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1/3 J high flush 1/3 J high flush

07-29-2012 , 05:53 PM
Second time playing in this home game. I am easily the most thinking/youngest(26) player out of the player pool that I have seen so far. I haven't played a lot of poker over the past year and have just starting getting into again. Not sure what anyone does for a living but I know a couple guys deal and run other games. Not sure what my image is. Probably weak and spewy. I've been card dead all night.

6 handed, game is probably going to break soon, decent action, many multiway raised pots
Hero:$300. I'm in the game for $600.
Villain 1:~$100. Down from a stack of ~$600
Villain 2:$500.

Limps around to Villain 2 in the CO who makes it $16(standard raise has been $10 but V2 has been raising more every time for no apparent reason). Hero has J9 OTB calls, rest of the table calls. See flop 6 ways. Villain 1 in BB says "Just so you know I'm going all in on the flop" before the flop comes out.

Villain 1 shoves for $80.
Folds to Villain 2 who thinks for awhile and calls $80.
Hero ????
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-29-2012 , 06:00 PM
RAISES 100% of the time!!!

You can't let an action killing card hit the turn, plus getting a side pot going now is the best way to insure that we win at least some money (since V1 could have anything).

SHOVE (as it looks weak) or raise to $150 and get AI on all turn cards, do whichever gets called more or looks weaker to the table.

Why play J9s and then just go into MUBS mode when we flop a flush? We want to play for stacks right now as the bare A might call/shove as well as sets/two pair hands, worse flushes, heck even hands that are almost drawing dead may call at a home game!

If we are against a higher flush then we lose our stack - nothing we can do when we have been spewy and are calling big raises with J9s.
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-29-2012 , 06:12 PM
Easy flop shove, or raise to 200 and shove turn regardless.
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-29-2012 , 06:30 PM
Pot will be $256 you will have $204 left. Just shove now

1. V2 could easily have a high spade or set and we want to charge him to outdraw us
2. If he has a weak made hand like 7x or 8x he's not calling our shove on the flop or on the turn so it doesn't make a difference
3. If he has 99+ we want to try to get value before another spade or overcard comes off and kills our action
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-29-2012 , 08:18 PM
shove is prolly the easiest action, but little chance v2 will call u
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-30-2012 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyAceFour
Fold pre

lol at folding j9ss to a 5BB raise OTB at a weak home game to a habitual raiser in a pot almost certain to go multi way.

as played, you have to get it in.
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-30-2012 , 02:31 AM
Very easy shove.
1/3 J high flush Quote
07-30-2012 , 08:32 AM
V2 didn't actually call. He thought for awhile, counted out chips and folded. I was going to shove if he called. I just wanted to make sure my thoughts were right. After the hand he said he fold QQ with Q
1/3 J high flush Quote
