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1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB 1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB

07-19-2023 , 05:37 PM
1/3, 9-handed

Extremely loose-aggressive table. Typically any two cards 9 or higher will open raise from any position, except for 1-2 decent players.
Approximately 40% of hands are 3-bet pre-flop.

MP (30yo black male, $400) opens to $15
Hero ($300) calls in the CO with 7-7
SB (35yo white male, $850) 3-bets to $65.

Up to this point, SB has 3-bet every single hand that H has raised or flat called - from any position. SB probably knows that H is the only players on this table who realistically fold to a preflop 3bet.
There is little to no fold equity either pre-flop or post-flop here.

MP folds.

What do you do?

What should be your shoving range here?

What should be your flat-calling range here - if any?
1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 05:45 PM
When you say Villain has 3bet "every single hand Hero has raised or flat called", what are we talking here? 20/20 over the last hour? Or 2/2 over the last three hours? The more the former, the more I'm fine going with it. The more the latter (and in general), the more I'm just folding.

ETA: Doubt we should be flatting anything for this large a percentage of our stack.

1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 05:52 PM
More like 7/8 over the last few hours and moreover, a high percentage over several sessions.
1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 05:55 PM
What's he shown up with?

1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 05:56 PM
He doesn't show his hands. Sometimes he shows one card and almost always it doesn't connect with the board.
1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 06:00 PM
My flatting range would only be AA. Everything else is shove/fold. Shoving 66+ and AJ+. I GII here.
1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
07-19-2023 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Solomon_Peabody
He doesn't show his hands. Sometimes he shows one card and almost always it doesn't connect with the board.
Is the single card often < T?

In the end, you've described him as a maniac. If that's the case, I'd probably go with it (although I'm guessing 77 is near the bottom of my going-with-it range).

1/3: Late position middle pair facing maniac in SB Quote
