a pot with for +EV, and when it's best played HU.

HOWEVER, it's scary when they show strength and play back at you, such as in this case. If iso was your initial plan then you gotta think twice when you are the aggressor turning into the caller. It seems that here OP just had the wrong read though, as V doesn't seem to be nitty but rather spewy (two streets of bad bluff turned into a value bet) - MAKE NOTES AND ABUSE LATER.
1/3 NL - I isolate pre and then become a station w/KJ Quote
