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1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts 1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts

06-05-2022 , 11:04 AM
The only play is to jam. This is a classic spot: there is a 1-card straight on the board but we have the nut straight. Any raise will look like 9x, so let’s jam and try to scoop against the second nuts.
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-05-2022 , 11:07 AM
I like Vernon idea of raising free rolling vs. a nine, seems pretty sharp, i didn't think of that. was mostly worried about T9, but we are likely going to pay off T9 regardless. so it can make sense to have extra EV vs. his 9x.

I suppose to Larry's point he can potentially fold out bottom of his range that includes bluffs and 2 pairs so there is a trade off.

And he did end up putting in more money on the river as blocking bet with potentially less than a 9, but in all likelihood he does have a 9 and is hoping for a crying call, either way Ts is a card from heaven, go for the max, hopefully he has T9 now! nice hit
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-05-2022 , 11:26 AM
I think he has set or two pair. Any raise you make is probably going to cause him to fold most of his hands except 98 99 or 109. A9. Small raise looks like value almost always. Id take a little time before the jam. Maybe 45 seconds.

If he had two pair and folds he would have folded to a turn raise. If he has a set maybe you lost value. If he has a bluff you made $175 extra. If he has a 9 he is calling. If he folds and says he had a 9 he is lying.
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:17 PM
I learned a lot having posted this hand, so thank you for everyone’s contributions.

I raised $600

villain tanks and tanks and eventually says I guess I can call with still having a little money left and makes the call with 4c5c. Obviously villain is Terrible, as these spots we should be free rolling against a 9 possibly 910 and will adjust to these spots in the future. Without being results oriented I should have jammed.
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-05-2022 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpants
The whole back end of this convo has really opened my eyes up to a lot. While I do block some combos of 910 it was a thought. To think I was free rolling against another 9 and could put in a raise never occurred To me. I looked at my opponent , told myself to tread carefully and then proceeded with the hand. Thanks for the feedback I’m learning a lot.
This is probably just because I’ve been playing more Omaha lately. I don’t know Omaha as well as NLH, but one thing I do know is that when you flop or turn the nut straight in Omaha, and a competent opponent is trying to pile in money, they also have the nut straight, and your willingness to reopen the betting (or in some spots to continue at all) should depend on whether you have a redraw (and how good it is). This turn spot reminded me of that concept.
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-05-2022 , 10:23 PM
Honestly I don’t see a reason raising turn. If we are free rolling a 9 then we get paid regardless when we hit.

Jam river, non all in raise looks even stronger
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-08-2022 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by SetOfNines
seems hypocritical
Yes I said so you just deleted the line “all criticism is self criticism” to have your moment of attention courtesy of my interesting point

Ps looks like I got a reaction out of “petrucci” because i’m Right it is pathetic and hilarious to say “I” and be so invested in 1/3 poker strategy as part of your personality. Just think about it and move on

Meanwhile haven’t read any other strategy replies yet I’ll keep going
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-08-2022 , 09:47 AM
Well done. I love your posts, but please put the whole board on each street. I have to go back to see what the cards were.
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
06-08-2022 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Well done. I love your posts, but please put the whole board on each street. I have to go back to see what the cards were.
You got it Java, from here on out
1/3 deep against nitty reg IP straddle pot, open ended with a draw to the nuts Quote
