Originally Posted by Garick
All SCs are folds from the SB. Position matters a lot.
IP, they can be calls, but I'd prefer the actual connectors to the gappers, and I'd prefer to call if the raise were smaller or there were at least two callers before me.
And u also would like some stack depth as well.
The power of a suited connector is making a straight or a flush, and it won’t happen too often. So u want to be able to win a lot when u do hit your big hand.
So u want like 80bb or more for a 4x raise pre, and as the raise size gets bigger, u need more stack depth as well.
The other strength of a suited connector is if u can get heads up with an opponent in position, and u can navigate well post flop. Especially if u have a good read on them.
For ex u might flat the 67cc in position vs a guy who u know over cbets, but doesn’t fire the second barrel unless he has it.
This is a great spot to peel one on the K84 flop,
If he checks the turn u can bet and take it away, and if he double barrels the turn, then u get his whole stack of it turns a 5, and u just dump it right there otherwise.
One pitfall to avoid is baby suited connectors when u get over 200bb deep, since u now run the risk of reverse implied odds: when u make a baby straight or a baby flush and your opponent has the higher one.