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1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line 1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line

10-30-2013 , 12:21 AM
Most relevant opponents
UTG ($185): Middle-aged, scruffy, white regular I've seen occasionally in the past.
UTG+1 ($?): Recreational player. Unfamiliar.

Me BB (~$300): AK

UTG calls $3, UTG+1 raise to $10, folds around, BTN calls $10, I reraise to $40, UTG calls $40, UTG+1 calls $40, BTN calls $40.

Flop ($160): QJ7
I check, UTG check, UTG+1 bets $60, BTN folds, I call $60, UTG calls $60.

Turn ($340): QJ73
I check, UTG all in for $85, UTG+1 folds, and I....?

Thoughts here? It's $85 to win $425, exactly 5 to 1. Does my hand stand up against enough of his range to warrant calling? FYI, due to past history, total air is not part of this opponent's range.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 12:23 AM
Why didn't you shove the flop? There's $160 in, you're about $180 effective it looks like, and you have two overs and a gutshot to the nuts with two cards to come. Should be a decent amount of FE here, especially against the first two players that have to act without knowing what the players behind them will do.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:32 AM
AP call lol.

If I'm 3betting oop into 3 guys (which I do almost never), I'm c-betting the flop.

Knowing how much UTG1 has is important.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 07:03 AM
I think check shoving the flop is probably your best play here. Not too thrilled leading into 3 opponents. Unless you just straight shove like ws said lol.

As played call turn
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 11:28 AM
Depending on how big other stacks are, I might raise a little more preflop so that I can shove any flop HU. For instance, if we raised to $55, that would create a ~$120 HU pot against UTG who would only have $130 left, so it would setup an easy flop shove (where we should have FE against a lotta weak made hands when we whiff, plus we'll suck out 25% of the time if we do whiff and he calls). If stacks are all bigger like ours, I'm cool with the raise size (although $10 is a small open at 1/3, so I'm also cool with simply going more). I also like the 3bet here since there is already $20+ worth of dead money in the pot and taking that down with A high is never a bad thing, plus we're at maximum playing 100bbs deep (and perhaps a lot shorter depending on other stacks) so we're fine with fastplaying big hands.

Super easy check/fold on the flop now that we've gone 4ways and this flop has most likely nailed at least one opponent. Dude just bet into 3 opponents, we think he's bluffing? We don't have the odds to chase our gutshot, and our overs might be dirty with RIO.

I don't make it to the river, but I also fold here. This guy overcalled the flop and is now getting the last of his money in against 2 opponents. It's highly unlikely A high is good.

I would leave the A high river hero calls for HU situations where we've shown weakness on a street and our lone opponent can be bluffy. People simply play a lot more honestly in 4+ ways pots.

1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 11:34 AM
Yea raise more pre cause of position and also for value cause of station tendencies.

As played only moves is either B/F flop or C/R or open shove. Tbh I'd go with B/F. We made it small preflop. Bet 50 into 2 still shows strength but this might be wrong. C/F seems so weak and if we shove here we are never good if we get called.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 11:54 AM
I still think check/fold is best. No one is bluffing this in a 4 way pot. Our FE should be almost non-existent against shorter stacks (there's at least one guy with less than a PSB left, we think he's bet/folding?). And I just don't think we have enough hand equity here (our overs might be reverse dominated, we could very well be playing for our gutshot only).
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 12:02 PM
Raise more pre, at least $50. If that gets us HU then shove most flops.

As played check/calling OTF is the worst option. You're not deep enough or getting direct odds to draw to a Ten and hitting an Ace or King doesn't always give us the best hand. Check/shoving isn't good either because our FE is often zero. On this board I'm just check/folding.

Against a range of QQ, JJ, 77, AQs, AdJd, QJs, AQo, KQo, QJo we have ~12% equity and we have to call $85 to win $425 so we need 16.5%. It's a fold. If you add KTs to his range then our equity jumps to 17.5% but you'd have to make a judgement call whether he's bad enough to limp/call two raises preflop with it and then play it this way post. Seems unlikely.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 01:09 PM
yea c/r is def. worse and c/c is 2nd worse.

i was torn between b/f and c/f.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I still think check/fold is best. No one is bluffing this in a 4 way pot. Our FE should be almost non-existent against shorter stacks (there's at least one guy with less than a PSB left, we think he's bet/folding?). And I just don't think we have enough hand equity here (our overs might be reverse dominated, we could very well be playing for our gutshot only).
I agree, it's definatly a check fold. I am sorta surprised that the majority of posters suggest otherwise.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:12 PM
Pre - bet more to simplify things post flop.

Flop - I doubt anyone has QQ or JJ here given UTG+1's weak bet-sizing and flatting by others. AQ, QJ, and 77 are potential problems in a 4-way pot, but hero has at least ten outs vs. everything else. With initiative and SPR's of <1 this is a shove.

Turn - check/fold. At this point, it is hard to tell how many outs you have. Weird line by UTG, but he couldn't have thought he had FE. BDFD probably jarred him from his slow play. At the very least, the turn card probably just took away three of your outs. I would range him wide: pair + FD > QJ > AQ > set > dummy SD > unimproved pp.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by $FishWreck$
AQ, QJ, and 77 are potential problems in a 4-way pot, but hero has at least ten outs vs. everything else.
We also don't have 10 outs against AQ/KQ/AJ/KJ/QT/JT, all very common broadway hands that love to see a flop for any price.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:28 PM
Thanks, everyone. Looks like I was right to seek other opinions on this one...

I call $85

So he showed up with one of the best-case scenarios for me and I managed to fade his freeroll.

It sure felt good in the moment, but I instantly put the details in my phone's memo pad so I could see if this looks like a mistake.

Main takeaways: Larger 3bet preflop, straight shove the flop or check/fold it. I checked the flop because I didn't think there was any typical broadway range from 3 opponents that was folding to a regular bet and shoving never crossed my mind.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-31-2013 , 12:52 AM
Bunch of fish if u ended up chopping this.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-31-2013 , 03:35 AM
I don't see how the line is strange. You checked, he bet, you called. Turn is a blank, you checked, he bet.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
10-31-2013 , 06:31 AM
My bad. The results post was wrong and I don't know how to edit it. I showed down with UTG, not UTG+1.

UTG+1 bet flop, UTG called behind me.
UTG shoved turn, UTG+1 folded.
1/3: Contemplating call w/ A-high vs strange line Quote
