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1-3 nl horseshoe casino 1-3 nl horseshoe casino

03-30-2019 , 08:38 PM
Been at the table for a couple of hours when this hand comes up. No solid reads on any of the villains so far as not many hands have gone to show down. Hero stack is 375. Utg +3 opens to 24 (larger than normal raise but seems to be the norm at this table tonight. 2 players in late position also call. Hero is on button and wakes up with qq hero 3 bets to 77. All three players call. Flop comes 552 rainbow and checks around to me. hero???
1-3 nl horseshoe casino Quote
03-30-2019 , 09:52 PM
You've been at the table for hours and have no reads? That is very bad. You should be able to tell a lot even without showdowns.

As for the hand, need to know everyone else's stack sizes, unless you are the smallest. As long as you bet something reasonable, it's hard to go too wrong here. You could even shove, as it's less than a PSB and a lot of Vs are unbelievers on paired boards.
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03-31-2019 , 09:46 PM
Been at table for almost two hours. No real reads.. sorry for lack of info. I am indeed the short stack. Thanks
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03-31-2019 , 09:50 PM
You need to 3! bigger pre here.
You have a raise to 24 and two callers in front of you ($72).
I’d be looking to isolate to one of two opponents here and shove any flop that doesn’t have a king or ace (this one you got is ideal).
I would be raising pre to $95-115 depending on how loose the table is and shoving post-flop often.
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03-31-2019 , 09:51 PM
And as Garick says, you should have some reads after a couple hours of play. Paying attention is how you make money at this game.
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03-31-2019 , 09:58 PM
Heck, you should have some reads after 5 minutes of playing. They will be tentative reads, but age, gender, ethnicity, dress, chip handling, etc. can all give hints about likely playing styles. Stereotypes are often wrong, of course, so one shouldn't give them too much credence, but they are more accurate than no info at all.

Once you've been at the table for a couple of hours, you should know who is a reg by who they talk to, needle, etc. You should know how often someone limps, how often they raise pre, how often they call raises, if they have a clue about position, etc. And all of that without ever seeing a single showdown.
1-3 nl horseshoe casino Quote
04-01-2019 , 01:21 PM
With $75 dead money in the pot I think you could argue for a preflop shove (possibly making it look like AK); QQ is going to see enough A/K flops where we're kinda sorta cool taking down this type of dead money (rake free too). Otherwise, I'd raise to an amount that will create a HU PSB shove, so I'd go like at least $100.

As played, we only have a 3/4 PSB left, so the obvious play is too shove. However, depending on how aware others are at the table, this might be able to shake free their smaller overpairs. So on this drawless board, I think there is some argument for going like lol $70 just to get these hands committed for sure. This does risk A/K turns possibly killing our action (those hands will probably fold the flop so little chance of them actually killing our hand), but it's a risk I'd consider.

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