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1/3 KhTh in the BB 1/3 KhTh in the BB

11-05-2011 , 08:45 PM
1/3 NL 9 Handed

Folds to MP
MP (400) raise to 15
CO (450) call
Button (200) call
MP is solid player, has wide range for amount bet
CO is a tight player, exerts a winning 1/3 blueprint
Button is loose passive

BB Hero (120) KT call

Flop comes 3T4

BB Hero check
MP bet 45
CO call 45
Button fold
MP bet sizing says hes light. Overpairs he opens for more preflop. TT bets more on the flop. AT only hand that sneaks in his range
CO call is scary

BB Hero (105) ??
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-05-2011 , 09:43 PM
Either push all in or fold. Leaning more towards a fold. That's a big percentage of your stack to commit pre.

As played, I'm pushing due to current stack size and money in the pot. TP2K is good enough for me to push in this situation.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-05-2011 , 09:46 PM
Push or fold pre*
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-06-2011 , 12:39 AM
Yea there is no smooth calling going on right here. If I think MP is just cbetting with air and CO is on a draw then I'm shoving allin but that is a very specific situation. So I think I'm folding and hating myself a little about it.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-06-2011 , 01:11 AM
I shoved, MP folded and CO called with AJ

I got 47.47% to win with $105 in dead money in the pot
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-06-2011 , 04:06 AM
Fist pump shove or fist pump fold preflop, which IMO you should be doing anyways with your stack size... Top up.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-06-2011 , 05:26 PM

this is a fold pf... calling a 5x raise with 40 bbs is bad in almost every situation imo. this is probably an okay call when everyone is around 200bbs.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-07-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by canoodles
Fist pump shove or fist pump fold preflop, which IMO you should be doing anyways with your stack size... Top up.
Top up to what amount? I like to buyin for the min $150
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-07-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by austincarrfan
Top up to what amount? I like to buyin for the min $150
If you canīt afford / donīt want to buy in for full, then tighten your opening range to 1010+, AQ+. And make that tighter for calling. Actually, forget that, with <60bb you should only be raising if you are playing.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:33 PM
Buy in for what you feel comfortable with. You must remember that for different stack sizes, you play very differently.

The recommended buy in is 70bb if you know nothing about the table dynamics. Once you know more about the players and table dynamics, you can buy in for more.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-08-2011 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by austincarrfan
Top up to what amount? I like to buyin for the min $150
I don't think there's anything wrong with short-stacking, but you have to adjust your play accordingly. You can't profitably call preflop here with your stack size.
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:30 AM
thanks everyone
1/3 KhTh in the BB Quote
