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1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? 1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser?

01-24-2019 , 05:30 PM
1/3 Live 10-Handed (No Rake, Time Charge)

My position is UTG+1. I have $200. Everyone has me covered.

UTG raises to $25. I look down at AQo.

My read is that there is a good chance that UTG is raising only with AQo+ and JJ+. He also seems like the loose passive fit-or-fold type.

The table is loose so there is a good chance of 2-3 overcalls if I cold-call. The chance of a 3bet is probably low because I think the two LAGs/tricky players on the table are going to fear the raise since the preflop raiser has not shown any aggression preflop until now. Plus, he is UTG.

What do you do?
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 05:40 PM
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 05:51 PM
Snap fold. Nice hand. Next hand.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 05:51 PM
My default play with AQo is to fold to a preflop raise, and even easier to a tight raiser in EP. Conditions can change that, such as a loose opener or a lotta dead money.

1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 06:00 PM
I'm folding based on player description but moreso sizing. $25 at 1/3 is almost always a monster that crushes AQo (or AQs for that matter).
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 07:01 PM
Fold is good
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 08:38 PM
One of the easiest "tough" fold pres ever. I'm also folding AQs given your reads. AKo would be interesting.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 08:54 PM
Sigh internally and fold.

At these low levels i've seen a high % of the time a large raise utg is super strong unless V is really loose. Your position is not great and even if you slam an A otf if he raised AK pf you're getting stacked.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 09:11 PM
Your not deep enough. Fold. Once you call this huge raise your gonna be way too pot committed.

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1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 09:20 PM
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-24-2019 , 11:11 PM
if you hit the flop it feels like you're either going to play for stacks and lose or win a tiny pot OTF.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 02:17 AM
Even I fold
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by wait
Even I fold
Lol, was waiting for you to say to stick it in his eye.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 03:49 AM
Problem is 66bb because he will just ship over the top with most of his range and be ahead.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
Problem is 66bb because he will just ship over the top with most of his range and be ahead.
That's not really the main problem, the main problem is OP is putting him on a range that AQo is a 2 to 1 dog against and a substantial chance to be behind against even if it hits the flop.

Originally Posted by thecobb8
Sigh internally and fold.
I'm not sighing internally here whatsoever, I'm happy that it's clear what to do. It's good that I got dealt AQ vs whatever this guy has in UTG v UTG+1 and not in CO v BTN. Look at things as situations, not as hands, and you'll sigh internally a lot less.
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 08:24 AM
Quick fold.

(I like to make a big helicopter fold here and try to land it on the dealers arm. Sometimes it flips up and it could tilt UTG
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by wait
Even I fold
Mods someone must have hacked Waits account
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
Snap fold. Nice hand. Next hand.
if read is correct why fight at best a coin flip
1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 01:15 PM
Thanks everyone.

I folded.

He had AQo and tank called down massive bets on every street vs one of the LAGs.

The LAG had 3c 2c. He triple barreled a board of Qd 8h 3d 6d Jc.

1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
01-25-2019 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
AKo would be interesting.
I think (???) I would probably flat AK. My goal is to bring along a dominated A/K behind us and make money off of them postflop (as obviously I'm not making money off of raiser's QQ- on A/K boards postflop). Although it is for a huge percentage of stack, and we'll be OOP to anyone who calls behind us, and things could get messy on K high boards when raiser continues on multiple streets (and with this small SPR stacks will be in play by the turn). I don't think folding would be horrible (and if we were in the BB and it was folded to us that would be my default here against a tight EP range).

1/3 How do you play AQo versus strong UTG preflop raiser? Quote
