Button is a well dressed guy, just sat down within the past 15 minutes and bought in for full (300). Picked up a decent sized pot without a showdown.
BB is an older guy, plays tight. Had been with him at the table about 4-5 hours.He busted and reloaded about 200.
I think my image is tight, aggressive and winning. In the past hour or so I'd taken down a few nice sized pots.
Hero, UTG, 7
- 600ish stack limps
folds to button
Button has 383, limps
BB- 200, limps
BB checks
Hero bets 7
button raises to 17
BB calls
Hero raises to 68
Button tanks forever, then calls
BB calls.
BB check
Now we bet the turn to get value from 2 pair type hands, and as a blocker against flushes, and perhaps get value from some straight draws?
Or do we check, and then fold if button shoves?
Last edited by Urielx; 11-16-2011 at 05:29 AM.