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1/3 with KT, need help 1/3 with KT, need help

02-23-2012 , 08:58 PM
I just started playing live about 8 months ago and spots like this are what gets going insane.
About Me: I play poker 3 times a month. I play limit, then NL, and my 3rd session is whichever I did better at the last time. If I am ahead for the month then I play a little more. I do not have a poker bankroll, I use some discretionary income for entertainment only. I play tight and generally will not go all in unless I have the nuts. On this trip I only had 1 buy in with me which was $200.

I am in the BB and are dealt K T I have $220 behind at this point. There is also a live straddle in EP.

2 folds, MP calls the $6 straddle 2 folds, SB folds, I call the straddle, EP checks his option ($19 in the pot)

EP is 40ish who straddles every time that I am in the BB. At this casino you can only straddle in EP. He has about $800 behind (max buy in is $500). I would say he plays a fairly TAG style.
MP is in his twenties and will just call when chasing and will ship it every time he feels that he has the best hand. I have not seen him bluff once in about the three hours I was there with him. He has had approx 1k in front of him and was down to about $400 at this point. Most of his loses have been when we puts someone all in early and they hit the river or turn but at the point of betting he was ahead.

Flop 8 9 2
I bet $15, EP calls, MP calls ($64 in the pot)

Turn J
I bet $30, EP calls, MP ships it

What is my move? How should I have played this hand differently?

I am putting him on at least AJ maybe KJ. I know for sure that I am behind. Do I risk my only buy in for 1 card? If I win it is a nice score and if I lose I drive home. I already have $50 in this hand but for my session I am only down $30 if I fold.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:14 PM
If you only play 3 times a month, stick to one game and dont alternate. This way you will become more comfortable and will be able to observe different scenarios. Obviously you should start putting money aside from your job to build a bankroll. As for the hand, I would have either bet more on the turn, say $70 that way you have an easier decision if someone does raise you. I mean easier decision bc you would have roughly half your stack in the pot already and you wouldnt be able to back down going thus far. If you dont like that route, fold pre next time.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:40 PM
Mathematically it's marginal at best (putting him on AJ makes you 1.5:1 dog getting 1.7:1 if my math is correct) and based on your situation fold and wait for better spot.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by ship it dbag
If you only play 3 times a month, stick to one game and dont alternate. This way you will become more comfortable and will be able to observe different scenarios. Obviously you should start putting money aside from your job to build a bankroll. As for the hand, I would have either bet more on the turn, say $70 that way you have an easier decision if someone does raise you. I mean easier decision bc you would have roughly half your stack in the pot already and you wouldnt be able to back down going thus far. If you dont like that route, fold pre next time.
Over bet the pot just for the sake of committing ourselves??
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:52 PM
raise pre all day if MP is particularly loose
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02-24-2012 , 01:02 AM
Yeah I raise to like 20 pre, bet 50 on flop then ship turn.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 01:41 AM
You don't have the roll, you are not getting the right odds, and if you go back and read your post carefully, you can clearly see this is fold.

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02-24-2012 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Clarkwt
Over bet the pot just for the sake of committing ourselves??
That wouldnt be an overbet, it would be just about how much was in the pot. $30 on the turn with 2 people calling your flop bet is incredibly weak. It's a sticky situation no matter how you look at it, especially considering your nonexistent bankroll.

You mentioned your reads on the other players.You also mentioned how you are playing very tight and wont go all in unless you have the nuts. But what do you think your image is?What do you think are some reads the others have on you? With little live experience on your resume, I'm fairly certain your nitty/tight style would be obvious to anyone that is the least bit observant.

With that said, regardless if MP has nothing but air, I think he played the hand very well. So how did the hand play out?
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:58 AM
Check-call flop

Check-call or check-shove turn (unless he went all in of course)

Control the pot

YOU be the aggressor.......with the c/r turn - force him to a decion, rather than you.... Win 2 of his bets........and only lose your flop call if you lay down to his aggression on turn........(if he shoved or overbet turn)

and if he calls your check/raise shove you have many outs

I admit to not having factored in the third player
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:17 AM
Why are we leading the flop? I just don't get the mentality. You ever leading a set here, too?
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Why are we leading the flop? I just don't get the mentality. You ever leading a set here, too?
we should always be leading with sets in that spot.

flop bet is standard.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Why are we leading the flop? I just don't get the mentality. You ever leading a set here, too?
Hell yes
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 12:28 PM
I disagree with leading here. I tend to check a lot of flops oop, so I am not suddenly springing to life with monsters or big combos. I am letting someone else try and pick up the pot and I use that to build my pot. If I lead here, it's obvious I have a hand I like and I rarely, if ever, get raised so I can b/3b. I was also looking at this as a raised pot, and a donkbet, not a straddled pot, which changes things a little. But, I still can't lead, personally, because it's a big tipoff.

I was asking OP because if you don't balance here, you are exploitable. If he would not lead a set/overpair here, he has no business leading the 15 outer and should opt for c/c or c/r..leaning towards latter. If he leads lots of flops, he should lead here. Those of you that are more aggressive from oop, should definitely lead here because it invites a raise and disguises your equity really well.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Why are we leading the flop? I just don't get the mentality. You ever leading a set here, too?
Not betting your good draws against passives is losing big value. And yeah, I'm leading with a set every time the board is this drawy if I think there's a chance it'll get checked through.

Last edited by billywest; 02-24-2012 at 12:45 PM.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 12:41 PM
2 callers on the flop means 1 of them could easily be chasing a straight here. Our equity has increased on the turn, but the J could've improved one of their hands too. If Shippy Mc Shipalot made his straight, he's shoving all day long, especially with the clubs out there. If I don't like the idea of getting the money in until my hand is made, I'm checking this turn to avoid getting raised and blown out of this pot.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 12:59 PM
I would probably fold this because everyone has position on you and more often than not your hand gets pretty transparent by the turn. Just fold and make big raises in position. It makes the hands easier to play and you won't bleed chips chasing draws and wondering if your 1 pair hand is good.

