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1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre 1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre

11-12-2014 , 10:00 PM
Hero - 20s something
Villian - MAWG, hadn't seen him before but seemed to handle his chips like he plays somewhat often

UTG old guy limps
Hero ($370) makes it $15 from MP with AcQh
Villian ($350) on my direct left makes it $32
Folds to me, I call.

Flop ($66) 467cc

Hero checks
Villain $35
Hero raises to $100

My thought process here was it seemed like an awful small bet for this type of player to make with QQ-AA with such a wet board out there, and I have blockers to AA, QQ, and to the NFD for whatever that's worth. Plus lots of good turn cards to bet, as well.

Villian ponders for like 30 seconds and slides out a $100 stack and takes back his $35.

Turn ($266) Tc

Hero bets $200.

1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by teddyrowe9
Hero - 20s something
Villian - MAWG, hadn't seen him before but seemed to handle his chips like he plays somewhat often
Sounds like you are read-less and there's no reason to make a bluff like this OOP.

In fact I'd probably dump it preflop since AQo HU OOP vs an unknown 3 betting me is typically a very strong range, AK/JJ+ from my experience. Until I know more about my opponent I'm not going to get into marginal spots like this.

As played I'd just ship the turn although 200 does look quite strong. Overall seems like spew though.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:19 PM
First off, more reads plox. You've obv been there a while, given stacks. Surely you have more of an image than your age, and V has been more active than just handling chips.

Secondly, why are we calling a 3-bet OOP to a MAWG with AQo? Hope there are some reads here, or at least some kind of range estimate. I fold it pretty easily readless.

I don't really mind post if you think he's competent. You could have set mined, though having the NFD blocker makes his calling range a lot smaller. Against an average MAWG V, I only do this for fat value, though.

Turn should be a shove, but it matters not that much. This is a good card for you to barrel, as he can put a lot of FDs in your flop c/r range (again, assuming he's competent), and if he calls, you has outs to the nuts to fall back on.

Really high variance line that depends on your V being competent though. An average MAWG is never folding JJ+ here, and that's pretty much an average MAWG's entire range (with JJ being discounted). All told, I far prefer folding to the 3-bet pre.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
First off, more reads plox. You've obv been there a while, given stacks. Surely you have more of an image than your age, and V has been more active than just handling chips.
I bought in for $300, and had been there for about 30 minutes. Villain arrived like 15 minutes ago.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:27 PM
I want in this game
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:29 PM
So did V see any of how you won $70? Are you well dressed, hoody and beats, talking?

Did he buy in for bout tree fiddy, or has he chipped up? Has he played any hands yet? Dress, talking, Rolex, etc?
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:19 AM
You raised one limper from MP and then called a 3-bet. How likely is your opponent to realize that your checkraise on this flop looks FOS?
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:23 AM
I think I 'd like this a lot more if you were both deeper. Having the NF blocker is really important, it means he almost always has an over pair, can never have the nuts, and he should fold when you put him all in ott.

What would you have done on the turn if you didn't get the best card in the deck (Tc) for your line? (oesd gets there, flush gets there, TT makes a set)

Does check/calling the small flop bet and seeing a turn have any value?

something to think about. It was said that guy just sat down 15 mins previous. I don't think that is enough time to determine if he is more likely to be calling w AK or 3 betting it. IMO this is super important to figure out before we start trying to call 3 bets oop and try to own him. I like the play overall, assuming you have the right info.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:41 AM
Fold pre. It's a RIO hand. When the ace flops and V bets flop and turn, what are you going to do. If the queen comes, you have to be worried about overpairs. You're going to be OOP with an inferior hand in general.

Bluffing in 1/3 games usually isn't super profitable. Bluffing with no reads is spew in general. Most Vs aren't folding AA or KK to an all-in bet where they're getting more than 2 to 1 on their money.

Your bluff is kind of inbetween. It's not going to work against fish and it's not going to work against very good players. It might work against decent players. Like Dr. Chesspain said, what could you be c/r the flop with that you called a 3-bet pf? Fish will call you down. Good players will call you down. This bluff could work against some players. We just don't know exactly who V is yet.

The profit to be made on this board is by actually having the set, straight, or flush and having him pay you off.

Did V's 30 second pause in calling the flop c/r seem like acting or was he genuinely thinking? To me, Vs tanking for real on a flop call actually is a good sign for firing a second barrel. Again, you probably need a better read on V to make use of the info.

Last edited by jesse123; 11-13-2014 at 01:48 AM.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:46 AM
fold pre

fold flop

Guess we gotta barrel this turn though.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
11-13-2014 , 05:38 PM
Preflop is really really bad. Just fold once he picks up the megaphone and says, "MY HAND IS BETTER THAN AQ!"

Postflop is good.
1/3 Hand - Decide to get aggro post after 3b pre Quote
