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1/3 KK on the button 1/3 KK on the button

06-28-2022 , 11:21 PM
UTG = Villain 1 MAG ABC type. 700
SB = Villain 2. Decent Asian player. Quiet and seems to play on the tighter side 1000
Hero button 1000
Utg limps 2 callers. Hero raises to 20. Small blind flats and utg raises to 75. Two folds to hero who's just calls. Small blind also calls?
Pot 230. Flop J 6 2 rainbow. SB checks Utg bets 100. Hero?
Weird spot with small blind behind who flatted two separate raises preflop. Smells awful like JJ or 10s not to mention the limp reraise line from utg. Little shallower I think this is easy hand but not at 233 bbs with utg and 333 with small blind.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 12:17 AM
This was a super easy 4bet pre $375-400 (3x the raise plus both limpers) to get it HU. KK/AA doesn’t play well multi-way.

I’m calling the bet and re-evaluating the turn with position. We can’t fold just yet, but I’m definitely not raising with Villains line.

I’m treating this archetype just like a weak passive. When they turn aggro, I make note and slow everything down.

Last edited by Bigpants; 06-29-2022 at 12:27 AM.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 12:51 AM
Realize the other caller was outside of the 3bet call. Math would be (3x plus the limper so $245-275 would be ideal)
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 06:52 AM
Middle aged ABC player limp/re-raises in the UTG. He's not an ABC player if he's doing this with queens. My rule is that I never fold KK unless I know the villain has AA. He has AA 90% of the time. Fold pf.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 11:26 AM
Go to 200 and fold to 5bet. Folding to the limp 3bet with the second best hand is way too nitty
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 11:31 AM
My game typically doesn't play as deep and most people who play shorter are much more on the nittier side when it does, so just my 2 cents in a game that might not play like yours...

This deep I'm fine with preflop.

For this price I probably call the flop and evaluate what happens.

1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 12:05 PM
Do you have more info on UTG such as how long have you played with him and what type of player is he (aggro, passive, station), etc.?

We have room to CIB pre, but I would still hate to fold it to a 5bet.

As played, tank like you're about to fold, then maybe he'll bet alil less ott
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Do you have more info on UTG such as how long have you played with him and what type of player is he (aggro, passive, station), etc.?

We have room to CIB pre, but I would still hate to fold it to a 5bet.

As played, tank like you're about to fold, then maybe he'll bet alil less ott
As far as the villain I've played maybe two hours with him. Definitely not aggro and had no other reads on him until the conclusion of this hand. Not much has happened with him so far but Venice is correct with they always have AA here in my experience. Not too mention the small blind is still in the hand and For him to call the 3 bet he's almost certain to have one of two hands here. JJ and 1010.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 03:23 PM
That limp/re-raise is almost always AA and maybe KK/AK. I might just fold pre-flop, but doubt I could do it.

For the price I call and evaluate -- obviously fold if SB raises. I honestly don't mind a fold (pre or on flop).
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 03:30 PM
You might be right about the read that UTG always has AA here, but the SB can have a wide variety of hands other than JJ/TT. He could have 99/88. He could have AQs/KQs. He might even have AK if he's passive with his 3bets.

SB is not really a factor in the hand IMO. Figure out what UTG is doing and respond to that. I'd just ignore the SB for now at the first postflop decision point.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Evil Empire36
As far as the villain I've played maybe two hours with him. Definitely not aggro and had no other reads on him until the conclusion of this hand. Not much has happened with him so far but Venice is correct with they always have AA here in my experience. Not too mention the small blind is still in the hand and For him to call the 3 bet he's almost certain to have one of two hands here. JJ and 1010.
I'm not really worried about the SB as much as UTG. When the SB called the 3bet, he's closing the action pre, and most random players call too much anyway so he's probably calling the 3bet with his entire range just to see a flop.

These l/rr's are usually aces, but I don't know why he sized it on the smaller side with 2 other players in the hand, I would think he would raise more to at least 100 or 120 ("a hundred on top"). So for that reason I would probably get suckered into calling the flop.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpants
This was a super easy 4bet pre $375-400 (3x the raise plus both limpers) to get it HU. KK/AA doesn’t play well multi-way.
Unless opponents are really clueless, I question if a raise that's pretty obviously committing is better than to just go all-in.

Personally, I would never invest more than half the effective stack preflop and then fold unless my opponent accidentally flips over his cards. If we make it $400 here and SB folds, we need 20% equity to call a shove from UTG.

As played I call the flop and reevaluate the turn. If SB calls too, I'm pretty confident he has JJ or QQ.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
06-29-2022 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Middle aged ABC player limp/re-raises in the UTG. He's not an ABC player if he's doing this with queens. My rule is that I never fold KK unless I know the villain has AA. He has AA 90% of the time. Fold pf.
I made the call preflop with the idea of set mining. I think the math checks out here with villain practically playing has hand face up. With the dead money and the villain being ABC i was pretty certain he'd pay off on almost any board unless a 4 flush or a 4 straight came. I folded to the flop bet and the small blind bombed the pot putting utg all in. Utg called and showed AA and SB showed JJ for the set.
1/3 KK on the button Quote