As played I personally like leading the flop multiway because it's hard to put you on a range on that street as you would probably lead with a combination of draws, over pair, top pair, two pair, or sets, but your lead needs to be way bigger. Probably in the neighborhood of 45 would be good. Leading big also nets you more FE, and it sets you up nicely for a turn shove if you hit the flush or it blanks.

Also, I've noticed a lot of players in this spot will read a big lead as a strong made hand so it really works in your favor if they have a smaller flush draw and want to gamble it up against a set or two pair. Just always lead big so it's not exploitable.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 01:13 PM
Easy fold given the overbet on the river. You don't even know if all your outs are good. (MP may have a set or EP might have a better FD.)

I don't see what you were trying to accomplish with the lead bets. There were too many limpers to bluff effectively. You didn't get a cheap turn card. The turn improved your draw, but you had to know it hit somebody. By betting and getting raised, you denied yourself the implied odds necessary to call the turn.

In general, you don't want to chase draws OOP in no limit. You don't get the necessary free card on the flop or turn. You don't have the sense of whether you can steal with a semi-bluff on the flop. It is usually a marginal situation at best. You will find yourself in a lot of situations where you need to fold your draw.

This is one of the big differences b/w limit and NL. Stop playing limit if you want to play NL b/c it will ruin your game.

Last edited by dj_goldman; 02-24-2012 at 01:20 PM.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 01:30 PM
Whatever you do OP, dont listen to that guy^

The shove wasnt on the river, it was the turn. Also theres no way in hell this guy has a set or a better flush draw. The guy that straddled would (or i would hope) raise with any pair or ace suited in clubs. Otherwise why even bother straddling? I would love to play at your table goldman.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 02:01 PM
Fwiw, I don't believe our equity improved on the turn. That J is really dirty. And, by losing a card to draw to, our equity was slashed. I still have you at about 15 outs....30%ish....whearas before, you had 12-15 outs.....48%-60%ish. Big difference even w/o the turn push by villain.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by ship it dbag

The shove wasnt on the river, it was the turn.
No kidding. And OP doesn't have pot odds to call the turn since he as zero implied odds.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by ship it dbag
Also theres no way in hell this guy has a set or a better flush draw. The guy that straddled would (or i would hope) raise with any pair or ace suited in clubs. Otherwise why even bother straddling? I would love to play at your table goldman.
Don't be stupid. People slowplay sets when they shouldn't all of the time...especially at 1/3. Likewise, not every 1/3 player will jam preflop with A3 or pocket deuces from the straddle. Some guys straddle because they love to jam preflop. Others do it to energize the game.

My point is that you should not assume that all of your outs are clean 100% of the time. (A common mistake made by newbie NL players - I really am trying to help.) If your outs give you EVEN MONEY odds to call, then you should fold if there is even a small chance that some of your outs are no good. This situation is no different.

Last edited by dj_goldman; 02-24-2012 at 05:51 PM.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 07:17 PM
Thank you all for your comments. Someone asked if I would lead with a set and as I thought about it I would not have. I would have slow played a set there. People have also mentioned that I should stick to 1 game and I agree. I would prefer to play NL but I am not rolled for it. I consider my LS NL as "taking a shot" Over my last 11 sessions at NL I have only busted 1 time but I have only made money 3 times and all 3 times were less than double. Maybe in time I will feel more comfortable in spots like this and I can grow into this game.

The hand played out like so.
I just realized that in the OP I said MP shipped it. I made a bet large enough to put me all in but he still had a little behind. Maybe $50 ish.
I tanked for approx 45 secs and folded.
The EP called. River was a Q

EP checked and MP tossed his remaining chips and EP folded.
EP folded face up 6 7

MP mucked and said "good fold, I had it". Who the hell knows what he had but I am still putting him on AJ, KJ, QJ, and possibly even TQ.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Fwiw, I don't believe our equity improved on the turn. That J is really dirty. And, by losing a card to draw to, our equity was slashed. I still have you at about 15 outs....30%ish....whearas before, you had 12-15 outs.....48%-60%ish. Big difference even w/o the turn push by villain.
I've had a beer and I don't follow how we lost a card to draw to with the J. Didn't we pick up a gutter?
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
02-24-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Clarkwt
I've had a beer and I don't follow how we lost a card to draw to with the J. Didn't we pick up a gutter?
One the flop, we are drawing twice. On the turn, we only get one more "card." I wasn't referring to outs....sorry. I was referring to streets.

We also picked up an open-ended with that J. Any 7 and any Q. However, the J makes QT a better straight even if we hit our 7, and that may be the shipping hand with clubs up. So, we don't have all 6 outs to the straight...maybe 4. Our T is not likely a good card anymore, so we lose outs there. And, w/o holding the Ac, there are a few times our club flush hits and costs us our stack. 4 straight outs + a couple overcard outs + about 8 flush outs totals about 14 outs. With one card to come, we have just under a 30% chance to improve, and we aren't going to go bananas with just the K hitting for TP.

None of this really matters because villain shoved the turn. We have nowhere near the odds to chase, and have no implied odds to help being that he's all in. Time to fold.

As for leading with a set, that's why I asked.....we don't all play hands the same way. However, it's important for OP to realize he needs to be able to play his semi-bluffs the same as he'd play his monsters.....or else he's easy to read/avoid when he starts putting bigger money in a pot from out of position.
1/3 with KT, need help Quote
