Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 99
I'd bet around 1/2-2/3 pot on the flop. Board is on the wetter side and we can rep strong aces.
As played on the turn I think it's close but I'd lean toward a check. It's hard for our opponents to put us on an A when we check the flop and we're not repping much when the 2 pairs here, so they may be sticky with their underpairs/Tx hands.
As played on the river again I think it's close but I'd lean toward a fold. Based on her line I'd put her on a range with suited wheel Aces, some slowplayed JJ/QQ/KK, and MAYBE a few spade combos like KQss, KJss, QJss. IMO aggressive players usually will bet flop with spade draws when checked to, but I could maybe see V checking some royal FDs (esp. if there's a high hand/jackpot bonus at your casino). We're chopping vs 2 of those spade combos which makes it even more of a fold. You say she plays a ton of hands but if she plays them passively, she shouldn't show up with many bluffs here.